NIPAH VIRUS Is Now in the News!

Article Source is From Dr. William Makis. Here is His Substack Please Consider Subscribing…

Indian state of Kerala is battling its 4th outbreak of Nipah virus since 2018. Two people have died, 800 people have been tested over the last 48 hours – spreads through direct contact, high fatality rate (40-75%) & no treatment! Let’s take a deep dive BEYOND mainstream propaganda

Origin: Nipah was first identified in 1999 in pig farmers in Malaysia and Singapore.

Most of those cases result from farmers coming into direct contact with their sick pigs or with contaminated pig tissues. About 300 people were confirmed infected and 100 people died. 

In 2001, Nipah was first identified in Bangladesh. Since then, the country has experienced yearly outbreaks, with cases generally occurring between December and May, according to WHO.

It’s believed the infections in Bangladesh are caused by people consuming fruit or fruit products — like raw date palm juice or date palm sap — that has become contaminated by the urine or saliva of the fruit bats that feed on the sap. 

According to WHO, the fruit bat is considered a natural host of the virus. Fruit bats from Kerala tested positive for the Nipah virus during the state’s first outbreak in 2018, which killed 21 of the 23 people infected.

Subsequent outbreaks in Kerala, in 2019 and 2021, killed two people.

In the face of the current outbreak in the state, samples of bat urine, animal droppings and half-eaten fruit have been collected from the village of Maruthonkara, where the first victim of this outbreak lived. The community is located beside a 120-hectare forest that is home to several bat species. 

We are testing human beings … and at the same time, experts are collecting fluid samples from forested areas that could be the hotspot for the spread,” Veena George, Kerala’s health minister, told Reuters. 

About 800 people have already been tested in the past week, with at least 77 deemed as being at high risk for infection.


  • Some people infected with Nipah can be asymptomatic
  • Initial symptoms of Nipah can also be non-specific
  • Symptoms usually occur 4 to 14 days after exposure
  • fever, headache, and respiratory ailments such as sore throat, cough and difficulty breathing
  • In more serious cases: brain swelling (encephalitis) occurs, with patients falling into a coma within 48 hours
  • Though people who develop symptoms of encephalitis from Nipah can recover, the CDC says they can experience long-term effects, including convulsions and personality changes
  • The CDC says there have also been deaths from Nipah months or even years after exposure.
  • there is no drug treatment or vaccine for Nipah 
  • current treatment is limited to supportive care — hydration, rest and treatment of respiratory and neurological symptoms. 



  • How do you cut through the Propaganda BS of ANY new pandemic?
  • 1. Find the Gain of Function research
  • 2. Find the Live Simulation Exercise
  • 3. Find the mRNA vaccine trials


  • 2022 Aug – China’s Wuhan Institute of Virology conducted work on Nipah virus genome in Dec.2019 with 60% lethality rate, according to US Senate testimony
  • This is the most dangerous gain-of-function research I have ever encountered. We should assume this research continues to this day at the WIV.”
  • This is 60 times deadlier than SARS-2
  • “The lab where the human specimens were processed is not the highest-level biosafety lab, BSL-4, but was in the BSL-2 or -3 facility.
  • Dr. Quay said he did not know why Chinese researchers were working on the Nipah virus, “but a laboratory-acquired infection with a modified Nipah virus would make the COVID-19 pandemic look like a walk in the park.
  • “Unlike SARS-CoV-2, Nipah is unable to spread in the air. Still, if the research produced an aerosolized version of the virus, it could cause a deadlier pandemic
  • 2020 Nov – NIH extends funding of research into deadly Nipah virus – in an effort to understand the basic mechanisms of transmission and infection, which are necessary steps toward vaccine development and other therapies.
  • $2.3 million grant
  • 2020 Jun – Canadian scientist sent deadly viruses to Wuhan lab including Ebola and Henipah (Hendra and Nipah).

LIVE SIMULATION EXERCISE – “CLADE X” – May 2018 – Johns Hopkins

  • May 2018 – Day long pandemic simulation held by Johns Hopkins
  • Clade X” outbreak – engineered bioweapon, combining virulence of Nipah virus with parainfluenza’s ease of transmission (!!) SIMULATION OUTCOMES:
  • terrorist attack by a group with goal to “reduce the world’s population to pre-industrial levels”
  • 20 months simulation = 150 million dead
  • Shut down air travel to countries with outbreak
  • American healthcare forcibly nationalized
  • Governors enacted state-level quarantines and border cordons
  • emergency deployment of military tents as civilian isolation units
  • limited supplies of vaccines given to healthcare workers, members of congress, business leaders

mRNA VACCINE TRIALS (Moderna mRNA-1215):

  • July 11, 2022 – NIH Launches Clinical Trial of mRNA Nipah virus vaccine

Dr. Makis’s Take…

  • The Propaganda: Nipah virus comes from fruit bats, has 40-75% fatality rate, can be asymptomatic or nonspecific symptoms (fever, headache), or respiratory or brain swelling/coma with convulsions or seizures, can have long term effects, personality changes, can die years after exposure, there’s no treatment or vaccine.
  • Reality:
    • Simulated in May 2018 by Johns Hopkins as an engineered bioweapon (Nipah + Influenza) that was released and killed 150 million over 20 months, halted travel, and nationalized American healthcare.
    • 2019 Gain of Function research in Wuhan, NIH also recently poured $2.3 million of funding into Nipah Research, Canadian Scientist at National Microbiology Lab in Winnipeg sent deadly samples of Nipah to Wuhan in 2020.
    • Moderna mRNA-1215 Nipah Vaccine trials launched by NIH in June 2022
  • This has many of the same elements as COVID-19, only with a higher fatality rate.
  • “a laboratory-acquired infection with a modified Nipah virus would make the COVID-19 pandemic look like a walk in the park”

Dr. Makis’s Approach…

  • If we see a “Nipah Virus” outbreak, I will take the following approach:
  • do not panic
  • do not submit to ANY TESTING of any kind
  • assume that any PCR positive tests are fraudulent or false positive.
  • do not take any Nipah drugs or mRNA vaccines
  • do not comply with any restrictions on movement.
  • If a significant number of the COVID-19 vaccinated come down with seizures, convulsions, personality changes, headaches, vomiting, etc, I will have to re-visit the idea that they were injected with something on a nano-scale that could be externally activated to give non-specific neurological symptoms.
  • Basic anti-viral kit (SEE BELOW) 👇
Basic Anti-Viral Kit:

Purchase Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide, Doxycycline and Other Meds Online :
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NAC can also be found in this Z-Detox Formula from The Wellness Company:
Hand Held Nebulizers:

Medicine Bag Organizers:

I saw another opinion on Nipah Treatment whci said, “The best protocol for the Nipah virus uses both the SARS-CoV-2 and Ebola/Marburg courses of treatment in a combination of Fenbendazol, Ivermectin and Doxycycline.

Doxycycline is an important drug because it prevents and treats cytokine storms, while inhibiting the Matrix metalloproteases (MMP) enzyme that catalyzes tissue injury and scarring. This is also important when dealing with “vaccine” spike protein, or SP 2-induced myocarditis as Doxycycline attenuates the heart scarring, thus protecting the heart from indefinite SP 2 scarring.

FYI: IMPORTANT Marburg Virus Information and Treatment:

It’s hard to say at this point where this is going, seems to be a test to see how the population will react (or how the dissidents will react?), but Dr. Makis will continue to monitor this situation closely.

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