Random World and Health News Updates For September 2023

Current VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) Data – Represents Between 1 – 10% of Actual Numbers Reported
Canadian Adverse Event Report System
CAERS is collecting data from individuals who perceive that they have experienced an Adverse Event (AE) related to their inoculation with a COVID ‘vaccine’.
COVID Data Tracker – This is a CDC website so you can bet the death counts are WAY higher..
December 21/2022 Article: A ‘Cover-Up of Evidence of Mass Murder’: The CDC Appears to Be Removing VAERS Records
Something strange is going on with the VAERS system. Reports that were present three months ago are now inexplicably missing. And fewer than 4% of adverse events recorded in V-Safe have made their way to VAERS. This is the CDC’s database; Dr. Rochelle Walensky is in charge of it. And the agency’s failure to properly manage VAERS is suppressing the already-alarming safety signal of the Covid-19 shots.
Here Are the 9 Pages That Pfizer Was Forced to Release With Around 1300 Side Effects/Adverse Reactions From Their Covid “Vaccine”

UPDATE May 26/2023: Pfizer Data attached 393 pages of Adverse Events – there WAS only 9 pages! Order of Magnitude of Adverse Events off the Charts

Here are the Pfizer papers they wanted to hide for 75 years but a judge ordered them to release them immediately.

The First Batch of Pfizer Documents Were Released on March 1st, 2022 ~ The Adverse Reactions are FRIGHTENING!
♥️ Order Hydroxychloroqine/Ivermectin/Budesonide and Azithromycin (Z-Pack): www.BodywisePharmacy.com

Order Hand Held Nebulizers: HERE

Order Medicine Bag Organizers: HERE

♥️ Where Canadians May Be Able to Purchase Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine Online:
“Hot Lots” ~ Some Batches of Vaccines Were Made to Be Deadlier Than Others
Vaccines are manufactured in large batches called lots. What he discovered was that the vaccines are divided into over 20,000 lots and that one out of every 200 of these batches (lots) is demonstrably deadly to anyone who receives a vaccine from that lot, which includes thousands of vaccine doses.


COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

Some Pfizer Vaccines Were Contaminated — What Does That Mean for Millions Who Got the Jab?

The “How Bad is My Batch” website displays the number of deaths and disabilities associated with each batch/lot number of the Covid injection and indicates the relative toxicity of one batch/lot compared to another. The area to type in your lot number is at the top left of the page.

It’s not known just yet as to the reason why some batches/lots are associated with excessive deaths, disabilities and adverse reactions (up to 50 x) however, the truth is coming out now so please do your due dilligence. [“Batch-code” = “Lot Number” = the number they write on your vaccination card.

Takes you to this page – just type in your Lot/Batch number: https://knollfrank.github.io/HowBadIsMyBatch/batchCodeTable.html

Article and more info on the “How Bad is My Batch” website:

This Would Be a Great Link to Send To Friends and Family!
Fraud Warning – Show Us the Evidence! All Vaccine, Covid and Mask Truths in One PDF Document

Covid Vaccine Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com

NEW as Of April 19/2023 ~ MatchYourBatch.org is a free tool intended to provide visual exploration of the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data for individuals, clinicians, researchers, and scientists. At present, only COVID-19 related products can be searched with the hope of adding all current data available from VAERS.
Check it Out: https://matchyourbatch.org/

More Info:
My Health Directory
Canada Health Alliance recently launched a directory of medical practitioners that can be accessed easily by the public. The listings are comprehensive, in order to provide necessary info for good decision making. Recognizing the importance of ethics as the backbone of the new medical system, practitioners who list on this site must agree to a code of ethics.
Please share, as the more practitioners get on the site, the better it will function to provide an alternative for the public.

Ivermectin Is a Proven Cure for Covid. Don’t Let Anyone Tell You Different.
Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com
There are Canadian Pharmacy Links at my Alternative Health Website (Jab Detox): www.DiamondzDetox.com

The Real Purpose of the SV40 (Cancer) Promoter in Covid Injections

12-year-old Dies After Collapsing During P.E. Class. Where are the AUTOPSIES?
(Dr and Coroner would not allow an autopsy to be done on my brother either even though we offered to pay for it)


Leaked Government & Pfizer Documents reveal Bill Gates & Schwab’s Depopulation Agenda: Covid Vaccines are being used for Genocidal Population Control – Millions have ‘Died Suddenly’. The push for mass Covid-19 vaccination isn’t about combating a virus, but about reducing the global population.
More articles: https://expose-news.com/author/the-expose

Dr. Meryl Nass, a Bio-Weapons Expert, Exposes the WHO Pandemic Treaty Threat – This is HUGE!

Dr. Meryl Nass: “The WHO’s Proposed Amendments Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics”
Article: https://brownstone.org/articles/who-amendments-increase-man-made-pandemics

👉 Sept 2/23: Dr. Meryl Nass posted some slide images on her Substack from the W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty talk at the Europarl talk (International COVID Summit): https://merylnass.substack.com/p/reposting-my-slides-on-the-who-from

Stolen Water – Waging War On Water Rights and BC Food Security – the Corrupt Canadian Govt Telling Farmers Not to Water Their Crops … This video is filmed in Westwold, British Columbia. This is the UN’s Agenda 2030/WEF/WHO agendas in play, if people don’t wake up and clue in we all die. Simple as that.

We were ordered to ‘euthanise’ patients to falsely increase ‘Covid’ death counts while hospitals were empty’ claims whistleblowing NHS doctor

With deaths spiking and births crashing, we (the people) must DEPOPULATE the caste that did this to us – They’ve never kept their goal a secret, though (of course) they’ve always talked around the brutal means required to realize it

Jaw-Dropping Discovery: CDC Data Reveals COVID Vaccine Could Shave Off 24 Years from Men’s Lives! The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time…..it continues indefinitely. In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.

During the past 20 years, the frequency of autism occurring in children has skyrocketed from 1 in 10,000 to 1 in 68, and the scientific community is no closer to determining a cause. Trace Amounts is the true story of Eric Gladen’s painful journey through mercury poisoning that he believes resulted from a thimerosal-loaded tetanus shot. His discoveries led him on a quest for the scientific truth about the role of mercury poisoning in the Autism epidemic. The film further explores the alarming rate that the world population is being exposed to mercury through industrial emissions and the unsafe use and disposal of dental silver fillings and florescent light bulbs.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3e5ihl-trace-amounts-autism.html

MASK TOXICITY – 4 studies document toxic materials in masks that leach out – heavy metals, organic chemicals (plasticizers & solvents), microplastics & microfibers, free radicals – many are carcinogenic!

IRS loading up on .40-caliber submachine guns – WHY?
Virtually every federal government agency in Washington, D.C., is gearing up for what appears to be the makings of another civil war. Take the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), for instance, which is piling up armored vehicles, flash-bang grenades loaded with tear gas, and .40-caliber submachine guns like it plans to wage war on Americans. For at least the past decade, the IRS has been arming itself to the teeth. At the end of 2017, the IRS had 4,487 firearms and 5,062,006 rounds of ammunition in its weapons cache. One can imagine that six years later, there is a lot more where that came from.


STOP Mask Mandates – The people who are requiring others to wear masks have clearly NOT read the extensive research showing that masks do NOT work and do cause harm. I recommend that you ask questions and demand answers.

Pray For Trump

Arborist Questions the Maui “WildFire” and Shares His Insights

Repeated COVID Shots Driving Dangerous Variants, Turbo Cancers – According to vaccinologist Geert Vanden Bossche, DVM, Ph.D., continued mass COVID-19 vaccination is driving more infectious and potentially dangerous viral variants, increasing the risk of severe COVID-19, aggressive cancers and autoimmune diseases in vaccinated populations.

Watch: John Campbell Explains Why He’s ‘Not Worried’ About New COVID Variant and Why Vaccinated Are More at Risk

Glyphosate Linked to Severe Depression and Cognitive Decline in U.S. Adults

Springsteen, Guns N’ Roses postpone shows; Linda Evangelista, Kimmi Scott have breast cancer; Eric Braeden has bladder cancer; Stephen Gould has bile duct cancer; Megyn Kelly “regrets vaccination” – Whoopi Goldberg, “triple-vaxxed,” down with “COVID” (for the third time); Kourtney Kardashian’s “urgent fetal surgery”; Pauley Perrette’s “near-death health crisis”

The Truth: No Vaccines Are Safe For Children

Chris Sky Has Issued a WORLD WARNING School Closures in the UK (Maybe USA) Could Be to Install Aerosolized Viruses! … LINKS in the Video Description

School concrete closures: Minister unsure how many will close – Schools minister Nick Gibb tells Sky News in most cases “just a few buildings” or rooms will have to shut but “in some cases it will be the whole school”.

The Real Purpose of the SV40 (Cancer) Promoter in Covid Injections

The Truth About the World Health Organization’s (WHO) CRIMINAL Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus:

Food Isn’t What It Used to Be — and Neither Is Public Health. Industrial agriculture with its genetically engineered crops, pesticides and soil destruction has led to a decline in the nutritional value of food — and nutrient-deficient food is linked to a higher incidence of viral illness, gluten sensitivity, autism, dementia, depression and more.

Can Text Messages Sway More Black Parents to Vaccinate Teens for HPV? Rutgers Gets $600k Grant to Find Out – The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is funding research at Rutgers University on how to increase uptake of Merck’s human papillomavirus, or HPV, vaccine among Black adolescents, documents obtained by Children’s Health Defense via a Freedom of Information Act request revealed.

Three weeks after the Lahaina Fire …What is inside the restricted area? This is an interesting video from a Lahaina resident who was allowed to go to his house in the mostly unburned neighborhood of Kahoma Village. It is in the middle of the area that burned completely, so it is a miracle of sorts. This video demonstrates the extreme selectivity and precision and other anomalies of the fire very well.

AUDIO: The Secrets of Freemasonry Revealed

Judge considers that “gesturing with genitals” to tots and kids by LBGTQ+ extremists is “free speech”

First Rule of Fight Club: Do Not Fall for the Demoralization Program – Resistance is Everything

VIDEO CLIPS – Pilot Tim McAdams, age 59, had 2 cerebellar strokes 3 weeks after 2nd Pfizer shot (Nov.2021), Pilot Larry talks about pilots with cardiac injuries not willing to take any more mRNA jabs

COVID-19 vaccine and booster HESITANCY – How do mRNA vaccine con-artists and big pharma drug pushers view those who don’t want their toxic mRNA products anymore? Vaccine booster mandates are coming!

The Disgusting Cow Stuff in Vaccines – This is Disgusting
Why are cow parts used for cell cultures and to make vaccines? According to the FDA, “simply because cows are very large animals, commonly used for food, and thus much material is available.”


