Random World and Health News Events For March 2024

In Case You Missed It, Here’s My February 2024 Newsletter: Here

💥