The EU’s ‘Hidden Contract’ Reveals That Pfizer-BioNTech Was Given Preferential Treatment

BOOM! ‘Court revives doctors’ lawsuit saying FDA overstepped its authority with anti-ivermectin campaign’; “FDA is not a physician. It has authority to inform, announce, and apprise—but not to endorse denounce, or advise,” Judge Don Willett wrote for a panel that also included Jennifer Walker Elrod and Edith Brown Clement. “The Doctors have plausibly alleged that FDA’s Posts were misguided, wrong
Order Ivermectin Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

A Very Short But Important Climate Change Primer #2 – I want everyone to get to know the CO2 molecule really well before we talk about the wind turbines. I call it, “the Miracle Molecule”

TUCKER: “The Larry Sinclair thing, that definitely happened. Obama likes dudes.”

Modified RNA Tech, Food, & Disclosure – Organic Food is NOT Safe.

Watch this explosive interview with Dr. Bryan Ardis and Jason Shurka exposing the truth, origin, and unexpected antidote for C19 that ravaged the world. Dr. Bryan Ardis is a renowned doctor and researcher who has been at the forefront of uncovering the origins of C19 and finding ways to counter its effects. Despite facing resistance from major pharmaceutical companies, Dr. Ardis remains steadfast in his mission to unearth the truth. TLS has been closely monitoring Dr. Ardis’s progress over the past year and supports his efforts to disseminate this vital information to a global audience. This interview serves to bring his valuable insights to the forefront. Share this interview far and wide to reach the world.

VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3lu17j-the-antidote-jason-shurka-bryan-ardis.html

Dr. Bryan Ardis’s Covid-19 and Covid-19 Antidotes

Dolphins rookie collapses mid-game; Red Sox great collapses pre-game; Miami high school player collapses mid-game; marathoner, 24, collapses on track; student pilot suffers cardiac arrest mid-flight

INTERVIEW With Dr. William Makis Aug 13 – The latest on COVID-19 vaccine injuries, deaths, excess mortality

Report 83: 23% of Vaccinated Mothers’ Fetuses or Neonates Died. Suppressed Lactation and Breast Milk Discoloration Reported

Half of Vaccinated People Never Stop Producing Spike Protein, Study Found – COVID Vaccine is a GIFT THAT KEEPS ON GIVING

10 Signs That You May Be Under Herd Based Mind Control

Gateway Pundit lays out a series of allegations against Fulton County DA, Fani Willis and Democrats – money laundering, RICO violations, illicit campaign contributions – Act Blue and Soros involved. A long article with many allegations that, if proven to be true, would mean that, as with Resident Biden, Willis was installed like a toilet using fake votes from out of State, funded by (Soros?) money laundered through Act Blue – a tactic used for multiple Democrat Party “elected” officials at the Federal, State and Local levels.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: The drug companies were “window dressing” for a huge military operation. “The Pentagon didn’t want to put on the product, ‘This is a DoD manufactured product.’ So they essentially paid the drug companies for their brand name so people would think they were getting something from Pfizer or Moderna – but the entire backroom and the distribution and manufacturing [was] done by the military. And the pharmaceutical companies got involved and they put their name on it and then pretended to run clinical trials that have no legal standing.”
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3l0x2n-dod-created-covid-vaccines.html

This is what British Columbia’s health services has been reduced to….this makes me sick.
From Dr. Daniel Nagase’s Substack: “Update on a baby and a ventilator. 16 month old Baby T still can’t see his mother and the Medical Consequences”
Here’s a Dr. Nagase video I uploaded to my Rumble 3 months ago: https://rumble.com/v2p0c68-dr.-daniel-nagase-delivers-a-harrowing-testimony-of-the-failed-policies-tha.html

Let’s talk about Eris (EG5) and Boosters – Not the Greek goddess of strife and discord, the SARS-CoV-2 variant!

💥🔥 There are NO placebos in this next round of vaccines coming out and I hear these new batches are even deadlier than the first round of jabs that came out 3 years ago…

Italian Doctors Warn SARS-CoV-2 Induced T-Cell Exhaustion Can Lead To Reactivation Of Oncoviruses Such As HHV5 And HHV8 Leading To Hodgkin Lymphoma, B Cell Lymphoma And Other Cancers.

A 2nd Declaration of Independence, By the 50 United States of America Signed by President Donald Trump on July 4, 2020

REINER FUELLMICH full speech – Trafalgar Square, London 24/07/21

Impacting every aspect of our lives, UN Agenda 21/2030 ‘Sustainable Development’ is a CORPORATE manipulation of the CORPORATE globalist crime syndicate, to usher in a totalitarian slave farm, wherein humans are kept as cattle, controlled and surveilled 24/7/365, in small and densely packed zones, using the Green Mask of environmental concern, to forward this tyrannical, corporate globalist plan. Agenda 2030 is the action plan to inventory and control all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all energy, all education, law enforcement and judicial systems; all information, all food and all human beings on the planet.

“It is an inventory and control plan. It’s about data-sharing, it’s about money transferring from the developed nations to the lesser-developed nations and ultimately, it’s about destroying your ability to have a voice, destroying your ability to have representative government. It’s about changing your government to ‘governance’…entirely destroying your ability to be free and to be independent. It’s a plan of transformation and control – and that’s what we’re living through right now…

More Info On This: Click Here

Why Did Some People Not Take the Jab?

Vaccinated Humans are Legally Patented State-Owned properties no longer subject to Human Rights

“Resident” Biden: Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innovation for a Sustainable, Safe, and Secure American Bioeconomy

The Evil DARPA Pandemic Assassination Program Using Psychology, NanoBots, CRISPR, Chemicals, Biologicals, Energy Weapons and More

Sept 3/2023 – What the Heck is Going on at Burning Man!?? Turns out alot of Fake News…

Crazy “fake”stories coming out of Burning Man – WTF

Private jet from Burning Man lands at LAX and get quarantined on runway and airport evacuated.

BURNING MAN: Local authorities have declared the event a disaster. Local authorities have declared the event a disaster. With 5,000 VCs and 65,000 registered Democrats trapped in Black Rock City, Biden is under pressure to declare the event a national disaster.

Burning Man Website: https://burningman.org

Trapped Burning Man Attendees Report “Ebola-Like” Illness as the Situation Turns from Bad to Worse“… there’s some sort of virus on the loose at Burning Man that causes boils/vomiting/hemorrhaging. Apparently, that’s why they’re not letting people in.”

Dec 25, 2022 – Reiner Fuellmich interviews Călin Georgescu (former UN Executive Director & European Rep for the Club of Rome). He says the main problem in the world is the “World Oligarch System.” The UN won’t be the “New World Order, One World Government System”; the UN is the platform or “bridge” for the World Oligarch System to control. Călin goes on to describe the process of infiltration and global takeover of the United Nations by oligarchs, particularly Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum (WEF).
He outlines the power structures of the UN, its covert manipulation, exploitation, and enslavement of people around the world, and reveals the sobering reality of a once benevolent organization. Calin Georgescu goes on to say that the Pandemic was planned for 2016 and the food and water shortages were planned for 2020, but now it has been moved to the year 2025. They have already started this food shortage by attacking the farming industry worldwide and buying up all the farm land. The United Nations 2030 agenda is the same as the Davos (WEF) agenda, these NGOs are both involved in global child sex trafficking along with the CIA, which is their major tool for corruption.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3jc6h8-un-whistleblower-clin-georgescu.html

“Brain Science from Bench to Battlefield” – The Realities and Risks of Neuroweapons

Mask Mandates: “We (the public) need to crush the 1st corporation that mandates masks. It has to be fast & brutal” Scott Adams is right, COVID hysteria must be crushed: masks, lockdowns, vaccine fraud

Luciferase, Gene Editing, IARPA, AI & 5G Linked with COVID-19 Vaccines
Every single ‘conspiracy theory’ that was going around about the ‘vaccine’ is absolutely true according to this. COVID was a government experiment on its own citizens.


A Common-sense Approach to Childhood Vaccines is Now Urgently Needed
The number of vaccines given to babies and children has increased dramatically without the necessary due diligence by regulatory authorities.


Excess Mortality Just Got Even Worse: Ed Dowd Drops Alarming New Data – There’s a silent health crisis happening right now — and nobody wants to talk about it.

The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics

WHO Govt. Takeover | Dr. Meryl Nass

ARTICLE: Dr. Vernon Coleman: “Chemotherapy: Fraudulent and Deadly”?

Dr. Vernon Coleman Book: “How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You”
One in six patients in hospital is there because he or she has been made ill by a doctor and two out of every five patients who are prescribed drugs suffer side effects – often serious, sometimes lethal. Doctors, along with cancer, stroke and heart disease are now one of the main causes of death in Britain.


CDC Nursing Home Data: The vaccine increased the risk of the elderly dying from COVID
This “gold standard” data proves the “misinformation spreaders” were right. The COVID vaccine did the opposite of what the CDC promised you: it actually made things worse, not better.


FBI Questioned J6ers About Ukrainian Spy in the Capitol and Even Newsweek Is Asking Questions – As ugly as the January 6 political witch hunt has been, we’re now learning it’s far worse than we knew. The bombshells that continue to be dropped by populist firebrand Laura Loomer have drawn the attention of Newsweek, a leftist news outlet that isn’t afraid of covering up corruption for the Deep State. But Loomer’s reports over the weekend struck such a loud chord that corporate media is being forced to do their jobs.

AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT TYRANNY – cruel, oppressive, dishonest, incompetent, self-serving

Criminalizing Net Zero Disobedience – House of Commons passes measures to criminalize Net Zero disobedience

TURBO CANCER – Teachers are being decimated by aggressive & metastatic cancers after COVID-19 mRNA vaccine mandates – 34 recent tragic cases in the United States!

Incredible! – Half of the Vaccinated have Circulating Vax Spike Protein
Dr. Peter McCullough’s Spike Protein Detox: https://tinyurl.com/4mj2sxr5

Weekly C19 update – 156,000 new US cases and 629 deaths. US deaths reported to VAERS break through 18,000 amongst adverse events approaching a million

COVID-19 booster shots expected as early as next week; what you need to know is that it is already obsolete and will drive more sub-variants like EG.5 and BA.2.86 etc. Those taking the booster will not only have an ineffective vaccination, but will be at risk for infection as the vaccine is driving the vaccinated to become infected and also becoming severely ill.

The All-Cause Mortality Rate of the Injected is MUCH higher than for that of the Un-Injected

Blurring Lines: Nanotechnology, Vaccines, and Control – “Vaccines” are being used for nanotechnology experiments that appear designed to irrevocably change the essences of humans and perhaps even capture humans through wireless connections, enslaving them.

Trump addresses vaccine adverse events, says Big Pharma needs to immediately disclose all safety data

The People’s Declaration – RIGHT NOW would be a very good time to stand up and publicly declare your opposition to the international plan to share the “benefits” derived from “pathogens with pandemic potential.”

mRNA Injury series – Spike protein in the blood of the COVID-19 vaccinated – New study: Do 50% of Pfizer & Moderna vaxxed produce spike protein forever? I review 5 studies on Spike protein in blood.

Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine HPV For 9-12 Year Old Children Shows Nanobots, Self Assembly Hydrogel And Polymer Mesh Development

The White House KNEW That the COVID Vaccines Were Killing People Over Two Years Ago! MILLIONS Have DIED That Did Not Have To!

MORE DETAILS: Naomi Wolf Joins Steve Bannon in the WarRoom To Reveal Bombshell Report Over FOIA Request Findings on Covid Vaccine Harms – 46 Pages FOIA’d Emails Between CDC Leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and White House, NIH, HHS, Show They Knew About Vaccine-Induced Myocarditis and Thrombotic Thrombocytopenia, a Blood Clotting Disorder. Emails Over 80% Redacted: https://rumble.com/v3lceit-steve-bannon-naomi-wolf.html

The Fall COVID19 Shot is already a US Public Health Disaster – The FDA, CDC, Pfizer and the Biden administration are practicing reckless medicine

American butchery of 1.6 million of its vulnerable by its elites – 30-40 million vaxx injured entitled to reparations from the profits of big Pharma and the Pentagon budget

Maui Fire: “All the materials that didn’t burn should have, & all the materials that did burn shouldn’t have”: An arborist and firefighter(s) on what hit Maui: “That ain’t a wildfire”

Study Shows: Mask-Induced Exhaustion Syndrome May Be Misinterpreted as “Long COVID”

Pharmafiles News September 7, 2023 – Pfizer Whistleblower Exposes Massive Financial Deals with Government Officials – More than $200 Million transferred between Pfizer and Government Officials in just five countries between 2019-2021!

‘Do not comply’: Maxime Bernier urges Canadians to stand strong as COVID mandate rumors swirl – Speaking to LifeSiteNews, Maxime Bernier urged Canadians not to ‘comply’ with any COVID mandates that may be forthcoming, while also accusing the Conservative Party of lacking principles on the issue.

CNN Technical Director, Charlie Chester, in a secret Project Veritas recording from April 2021: Once the public are no longer scared of “Covid”, “climate change” will take centre stage as the new imaginary boogeyman to terrify everyone into submission with.
“They’ve already announced in our office that once the public is open to it, we’re going to start focusing mainly on climate… There’s a definitive ending to the pandemic. It’ll taper off to a point that it’s not a problem anymore. The climate thing is gonna take years, so they’ll probably be able to milk that for quite a bit.” – “Be prepared, it’s coming.”
And sure enough, two and a half whole years later, we’re now seeing this play out in the mainstream media—in absolute lockstep, just like with the “Covid” narrative.
Check it Out: https://rumble.com/v1d1pg5–there-is-no-climate-change-its-all-made-up-by-the-media-and-the-globalist-.html

Serial Killer and WHO director Tedros says COVID is ‘here to stay,’ urges people to get booster shots … ‘COVID is here to stay and that we will continue to need tools to fight it,’ said WHO chief Dr. Tedros Ghebreyesus at a press conference promoting mask use and booster shots.

Putting N95s on children fits the definition of child abuse.

EVERYBODY around the world needs to read this! Detailing the crime committed by the US Government against all of us
Sasha and Katherine’s work can be found on my Rumble channel:
Sasha Latypova Videos: https://tinyurl.com/2wmfhkad
Katherine Watt Videos: https://tinyurl.com/mr3k2dre

The video in this article is a primer on “lipid nanoparticles”, also known as cationic liposomes or nano technology. This video is not going to be for everyone, but it is intended for those who truly wish to understand mechanisms behind the the mRNA delivery technologies. This video this will help explain many of the mysteries of non-viral gene transfer and mRNA vaccines.

US Nursing home data shows clearly that the COVID vaccines were a disaster for the elderly; they increased the risk of dying from COVID

Australia’s drug regulator admits it doesn’t know extent of Covid vaccine harm

mRNA injury series – Myositis – more evidence of Immune System damage from COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – 16 cases explored – Pfizer mRNA was found in severely inflamed muscle one month after injection!

Bill Gates says there will be a Big Surprise in the Pandemic 2, it will be something big according to him.

Trudeau Liberals appoint a new special rapporteur on election interference who worked for a law firm that had very close ties to Pierre Elliott Trudeau

ARTICLE: Dr. Vernon Coleman: “Chemotherapy: Fraudulent and Deadly”?

Dr. Vernon Coleman Book: “How To Stop Your Doctor Killing You”
One in six patients in hospital is there because he or she has been made ill by a doctor and two out of every five patients who are prescribed drugs suffer side effects – often serious, sometimes lethal. Doctors, along with cancer, stroke and heart disease are now one of the main causes of death in Britain.

Hawaii: The 1851 Freemasonry takeover as counted by a Freemason

Maui’s Inferno – Organized Human Evil

Remember when environmentalists loved trees? Now they want to DESTROY them all to stop “climate change”

A working hypothesis of the horrific scale of “death by healer”, “death by government” and “death by bureaucrat” over the C19 pandemic SO FAR

Excess Mortality Just Got Worse: Alarming New Data!
“Cause Unknown” can be found here: https://amzn.to/44N8YoC

An Air Canada Boeing 737-8 MAX, registration C-FSCY performing flight AC-348 (dep Aug 26th) from Vancouver, BC to Ottawa, ON (Canada), was enroute at FL370 about 50 minutes prior to estimated landing in Ottawa when one of the pilots reported he was not feeling well and was unable to continue duties.

The Downtown Eastside (DTES) is a neighborhood in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. One of the city’s oldest neighborhoods, the DTES is the site of a complex set of social issues including disproportionately high levels of drug use, homelessness, poverty, crime, mental illness and sex work. The Downtown Eastside is now an urban ghetto nightmare that is getting worse every year. City Hall politicians don’t care because they are financed by the wealthy real estate developers, who push their agenda and reap the rewards of urban density, while the poor are systematically destroyed.

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, August 29-September 4, 2023

From the Louis Farrakhan website – he’s right about the Covid vaccines:
WARNING: Do Not Take the Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine

The Covid-19 Vaccine and the U.S. policy of depopulation

Pathogens developed in the United States could cause a global pandemic! Ukraine, Russia

Odessa Orlewicz and Dr. William Makis – COVID-19 EG.5 Eris Variant and the latest on COVID-19 hysteria arising again

World Vaccination Congress starts October 16th. 2023 – starting with…VACCINE SAFETY!
There will be a conference, an exhibition and networking segments to focus on “The Start-to-Finish of Vaccines – from clinical development & immune profiling to vaccine safety and market access”. I wonder how many politicians, health regulators and military agencies will be there? (ZERO)


The Covid jabs are doing the same thing.

COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines Reduce Immune Response to Other Infections, Potential Concern of Immune Deficiency

Oct 2013 – The Cooking of Humanity – Deborah Tavares interviews Scientist Barrie Trower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JojdEH0nzos
Transcript: https://stopthecrime.net/Deborah%20Tavares%20Interview%20with%20Barrie%20Trower.pdf

MASK HARM – Children are being harmed by masks! New CDC Report (July 2023) warns Developmental disabilities are up 17% in kids 3-17. Research shows 23% drop in young children’s IQ, 30% drop in verbal!

“Omicron” is a Sci-Fi Film from 1963 about a Planned Alien Invasion of Earth using the Elite

THERE IS NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY – The Great Barrington Declaration of Climate Alarmism:

The Healing Power of Vitamin D: What Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You to Know
We know the medical establishment lied to us about COVID. And according to esteemed physician Dr. Paul Marik, they are also lying to you about the sun.

I get mine from Amazon because of their huge selection: https://amzn.to/45HJDhm

Spars Pandemic 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communications
SPARS 2025-2028 a Johns Hopkins 2017 detailed outline scripting a worldwide pandemic scenario, how governments can better impose control over their citizens and merge cooperative efforts into a permanent global body into technocracy

PDF: https://www.centerforhealthsecurity.org/sites/default/files/2022-12/spars-pandemic-scenario.pdf

This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids: Vaccinated vs. Unvaccinated Data

Jay Bonnar’s anecdote is statistically impossible if the COVID vaccines are safe – Jay lost 15 of his friends who all “died suddenly.” All were vaccinated. Four dropped dead within 24 hours of the shot. 3 of the 4 were ~30 years old, perfectly healthy before their death. Whoa.

Pfizer contracts with the EU, Slovenia and now South Africa reveal that Pfizer had no idea of long term harms, taxpayers would pay all Pfizer’s legal and health costs for harms. Plus – Pfizer did not know what was in the doses – C19 numbers, the new booster,- what happened to billions of unused doses and more

Disgusting chicken stuff in vaccines – Beware of what’s coming through that vaccine needle

Burn Back Better; It’s Not Climate Change, it’s Psychopathy – These aren’t fires, they are exterminations.

mRNA Vaccines Go Airborne: How to Protect Yourself from Involuntary Vaccination – Is it hard to believe that the people who were willing to take away your job or deny you a life-saving operation for being unvaccinated might also try to covertly vaccinate you against your will?

Anything But Ordinary – Great Tune, Listen to the Words Very Carefully

It’s all about killing the children and the unborn … CDC’s New ‘Wild to Mild’ Ad Campaign Hypes Flu Vaccines for Kids, Pregnant Women – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is launching a campaign called “Wild to Mild” to encourage flu vaccination among children and pregnant women, despite long-observed ineffectiveness and safety concerns.

Happy ‘Do Not Comply’ Day – Thank you for resisting.

German Study Finds Increased Sickness Among Healthcare Workers After COVID-19 Vaccination – Increased insurance payouts post-vaccination, MSM gaslights population, unredacted Pfizer contract, Izumiotsu City stops recommending vaccines.

CIA Releases Declassified Documents But 9/11 Cover Up Remains

“There Is No Place to Hide. Are You Next?” – Dinesh D’Souza Releases Trailer to “Police State” His Latest Project on America’s Political Persecution
Article: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/09/there-is-no-place-hide-are-you-next
Trailer: https://rumble.com/v3gdr8e-dinesh-dsouzas-new-film-police-state-trailer.html

Military Situation Zombies are horribly dangerous to all human life. Zombies are horribly dangerous to all human life and zombie infections have the potential to seriously undermine national security and economic activities that sustain our way of life.
Document: https://www.dmt-nexus.me/users/cosmicspore/Zombie.pdf

Study Finds 39.4% of Healthcare Workers on Sick Leave After COVID-19 Vaccine; Rate of Sick Leave Significantly Increased with Each Subsequent Vaccination

ONE EARTH, ONE FAMILY, ONE FUTURE – One Health. One World Government. Some absolutely frightening graphics.
G20 Document – They Have Our Lives Planned Out: https://www.g20.org/content/dam/gtwenty/gtwenty_new/document/G20-New-Delhi-Leaders-Declaration.pdf

Work Camps for the Unvaccinated

What is a Psychological Operation?

How Many Genders?
Alternative for Germany (AfD) politician Steffen Königer arrived at the Brandenburg parliament to speak on a bill introduced by the Green Party which would “campaign for acceptance of gender and sexual diversity, self-determination, and against homo- and trans-phobia” in the city of Brandenburg. It would also “give equal rights and societal equality for LGBTTQQ [lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, trans, two-spirit, queer, questioning] people in Brandenburg.”


mRNA injury series – Pifzer & Moderna mRNA vaccines ATTACK bone marrow stem cells and drastically alter gene expression. Researchers are also using LNPs/mRNA for gene editing.

Climate alarmism is a deceit-filled political agenda that is destroying our economy, undermining our freedom, and instilling fear in the populous. Daily, Canadians are blasted with the narrative that we must drastically change our lifestyles, pay higher taxes, live in cramped tiny homes and 15 Minute Cities, all in the interest of saving our world from pending destruction. It is horrifying to witness what lengths the globalist are willing to go to in order to perpetuate the myth of climate change, even after so many of their earlier doomsday predictions have proven false.

OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE: FDA refusing to provide COVID “vaccine” safety data to Congress as requested

“Souled as Stock” – Your Birth Certificate allows them to Trade You as a Stock

South African Pfizer Contract – Forced Release ! A Pact with the “Pfizer” – God help the rest of the World if they entered into similarly worded Pfizer Contracts

mRNA Injury series – Blood clots in legs, arms, lungs in young COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated men – “Never seen so many clots in someone still living” – 20 cases and recent research reviewed

September 2023 G20 – Shit, even India hates Turdeau

Dr. William Makis talks more about the number of fetal deaths, abnormalities and deformations that show up from vaccinated mothers and fathers

Autopsy Confirms Infant Died From Over-Vaccination – Maine Mom, RN, Paid Ultimate Price Trusting Her Doctors

Covid mRNA Shots Have Triggered VAIDS Epidemic, Study Warns

Boosted People More Likely Than Unvaccinated To Be Infected

South Korea to COMPENSATE deaths 90 days after covid shot – Families to all people who have died within 90 days of receiving a covid-19 vaccination will be compensated by the government.

AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT TYRANNY – Never before has Australia witnessed a government so bad. We must NEVER FORGET…

The Saudis, CIA, Bush, Carlyle Group, bin Laden & 9/11 – what do we know now that we didn’t know then…
Today is the 22nd anniversary of 9/11. 22 years ago, Islamic terrorists from Saudi Arabia, who were aided by the United States government, committed the worst terrorist attack on US soil in US history, murdering nearly 3,000 Americans and mutilating another 20,000.


Vaccines and sudden infant death: An analysis of the VAERS database 1990-2019 and review of the medical literature

FDA has Gone Rogue – Many of us knew this day would come, and now here it is. As of Monday, September 11, 2023, the FDA has provided “Emergency Use Authorization” for the SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine boosters. But there is no public health emergency at this time.

NEWS Host Faces Jail For Reporting the NEWS – The criminals who have highjacked our government are letting us know that America is over and we are now their slaves

Pfizer Exposed For Exploring “Mutating” COVID-19 Virus For New Vaccines Via ‘Directed Evolution’ … Project Veritas released a video a few months ago exposing a Pfizer executive, Jordon Trishton Walker, who claims that his company is exploring a way to “mutate” COVID via “Directed Evolution” to preempt the development of future vaccines. Walker says that Directed Evolution is different than Gain-of-Function, which is defined as “a mutation that confers new or enhanced activity on a protein.” In other words, it means that a virus such as COVID can become more potent depending on the mutation / scientific experiment performed on it.

Remember those articles about EV plantations in China and exploding Lithium Ion batteries in EV’s (on container ships, in garages etc) – check out exploding Chinese made lithium ion battery bikes!

mRNA Injury series – TRANSPLANTS – Children’s hearts destroyed by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – their Heart Transplants are NOT going well, with complications – Transplant Medicine is a complete DISASTER!

Rising global cancer rates – post C19 mRNA and viral vector injections (smoking is not to blame)

Further analysis of US Nursing Home data proves, once again, the vaccines made it more likely for the elderly to die – For every nursing home where the infection fatality rate (IFR) decreased post-COVID vaccine there were 6.5 nursing homes where it increased by a comparable amount. That’s a disaster.

Health Canada authorizes “new” Moderna Covid-19 vaccine for anyone six months of age and older.

Ukrainian Nazi “BoneFace” threatens Laura Loomer for outing him as U.S. intel asset on social media

INTERVIEW – Iron Report with Will Dove (Feb.28, 2023) – Excess deaths in highly COVID-19 vaccinated countries, data fraud in Canada, pandemic of the vaccinated, booster shot damage to immune system

Did your grandparents know this was happening in the USA in 1958? Organized child slavery right out in the open. Mine sure didn’t. And if they had, there would have been a holy hell to pay.

Pearl Jam, Aerosmith postpone concerts; Bills’ Damar Hamlin benched tonight; Angels’ Max Stassi to miss rest of season; Christopher Eubanks leaves US Open; PA high school QB collapses mid-game

Stay Away From the New RSV, FLU, and COVID Shots & refuse masking … if you value your life!

“It’s a regular person. She was 26, anyway.” Seattle Police Officer Said Woman Killed By Other Officer Had ‘Limited Value,’ Bodycam Video Shows

BODYCAM: Seattle Officer Heard Laughing About Woman Being Hit, Killed By Cop Car
“It’s a regular person. She was 26, anyway.” Seattle Police Officer Said Woman Killed By Other Officer Had ‘Limited Value,’ Bodycam Video Shows – New bodycam footage released by the Seattle Police Department (SPD) Monday afternoon detailed remarks an officer made about another officer whose cruiser killed a woman in a collision in January. A Seattle police officer was traveling at 74 miles per hour just before his police cruiser struck and killed Jaahnavi Kandula, 23, in an intersection in January, according to a case investigation report.
Bodycam footage: SPD officer heard laughing about woman being hit, killed by cop car


BREAKING: Pfizer XBB.1.5 Monovalent Vaccine Tested in 20 Mice, No Control Group, and No Humans – Emergency Authorization Granted without Emergency or Human Data

Prince Andrew Accused of Sexually Abusing Children in Ukraine – Child Organ Harvesting and Trafficking Also Happening There

Despite being skeptical that mainstream media would pick up this breakthrough story, 1609 scientists, including two Nobel laureates, gathered together to sign a declaration, proclaiming that “there is no climate emergency.” The main goal is to end the mass climate hysteria and the the destruction this clamor brings to the U.S. economy.

Bill Gates Wants to Cut Down and Bury Trees to Save the Planet – is He F@cking Insane?

With Hillary going to the White House yesterday to visit Jill Biden, it seems Hillary is reminding Jill and Joe that all the State Department Blackberrys were not destroyed with a hammer – including Joe’s Blackberry and Hunter’s Blackberry.

Anybody wondering why there are so many horrific and devasting wildfires, floods, storms, earthquakes happening around the world right now? Need some clues? Turn off your TV’s first…Right now, it appears that about 15,000 are dead in Libya and maybe thousands more? Currently, there are over 6,000 dead as of today and at least 10,000 missing. At least 34,000 people have lost their homes.

Health Canada approved Moderna’s ‘new’ Covid-19 vaccine, which was only tested on 50 participants and only monitored over a 20-day period.

Cory’s Digs: Dear Diary…

Do you know what “safe and effective” means according to the CDC? Safe means tested in 50 people and nobody died and only 8% needed professional medical attention. Effective means there is NO evidence whatsoever of a clinical benefit. Got it?

Canada approves NEW & OBSOLETE COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Boosters (XBB.1.5) – pushes them on children 6+ months and pregnant women – Major Safety Concerns! NO SAFETY studies done on children or pregnancy!

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, September 5-September 11, 2023

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Canada, September 4-September 11, 2023

Joan Rivers: A Botched Procedure or Malicious Intent?

California Lawmakers Vote To Remove Kids From Any Parents Who Don’t Support Severing Their Genitals – “The California legislature passed a bill Friday that would threaten parents with losing custody of their children if they question their child’s supposed desire to undergo disfiguring hormone regimens or surgeries to appear more like the opposite sex.

CCP Satellites Were Over Maui At Time of the Fires – Mounting Evidence Suggest That the Maui Fires Were Caused by Directed Energy Weapons

We need to enact policies that are the exact OPPOSITE of those espoused by the WEF, the UN’s IPCC and WHO

Darkfield Microscopy Of Hepatitis A Vaccine For Children 2 Years And Older Shows Classic Hydrogel Filaments, Self Assembly and Quantum Dot Structures

Top Doctor Explains Why “Turbo Cancer” Rates Are Likely to Get Even Worse

Public Health Ontario’s latest COVID-19 vaccine surveillance report lists “Other severe or unusual events” as the most frequently reported adverse event

They killed us, our parents & grand-parents, our peoples with MALICE & were diabolical in the COVID response, the ‘protocol’, where patients needing antibiotics were denied antibiotics, doctors told that it won’t work as COVID is a viral infection, but they all knew, doctors etc. that it is typically bacterial infection seconday to viral infection that kills in these epidemics, pandemics (Yeadon)

5G REMOTE KILL VECTOR: Science paper reveals cell phone signals can activate the release of biological PAYLOADS from graphene oxide injected into the body

mRNA & Pregnancy – Brain damaged mother and a dead baby after 1 Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA vaccine at 14 weeks pregnancy – Tragic story of 38 year old Australian army veteran Heidi Strbak

Exposure to microwaves, cell phone radiation causes dangerous free radicals called PEROXYNITRITES to accumulate in the body

Estimates compiled from pieced-together data suggest that over 20 million are already Dead due to COVID-19 vaccination & over 2 billion are Severely Injured and we are only just getting started.

The Corporate Media is the Enemy of the People: Here’s Ten Stories They Never Told You This Month

Fascist Canadian Government stood out in its hatred & tyranny against those deciding to remain unvaccinated with a deadly COVID mRNA vaccine; ‘Declares the Unvaccinated To Be a Danger to Society’ – The Canadian government under Trudeau waged a wage against the Canadian people during COVID & it is ongoing, a war against humanity! What’s planned? Concentration camps and gas chambers? Fuck Turdeau!!

Here are some links to agendas for meetings of tens of thousands of members of the Cult of Moloch in New York City next week – the United Nations (and the WHO), the WEF, the BMGF and the CGI (Clinton) – No doubt a gathering to try and figure out how to kill 90% of the population faster…World leaders gather to engage in the annual high-level General Debate under the theme, “Rebuilding trust and reigniting global solidarity: Accelerating action on the 2030 Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals towards peace, prosperity, progress and sustainability for all.”

James Lindsay argues that the concept of “equity” promoted by the woke movement is essentially socialism, which redistributes social and cultural capital as well as economic and material capital to make citizens equal. Lindsay claims that “woke” is actually Marxism with American characteristics, just as Maoism was Marxism-Leninism with Chinese characteristics. He argues that woke ideologies such as queer theory and postcolonial theory are all based on the Marxist logic of intersectionality. Lindsay further explains that Marx’s ultimate goal was to complete man by constructing a socialist society that transcends private property, and that the woke movement seeks to create class consciousness and channel resentment against the dominant culture.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3guyso–james-lindsay-woke-culture.html

The world’s worst people to descend upon New York City next week – The WEF, United Nations, Clinton Inc, and Bill Gates are getting the climate hoax gang back together.

mRNA injury series – Minor surgeries turn deadly for the COVID-19 mRNA vaccinated – 16 tragic stories of sudden or unexpected deaths after minor surgeries – blood clots, cardiac arrests

Beef Company CEO: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We Ship a Single Bag With mRNA-Injected Meat” – Quickly but quietly, Big Pharma, Big Food, and various state governments are working to inject beef and dairy cattle with mRNA “vaccines.”

Wanna know who REALLY controls the world? It’s not just the UN/WHO and WEF, they have their puppet masters too. Check it out:

This is why the medical cartels need to be destroyed. They cannot be fixed. They are killing people: https://informedchoice.substack.com/p/this-is-why-the-medical-cartels-need

Sept/2023: Archbishop Viganò: Banning abortion is essential to stopping ‘the New World Order subservient to Satan’

BOMBSHELL! Hospitals/CDC Hiding Covid Murder Protocols in NEW “Covid” Wards – PREP Act Amendments Allow Killing

Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (WHO) For Crimes Against Humanity & Bio-Terrorism

NCI Special Live Discussion: Unveiling the Remarkable Legacy of Sheila Lewis with Son Darcy Lewis

CCP Satellites Were Over Maui At Time of the Fires – Mounting Evidence Suggest That the Maui Fires Were Caused by Directed Energy Weapons

What Made Doctors Do the Right Thing During COVID-19? A discussion on the internal strength necessary to break from the herd and recognize what is happening directly in front of you.

Don’t Be A Sucker (1947)
This video is over 75 years old, and the message is more important than ever. I hope it gets everyone thinking very seriously about what’s going on in the world today.


Must Watch: Dr. Peter McCullough Calls For Complete Stop To All COVID Injections – They Are NOT Safe For Human Use

HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) Has Been Used For Climate Warfare But is it Also a Weapon?

George Orwell – A Warning to Mankind Documentary

Even more evidence that nobody should wear a face mask – First of all, they don’t work. Second of all, they are detrimental to your health.

9 in every 10 COVID Deaths over the last year have been among the Fully/Triple Vaccinated

Vitamin D TREATMENT for Hospitalized COVID-19 patients works! NEW Sep.2023 Japanese Study shows 67% lower death, 78% lower disease progression, 75% lower O2 – 10 recent studies reviewed

The Disgusting Chemicals in Vaccines: polysorbate 80 – A Food Chemical That Should Not Be Ingested Or Injected

Is the US headed for another Great Depression? I’m not a financial guru but here’s what I know…

Unions planning counter-protest against families. Here is a Leaked, live meeting of how they want to disrupt to the 1 Million March 4 Children to protect our children:
Odessa Orlewicz: Trudeau Govt Funding Organization Teaching Antifa Style Protestors To Go After Parents Sept 20th at the 1 Million March 4 Children:

They’re out to kill us even harder this time…

2023 Documentary: “The Greatest Show On Earth” – Donald Trump’s Famous Capitulation Tour and Draining the Swamp

Jason Christoff: Why Did They Roll Out The Fake Aliens In Mexico?

Canadian school goes full woke and tries to remove books printed prior to 2008

Dr Theresa Deisher Explains How Aborted Fetal Cells Are Harvested and Then Used in Vaccine & Drug Development – This is Horrifying..

The recent SV40 contamination with two SV40s and one SV promoter being found in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines looks like a deliberate cancer experiment on America. There is absolutely no other reason to have a carcinogenic promoters and an enhancer in the vaccines.

Unions plan disruption, counter-protests against Wednesday parents march

Weather Warfare – Megadeath: the global conspiracy to kill every living thing until we submit – Climate engineering was used this summer to terrify people about global warming. Virtually every fire, every loss, every death was deliberate.

Baby Who Died 34 Hours After Vaccines Had Toxic Level of Aluminum in His Blood, Report Confirms

RSV: Fact and Fiction With Dr. Meryl Nass and Brian Hooker, Ph.D. – On a recent “Doctors & Scientists” episode on CHD.TV, Children’s Health Defense’s Brian Hooker, Ph.D., and Dr. Meryl Nass discussed the science related to respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and Big Pharma’s new RSV immunization agenda.

NIPAH VIRUS Is Now in the News!

National Citizen’s Inquiry Interim report concludes: COVID-19 injections neither safe nor effective

🇨🇦 💉 Canada’s Public Health Officer Theresa Tam Loves Her Cocktails … SATIRE

Coast Guard Captain Shares HORRIFYING Stories from Lahaina Fire Survivors

Tanya Tucker cancels show; Fletcher cancels tour; Skid Row cancels shows; “Tori Kelly blood clot cause still unknown”; “Teddi Mellencamp undergoing another cancer surgery”; Kathy Griffin’s lung cancer

Quick question – if there is no longer a public health emergency, how can the FDA/CDC authorize the new booster under “Emergency Use Authorization”?

Exclusive: 100 thousand STROKE’s CASES in the US after COVID VACCINES! New Chilling Study from an American Health Organization Kaiser Permanente which works within 8 states

I’ve heard from a couple of sources that the upcoming outbreak/scamdemic will be the Nipah virus, which is yet another lab created bioweapon brought to us courtesy of the Gain of Function all-star team of Fauci, Gates, NIH, CIA, DoD, Pentagon, CFR, UN, WHO, WEF, Rockefeller Foundation, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, et al. We also now know that BigPharma on behest of their Intelligence Industrial Complex handlers has been busy developing these complimentary Nipah “vaccines” since last year. On July 11, 2022, Moderna and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) began a clinical trial (NCT05398796) on a new mRNA vaccine for the Nipah Virus. Now, a little over 1 year later, the media is ramping up their scare tactics for the Nipah virus, a virus that was identified 24 years ago (1999), and has caused isolated outbreaks in Africa and Asia.
Bill Gates: “The next pandemic will get attention this time”

Canada’s Plans to Enslave It’s Citizens in 15-Minute Cities … Food, Clothing, Travel, Money and More Will All Be Controlled

‘Definite causal link’ between all-cause mortality and Covid vaccine rollouts – “The COVID-19 vaccines did not save lives and appear to be lethal toxic agents.” This is the strident position of a new paper by Denis Rancourt et al., analysing all-cause mortality (ACM) in 17 countries in the Southern Hemisphere and equatorial region. The authors find a “definite causal link” between peaks in all-cause mortality and rapid vaccine rollouts across four continents and a broad range of vaccine products, inlcuding the mRNAs, Covaxin, Sinovac and Johnson & Johnson.

How do Communists take over a country? They boil the frog slowly…

BREAKING 9/18/23 – Pastor Artur Pawlowski Sentenced to Credit for Time Served After Being Found Guilty Related to Speech He Gave Near Coutts, Alberta Border Blockade

💩 Are Crime Minister Turd’s boot-licking govt funded fake news outlets (CBC, Global,CTV) reporting on this?

Flight Attendants suffering COVID-19 vaccine injuries and sudden deaths – Guillain-Barre Syndrome, stillbirths, Turbo cancers, SADS, dying inflight, dying in sleep

Moderna Plunges After Pfizer Sees Just 24% Of Americans Seeking Covid Boosters
Speaking at a JPMorgan conference, Pfizer CFO David Denton said his company projected that just 24% of the US population recommended to take the shots will decide to roll up their sleeves, representing a slight increase in takeup from the previous round of boosters. As a reference, 70.5% of the world population has (forcibly) received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine


The UN’s New Political 13 Page Declaration on Pandemics will be passed by the UN General Assembly on Wednesday Sept. 20, to support the plans of elites to infect and impoverish us


Meta (Facebook) Ordered to Identify Users Who Violated Facebook’s ‘COVID Misinformation’ Policy

Listen to Turdeau’s greasy pipsqueak butt-plug lie his face off! 💩
WATCH: Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Keiran Moore, Falsely Claims “Over 3.5 Million” COVID Jabs Administered from the “Last Booster Dose” in the Province.


Over-cycled ‘PCR’driven COVID was a complete lie & deaths, elevated ‘all-cause mortality’ or ‘excess deaths’ are due to the manner in which people (often vulnerable) were treated by the medical system – Our doctors & hospitals killed the vast majority of people (not the virus); sending infected people from hospitals to old-aged homes; no antibiotic use for pneumonia; sedation (death row midazolam)…

Dr. David E. Martin Calls For Total Destruction Of The World Health Organization (WHO) For Crimes Against Humanity & Bio-Terrorism
“We did not have a pandemic. We had a genocide.” ~ Dr. E. David Martin

Secret Video: 130 Rogue Canadian Unions Collude for “Intervention” Against Parents March

YouTube Is Wiping Safety Content on COVID-19 Vaccines – Study Finds Platform is Cleansing Side Effect Information and Promoting Unbridled Use of Experimental Products

VIP Elite Panic After NEW Epstein List Exposes Powerful Pedophiles – Some of the world’s most powerful people are panicking following news that the real Epstein list of elite pedophiles has been leaked online. As Biden’s DOJ continues to block the “client list” of Epstein, investigators have released new names of VIP pedophiles connected to the child sex trafficker

Secret Pfizer report shows company KNEW since February 2021 that its mRNA COVID jab was killing people

mRNA Injury series – Alopecia Areata after Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – 12 cases examined – Pfizer developing a new drug to treat the Alopecia it caused

Oregon State Medical Board revokes license of doctor who demonstrated that vaccines cause harms in babies – the CDC/FDA does no studies on post vaxx impacts – he provided bombshell evidence

Cancer Genomics Expert Dr. Phillip Buckhaults Testifies at the SC Senate on the Dangerous DNA Contamination Found in the COVID Vaccines
Dr. Janci Lindsay testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC, she spoke after Dr. Buckhauts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQQ7kkj3Bs
DNA Plasmid Contamination in layman terms: https://www.aussie17.com/p/check-and-mate

🇨🇦 It’s called the “Cloward–Piven Strategy”
The Cloward–Piven strategy focused on overloading the United States (and Canada) public welfare system in order to precipitate a crisis, which would ultimately lead to replacing the welfare system with a national system of “a guaranteed annual income and thus an end to poverty”.

‘Vaccine’ Crime Evidenced Provided to Tennessee Governor and Attorney General

WTF?? Is Maui Governor Josh Green’s 1$ Billion FEMA Center For Fire Victims About Eugenics? Are They Gas Chambers? You Be the Judge….

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, Florida’s Surgeon General, is the first major U.S. health official to urge the public to avoid getting the mRNA jabs due to the fact that they cause VAIDS.

Wendy Bell of NEWSMAX: The Maui Fire Coincidences … She Knocks it Out of the Park With Facts – This is GOOD!

Covid Juice 3.0 (mRNA vaccine) hits the shelves in Germany, with interest at such record lows (no one wants it) that many doctors have not even bothered to stock it – Lets hope same for America, Canada etc. we need to tell PHAC, CDC, HHS, FDA, Health Canada, SAGE officials etc. ‘up yours’ with your fraud deadly mRNA vaccine, up yours!

Military Personnel Seen Wandering Forest Pressing Button On F-35 Key Fob

Canada’s Very Own Hitler – Spawned By Fidel Castro

A paper published in BMJ Open in April 2022 has found that an increase in the number of households that have toilets is associated with a decreased number of cases of measles in Indian children.

Video: COMMUNISM: Chicago mayor wants to launch government-run grocery stores to serve a CITY OF THIEVES

Merchants of Death – the price for the new XBB C19 mRNA dose – racketeering and extortion writ large – now up to ten times the price of the original doses – for no benefit only harm

mRNA Injury series – SEPSIS – Why do so many YOUNG people have damaged immune systems? COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are destroying young people’s immune systems and each dose makes it worse: 12 Sepsis cases

83-page Grand Jury petition containing evidence of COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ crimes sent to the Tennessee Governor and the state Attorney General from the National American Renaissance Movement

Democrat shit-hole Seattle, Washington law enforcement tell citizens they can’t protect them – they give criminals “whatever they’re looking for”

🇨🇦 Oh Canada 💩 Our Home and Nazi Land

This is WILD! Multiple Remote Viewers Warn of World Changing Event at Year’s End. If They Can’t Trick Us They’ll Try to Hurt Us

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, September 12-September 18, 2023

Pizzagate Exposed – The evidence that Bill and Hillary Clinton are involved in child trafficking and other sex crimes against children is overwhelming. The proof is not only out there – it’s publicly available information.

I wonder why they want to genocide all of the old folks?

Surviving the coming collapse of government Ponzi schemes. I am afraid it won’t be long before governments around the world, including the one in Washington, self-destruct. Strong words, but anything less would be naïve.

The Green New Death – The apocalyptic prophecies of government, academic, and corporate sponsored climate alarmism have manipulated the minds of the masses to believe that mankind is to blame for our own demise.

Watch out for the ELECTION VARIANT and Covid Booster Syndrome

COVID-19 vaccine mRNA found in BREAST MILK – New study (Sep.19, 2023) shows 77% of mothers (10/13) had mRNA in breast milk! VAERS shows 2 baby deaths, 14 reactions

‘The experts have no idea what they’re talking about’: Trudeau courts disaster with India, and the Indian diaspora

Agenda 21 – 2030 Decrypted
Many are calling this the first public declaration of the long feared “New World Order” or the beginnings of a totalitarian one world government. Whether or not one believes in the so-called conspiracy theory of the New World Order, the phrase “new universal agenda” and the phrase “New World Order” share the same linguistic meaning. The question is then, are they one in the same?


How BlackRock Conquered the World

How Vanguard Conquered the World

Baby Parts Have Many Uses

Physician “Re-Education” in Canada – Totalitarian staple adopted by WEF client state. Will lawyers be next?

Feeling Helpless? – All Part of the Plan

Daily Clout Team Obtains White House/CDC Emails from Early 2021 Confirming Cardiovascular Injuries Caused by COVID-19 Injections – Amy Kelly reported on the findings of “46 pages FOIA’ed (Freedom of Information Act) emails between CDC leaders, Dr. Fauci, Dr. Collins, and the White House, NIH, and HHS.”

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego caught LYING about her secret efforts to BAN meat and dairy

Why are US health bureaucrats pressing mRNA jabs on kids when other countries aren’t? This question is not rhetorical. The incentives here are bizarre, especially since the campaign is bound to fail.

The murder of innocence – using NIH instructions to administer contra-indicated “treatments” that kill – “following orders” lets medics keep their jobs, earn bonuses and avoid any liability for crimes

Zelensky Thanks Canada for Helping Save ‘Thousands of Lives’

BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public – “You can’t kill Americans … knowingly without the okay of the President because you’re literally burning up too much political capital.”

Doctors admit they can’t tell Covid apart from allergies or the common cold anymore – highlighting how mild virus has become

The Truth: No Vaccines Are Safe For Children – This week the World Council for Health issued a statement explaining why parents should no longer allow their babies and children to be vaccinated – please help by spreading the word.

Australian senator, Ralph Babet, highlights the ludicrous and fraudulent nature of Net Zero, in the Australian parliament. “Net Zero is a complete and utter scam, designed to shut down our nation, enrich predatory globalists and the CCP. That is all it’s going to do.”

🤬 Mass Murder/Genocide/Democide of the Ukrainian People by the Deep State, Nazi Criminal Cabal

Psycho Narcissist Justine Trudeau condemns ‘hate’ of Million Person March to protect children from LGBT propaganda – The Canadian crime minister continued to be dismissive of parents’ concerns about indoctrination in schools.

TURBO CANCER – The dam is starting to burst – Dr.Seneff and Dr.McCullough publish 10th cancer case after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination (massive skin cancer). I summarize & review these important 10 cases

The ruling Conservative Party in the UK is likely to lose the next election – scheduled for no later than 28 January 2025 – the incoming Labour Party plans to bankrupt the country with Net Zero lunacy

Dear Canadians – your government lied to you and put you in mortal danger – for political gain

How they program your mind…Creating cognitive dissonance is a tool to control the masses

From the “Individual Rights are Sovereign” files – individuals withdrawing from the UN and WHO – an update from Slovenia – the ball is rolling

Alert! Watch out for the Community Efficiency Financing push in your local communities.

https://greenmunicipalfund.ca  for more info. This is an arm of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities https://fcm.ca/en which is in turn affiliated with the UN/WEF and the promoter of the SDGs and other unpleasantries. The way it works is as follows:

-The government of Canada provides the funding (acquires debt from the IMF/World Bank?) for this program. 
-FCM is responsible for the delivery of said program through the green municipal fund. 
-This is then pushed down to another layered provincial government agency. 
-In Alberta, this agency is called Energy Efficiency Alberta, and they are supposed to work with municipalities to deliver the program to residents. 
-In turn, they have delegated the admin responsibility for the program to Alberta Municipalities which is a provincial trade association. 
-The program admin is to vet qualified contractors and then pay them from this green fund. 
– The participating municipality is to take on and hold the debt related to the program (so the participating residents are indebted to the municipality which is in turn indebted to the federal gov). 
– The “improvements” to be made are of the green energy variety and have to be verified by third party agencies like Enerstar. 
– This “financing” (debt) is to be amortized over the expected useful life of the clean energy improvement and repaid via a doubling of property taxes. 
– A lien is placed on the property by the municipality and is not removed until the debt is fully paid. 
– They can call it in at their discretion and it must be paid off immediately or the property will be taken and sold. 
– The resident has absolutely no recourse against any of these layered agencies for anything at all, ever. 
– If they sell the property they must disclose this debt and lien for the next owner to assume the payments. 
– There is no warranty or guarantee of any kind that the ‘improvements’ will work as designed, maintain the value of the home, or have the full estimated useful life. The debt remains and must be repaid. 

And there ya go. Another way in which they are setting up to take property. A debt trap courtesy of the IMF, with no recourse and the homeowner assuming all of the risk. 

“You will own nothing”

TURBO CANCER Ages 18-24: College & University COVID-19 vaccine mandated students are now developing Stage 4 cancers – 72 cases (in 2023): Lymphoma, leukemia, brain, testicular, sarcoma, breast, colon

Rebranding Tyranny – 30×30 land grab becomes “America the Beautiful”
Article: https://elizabethnickson.substack.com/p/rebranding-tyranny
Interview: The Story about Control | Elizabeth Nickson:
Two Generations to Lose It All – One for Universal Prosperity – the ideas are already in place. This is the speech I gave to the Stop 30 x 30 Conference:

EXCLUSIVE: CDC Director Walensky’s Husband Received $5 Million in HHS Grants – and That’s Just the Start of It

Disgusting Chemicals in vaccines

Bill Gates gets real about climate change: Planting trees is ‘complete nonsense’ but the end of the oil and gas era is finally in sight

Protecting our children: SOGI – what is it and why it’s needed
SOGI Website: https://bc.sogieducation.org/sogi3

Aurora, Ontario, Canada Says NO to 15-Minute Cities!

“Kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.” What does that mean? Explaining why people are so easily brainwashed, coerced, quieted and willing to turn on their neighbors…even their own families….

“A Revolution Against The Elites!” – WEF’s Klaus Schwab Openly Worries
World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab is not afraid to tell the rest of us the truth about unpleasant matters like how in the future we’ll all own nothing and be eating bugs. But what DOES strike fear in Schwab’s otherwise black heart is the prospect of the huddles masses rising up against “the system” and directing their anger at elites like, well, Klaus Schwab.


Flaws in Coronavirus Pandemic Theory PDF

The Cult of Moloch – what its socialist/Marxist “policies” are actually doing – via changes to International Health regulations (+ a new Pandemic Treaty) and “Net Zero” edicts

U.S. Government Monitoring Pregnant Moms’ Social Media Posts – Internal emails show U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is collecting personal data that might otherwise require a court order — including expecting parents’ posts about pregnancy on websites like BabyCenter.

Anybody believing this BS? 😜💩👽

Lobbyists Paid ‘Influencer’ Nutritionists to Promote Aspartame and Sugar to Kids on Social Media – Food and beverage industry lobbyists paid dozens of registered dietitians with millions of social media followers to promote aspartame and sugar, The Washington Post found. Aspartame is particularly dangerous for children and has been shown to be toxic to children’s brains

UN President Approves Pandemic Declaration — Privacy Experts Warn of ‘Digital Gulag’ – Over the objections of 11 nations, the United Nations General Assembly president today approved a declaration on pandemic prevention that seeks to create a global pandemic authority. Critics said the declaration supports COVID-19-style restrictions, including “closing schools and disproportionately throwing women out of work and into poverty.”

Doctors and nurses injured by COVID-19 mRNA vaccines – 10% are injured, 7% severely, 2% unable to work – Long COVID is being blamed. UK, US, AUS govts are buying their silence

Pfizer’s RSV Vaccine Math: Kill 4,000 Newborns to Save 300 from RSV – Welcome to the New Woke $$$$ Math

The RSV scam – NIAID invented the antigen, licensed it to Pfizer, GSK, Moderna, guarantees approval despite risks and negligible benefit, and collects the royalties. What’s not to like? One hand washes the other

Lahaina Incident: In-Depth Discussion on Possible Weaponization of GIS – Contributor videos on GIS and other web tools for understanding the Maui event
Comments from a reader about The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands

CDC confirms aluminum in vaccines linked to childhood asthma and AUTISM

Coming Alien Invasion False Flag – Dying confession of Wernher Von Braun
Von Braun’s False Flag Alien Invasion – A Genuine Warning or Fourth Reich Deception?

Will This Really Happen? Who the Hell Knows?
WARNING! 5G Activated Zombie Apocalypse Coming Oct 4th, or Oct. 11, 2023 at 2:22PM EST


Find Cell Towers Near Me: The Ultimate Guide for 2023

Go to Hell’: Brave EU Politician Christine Anderson’s Damning Message to the Global Tyrants

It’s NOT a Vaccination, It’s a Quantum Tagging! It Was NEVER About the Virus!

Hydrogel-Like Substance Found in Vaccine-Injured Nurse’s Blood – “This is not healthy blood. This is Nuremberg 2.0.”


TURBO CANCER in Doctors – Young COVID-19 Vaccinated Doctors are developing aggressive Turbo Cancers – 54 doctors and their tragic stories

Pilot Death – Alaska Airlines Pilot 37 year old Captain Eric McRae, based in Seattle, died suddenly on Sep.23, 2023 in his hotel room during layover

The greatest story NEVER told – millions have died over the almost three years of injecting experimental C19 mRNA and viral vector gene modifications – 10,000 a week in the US alone – politicians, regulators and MSM stonewall to hide their complicity in the slaughter

The greatest story NEVER told – millions have died over the almost three years of jabbing the experimental C19 gene modifications – 10,000 a week in the US alone – politicians, regulators and MSM stonewall to hide their complicity in the slaughter

A new study estimates that 17 million people have been killed by covid injections so far, and the risk of death is highest in older age groups. The study quantified the fatal toxicity risk per injection and estimated that the covid vaccines have killed 17 million people worldwide. This means that the covid injections have killed 1 in 470 people – in less than 3 years.

Squalene in vaccines can cause our immune systems to self-destruct; it also decimates shark populations

“Operation Paperclip” – 724 Page PDF Book – Click Here Buy the Book at Amazon

High Level United Nations Bullshit – The UN Political Declaration on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response was “adopted” at the High Level Meeting, subject to a formal vote by the full General Assembly “at a later date.”

New Warnings Show DNA Contamination and Persistence of Spike Protein in COVID Vaccine Recipients – Regulatory Agencies Are Ignoring Science Which Continues to Paint a Troublesome Picture:
Video: https://rumble.com/v3kqhyw-covid-vaccine-spike-proteins.html

CHIEF UN PROPAGANDIST – Melissa Fleming, Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications, at United Nations, and her speech at the Nobel Prize Summit 2023 (May 31, 2023), on how ‘social media is being weaponized to provoke the worst in human nature.’ She speaks like a true Communist….

A SubStack article from Dr Makis with links to nine other articles on mRNA in livestock – posted verbatim

German Whistleblower Finds DNA Contamination Up To 354 Times Recommended Limit in BioNTech-Pfizer Killshots – “contamination of vaccine batches with functional plasmid-DNAmust be expected to be the rule and not the exception” – Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi

NATO’s Nazi Beginnings: How the West implemented Hitler’s goals

Pro-life hospice president calls legalized assisted suicide in Canada a ‘national horror’ – ‘We have reached the point where we must all protect each other from MAiD,’ Delta Hospice Society president Angelina Ireland said.

Update on the September 20, 2023 WHO and UN General Assembly Meeting- Interview with James Roguski

Bill Gates suddenly abandons climate doom narrative as populations push back against globalism

For the past two years, Shelley Hipson has submitted dozens of freedom of information (FOIA) requests to the Nova Scotia government on their covid policies and response. What she has found is nothing less than the statistical proof, directly from the government of Nova Scotia, that there never was a pandemic. In fact, in 2020 deaths in Nova Scotia were lower than what had been predicted the previous year, before Covid was even announced.

Former vice president at Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon: The real goal of the “pandemic” was total digital enslavement, using digital ID and CBDCs: “[The] logical endpoint [is] totalitarian control of everyone on the planet using digital techniques. This whole thing is a multi year plan designed to smash civil society, to wreck the economy and to introduce various digital controls, [including] digital ID.” “If you accept this, you are in the first stages of the same funnel that cattle go down waiting [for] the stun bullet. So please say no, because there’s no escape from the totalitarian control that digital ID will grant. Whoever owns the database and controls the algorithm, controls you.”

🎶 Commander Schwab of the WEF Be Like, “You Will Own Nothing and Be Happy” …. People Be Like, F@ck You Klaus”! 💩 🖕
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3m3e2y-klaus-schwab-be-happy.html

As part of the ‘C40 Cities’ initiative, numerous cities around the world—including London, New York, Toronto, Sydney and Auckland—have set themselves the “ambitious target” of zero private vehicles, and zero meat or dairy consumption by 2030, to “save the planet”.

COVID-19: How The Greatest Crime Against Humanity Unfolded

Meryl Nass has recently published a very important summary paper reviewing the WHO Pandemic Treaty – The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty Will Increase Man-Made Pandemics

Microplastics – aka Nanotechnological Self Assembly Polymers – Are Everywhere – Poisoning Our Biosphere, Food Supply And Humans

mRNA With Your Shrimp Cocktail? Biotech Firm Developing Oral Vax for Shrimp Farms – An Israeli biotech startup secured over $8 million for its oral RNA-based shrimp vaccine that targets the white spot syndrome virus. Critics argue the long-term effects on shrimp — and on the humans consuming them — are unknown.

If you like cooking sprays ditch the Poison Pam in a can and get an PUZMUG Oil Sprayer – I swear by these! Just add your Organic Olive Oil and they’re good to go, works like a charm! I bought mine at Amazon, came 2 to a pack:
Amazon .com: https://amzn.to/3Psh5Bs
Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3PBp0fE

Former Indian diplomat Deepak Vohra says Canadian PM was depressed and some say he was high on drugs in Delhi. “Credible rumour” that sniffer dogs found cocaine on his plane.

Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post vaccine – My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS.

Former major city police detective reveals 50% of SIDS cases happened within 48 hours post Covid vaccine – My 16-minute interview of Jennifer, a former police detective in a major US city who handled over 250 SIDS investigations over 7 years implicates the childhood vaccines as the major cause of SIDS.

Jimmy Kimmel, Steve Martin, Guns N Roses cancel shows; rapper Krayzie Bone is “fighting for his life”; Denny Laine (Moody Blues, Wings) in “critical” condition (with no health insurance)

‘No Real Debate’ After New Study Shows mRNA From COVID Shots Contaminates Breast Milk – A peer-reviewed study published Sept. 19 in The Lancet provides “pretty conclusive proof” that mRNA from the COVID-19 vaccines migrates into breast milk, according to internet lecturer John Campbell, Ph.D. — despite claims by regulators, public officials and doctors that the mRNA in the vaccine would stay localized at the injection site.

There Is Something Wrong With Our Children
“They say that our children are our future but what kind of future can we hope for when it is being robbed from the very ones who are to bring it?”


How did a Nazi-linked veteran receive a standing ovation during Zelenskyy’s Canada visit to House of Commons? How? Is Trudeau that tone deaf? Did he know for it is he who vetted the Nazi? Freeland?
Freeland’s Connections to Nazis: https://rumble.com/v3ku4hn–nazis-in-canada.html

WORLD FIRST mRNA Cancer Vaccine: 56 yo Australian Dr.Richard Scolyer was diagnosed with worst possible Brain Turbo Cancer. He’s now receiving world’s 1st mRNA Cancer Vaccine to treat mRNA Turbo Cancer that was likely caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines – is he NUTS? If this was science fiction, it would be deemed too unbelievable to be published.

INTERVIEW / TESTIMONY – National Citizen’s Inquiry – Alberta Government deleted COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine Injury & Death data (Part 3) by Dr. William Makis (Sep.18, 2023)

Like the Twin Towers on 9/11, the U.S. is currently in a CONTROLLED DEMOLITION – here’s what comes next

WEF Drug Causes COVID To “Mutate and Spread Rapidly’, Scientists Warn

New Allegations that Dr. Fauci Potentially Influenced CIA COVID-19 Origins Investigation

Biden Administration Orders American Airlines to Reinstate Contact Tracing – All flights returning to the US now require a submission to the UN-sponsored WEF contact tracing program!

The secrecy of covid-19 vaccine contracts – Legal experts fight to disclose the contents of the deal made between governments and vaccine manufacturers

Vaccines Grown in Lettuce? Rep. Massie Asks House to Bar FDA, USDA From Funding Transgenic Edible Vaccines

BUSTED: Trudeau’s Plane Filled With Cocaine, Psychedelic Drugs!? Diplomat Outs Scumbag Canadian PM

Fauci Secretly Met With CIA to ‘Influence’ COVID Origins Investigation, House Republican Alleges

Pilot Incapacitation – Austrian Airlines Flight OS-188 (STR-VIE) Stuttgart to Vienna (Sep.24, 2023) The captain became incapacitated, first officer took control of aircraft & descended towards Vienna

mRNA Vaccines in Farm animals – Pork, Beef, Shrimp – self-amplifying mRNA vaccines for livestock – cattle & swine outbreaks “anticipated”, Australia building mRNA capacity, 9 articles reviewed

Justin Trudeau’s Nazi Hot Take Flexibility – Warning of “Russian disinformation” after a clear political own goal, Canada’s Prime Minister solidifies his status as the world’s most nauseating pseudo-intellectual

Two Years Is Too Long To Wait, Canadians Deserve To Have Our Say On This Government And Prime Minister Now

BREAKING: Professor Miyazawa Takes it to the Street to Expose the Truth!

mRNA Injury series – VAGINAL BLEEDING after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination – New Sep.22, 2023 Paper by Blix et al. is making waves, but the real TRUTH is far worse – 9 papers reviewed and VAERS Reports

Seeing alot of these lately – I won’t be flying anytime soon…
Pilot Incapacitation – Delta Flight DL-291 (CDG-LAX) Paris to Los Angeles (Sep.22, 2023) Pilot became incapacitated, was taken to cabin for care, plane diverted to Minneapolis, pilot taken to hospital


In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, September 19-September 25, 2023

Smartmatic Implicated In Alleged Bribery Scheme Involving Top Filipino Election Official

Trudeau’s Economic Incompetence in Seven Charts

Top 6 government-run and taxpayer-funded INDUSTRIAL COMPLEXES robbing Americans of their health and wealth

Fauci’s Covid Hospital Protocols are Killing People

COVID Vaccines Causally Linked to Increased Mortality, Resulting in 17 Million Deaths: Scientific Report

The “wrecking ball” strategy of the Cult – further bankrupt countries to cause poverty and disease, create shortages of food and energy, overload infrastructure systems by implementing insane and unworkable bogus/bogey green energy “Net Zero” – case in point – the UK

COVID Lockdowns: Why Did Fauci Change His Mind? Recent revelations shed new light on why one day, Dr. Anthony Fauci was counseling calm, claiming COVID-19 was flu-like, and the next day he was drumming up awareness of the coming lockdown.

‘A Panopticon of Epic Proportions’: CDC Awards $260 Million to Track Disease Outbreaks in Massive Surveillance Scheme – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will distribute $260+ million to establish “a National Weather Service, but for infectious diseases” — using mass data collection to predict and control disease outbreaks. But critics warn it will be subject to dangerous errors.

Transcript of Sasha Latypova’s Interview with the Epoch Times – Interview conducted by Jan Jekielek, July 20, 2023

Employers – let’s see you body count and sick leave records since you mandated the experimental C19 mRNA injections

Who owns and profits from the lethal and corrupt activities of Big Pharma? If you have retirement savings, chances are it is you!

We are Still Babylonian Debt Slaves – Two Millennia later – to the same damned death cults

Tom Renz – Truth, Transparency, COVID, & the Real Deep State

🇺🇦 Ukraine President Volodymy Zelensky’s rise to power represents an incredible manipulation of world opinion that will go down in history as a classic case study in social psychological engineering: an ordinary comedian who came to power because he promised a long-awaited peace, who then dragged his fellow citizens into a bloody war that can only be described as a massacre. With the help of colleagues and experts with first-hand insights into Zelensky, Scott Ritter has poured over documents and video to produce a film that captures this investigation.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3ltkoh–agent-zelensky.html

Canada’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland is mentioned in Part 2 around the 28 minute mark. She’s a Nazi.

My Body Does Not Belong to the Democrat Party or Liberal NDP

Springsteen, Aerosmith, Donny Osmond cancel shows; Al Di Meola has a heart attack on stage; Red Sox’s Tim Wakefield and wife both battling cancer; WWE star Manu, 38, “fighting for his life”

New Approach to Calling for COVID Investigations and Justice – A new American organization, the National American Renaissance Movement (National ARM), advocates for criminal investigations into COVID-19 actions by state county and local officials.

TURBO CANCER – Hepatobiliary System – Stage 4 PANCREATIC Cancer – Why are COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated getting these types of Turbo Cancers? – 20 recent tragic cases

TURBO CANCER – Professor Angus Dalgleish (St.George’s, University of London, UK) – mRNA ‘vaccines’ must be banned once and for all (Sep.29, 2023 Article)

THE CARBON PRISON SYSTEM: PAS 2070 – Science is really now poli-sci and it is changing not the climate but the system of accountable government into unaccountable prison guards in 15 minute cities

Pink, Bobby McFerrin, Brad Paisley cancel shows; Travis Barker’s “unfortunate health update”; Dawn Lyn (“My Three Sons”) recovering after brain surgery; Thom Hartmann staffer has Stage 4 lung cancer – California woman has Stage 4 breast cancer; American tourist collapses in Italian restaurant; marathoner “saved by fellow runners” after heart attack

Class action lawsuit against the maker of Remdesivir – (“run death is near”) – Gilead Sciences launched Wednesday, 27th September 2023 in California

Dr. Miyazawa, Japanese Virologist Who Warned Omicron Strain Was Created, Responds – The World is Now Paying Attention As His Recent Video Climbs to Over 10 Million Views

Dr Mark Trozzi has compiled 1,000 peer reviewed articles on vaccine injuries – this might come handy as evidence in criminal proceedings and debates in State, Provincial and Parliamentary debates. Here is the ultimate and organized library to empower research, back up law suits, support criminal charges, or effect political change. It’s also abundant proof for anyone who is still buying the “safe and effective” claim, but is willing to look at the evidence.

The UN’s New Political 13 Page Declaration on Pandemics will be passed by the UN General Assembly on Wednesday Sept. 20, to support the plans of elites to infect and impoverish us

Looks like Turd just can’t keep his yap shut…
Canadian Traitor and Crime Minister Turdeau claims Indian government assassinated Sikh leader – Hardeep Singh Nijjar, a Canadian citizen, was shot dead outside a temple in British Columbia in June. He had been a prominent supporter of a separate independent homeland for Sikhs in India.
Article: https://news.sky.com/story/canada-claims-indian-government-assassinated-sikh-leader-12964595

Ukrainian Nazi President Zelenskyy Lies At the 9/19/2023 UN General Assembly While On His “Give Me More Cash” Tour


💥 Watch CNN’s Jake Tapper gets his ass kicked – EPIC!! 🤣 This could be satire, I have no clue but I love this! ❤️

💥 Dr. McCullough Names Key Players in the Greatest Crime Against Humankind in History:

WHO (World Health Organization)
United Nations
World Economic Forum
Gates Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Welcome Trust
GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization)
CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation)
U.S. Department of State
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
FDA (Food and Drug Administration)
MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, UK)
TGA (Therapeutic Goods Administration, Australia)
SAHPRA (South African Health Products Regulatory Authority)
EMA (European Medicines Agency)

🇨🇦 This applies to Canada and the United States 🇺🇸

Agenda 21 – 2030 Decrypted
Many are calling this the first public declaration of the long feared “New World Order” or the beginnings of a totalitarian one world government. Whether or not one believes in the so-called conspiracy theory of the New World Order, the phrase “new universal agenda” and the phrase “New World Order” share the same linguistic meaning. The question is then, are they one in the same?

Poem “Mistakes Were NOT Made: An Anthem for Justice” – The Genocide is Happening Around Us Now

Ed Dowd Shares Horrific Update for UK Deaths and USA Disabilities
Ed Dowd is a former BlackRock fund manager who has amassed evidence from the insurance industry, funeral home industry, and government databases showing excessive deaths among working-age people worldwide.

This is one of the best videos I have seen about young people dying from the Covid shot and the unbelievable amounts of cancer that it is causing. Some of these influencers that took the shot and the money and pushed this vile crap did it for as little as $300. There is no telling how many thousands of people if not millions these fools helped the evil bastards running this shit show kill. I know people that have died or have cancer right now from this crap.

Transcript of Weekly Media Briefing by the Official Spokesperson (September 21, 2023) – https://tinyurl.com/5aptnjuk
Chellaney’s X Post: https://x.com/Chellaney/status/1705516718372642846?s=20

‘Go to Hell’: Brave EU Politician Christine Anderson’s Damning Message to the Global Tyrants

Will Canadian Crime Minister Justin Castro Jr. Ruin the New World Order Plans Because He’s Stupid? Probably. Stay Tuned….

Chrystia Freeland Has Some Suspicious Family Ties – Is She Actually Working for Canada?

Canada’s Public Health Officer Theresa Tam Loves Her Cocktails … SATIRE
💩 Get lost you smug, psychopathic, narcissistic, globalist, lying Nazi cockroach 🪳

🇨🇦 Did he just get thrown under the bus by Crime Minister Turd and Deputy Crime Minister NaziFreeland?

Itchy Nose?
More tidbits of corruption information with Chrystia Freeland – Trudeau too: https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2022/06/08/corruption-trudeau-liberals

🇨🇦💥💩 LMAO!!! Canada’s Crime Minister is getting spanked hard on social media for his Nazi debacle…too funny

Virus Patents – Weird Huh? Why Would Anybody Want to Own a Virus? Unless … 🤔

Senator Feinstein Death Not Expected To Affect Re-election Campaign

Must have been “back day” at the gym 🏋️‍♀️

TONS of World News Info and Monthly Newsletters Posted Here: www.RealTruthRealNews.com
Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies, Protocols and Products: www.DiamondzDetox.com
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Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com

🛑 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends “Spike Support” From the Wellness Company to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Vaccine, You Can Find it Here: https://tinyurl.com/5n99uvjv 10% Discount Code at Checkout: GAILHENDRICKS

🛑 Dr. Bryan Ardis’s Covid-19 and Covid-19 Vaccine Antidotes: www.DrArdisAntidote.com

🛑 Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Products Include “Z-Detox” For Covid Vaccine Protection – “Z-Flu” Protection Against Colds and Flu and “Z-Shield” which helps defend against dormant viruses. All Products Can Be Found Here: https://tinyurl.com/yc8zhusw

🛑 Purchase “Clean Slate” by ROOT Brands – It Provides a Full Body Detox and Healing From Damage Caused By the Covid Vaccine Ingredients:
ROOT Brands CEO Christina Rahm Explains Her Incredible Products in This Video: https://tinyurl.com/bddyekfu.

🛑 Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

🛑 Nano – Soma For DNA Repair Damaged By the Covid-19 Vaccine: https://tinyurl.com/32vuh4sk

🛑 High Grade Zeolite for Detox: https://tinyurl.com/53uxv89j

🛑 Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3

🛑 My Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies and Protocols Website: www.DiamondzDetox.com

The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. We expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. We do not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.

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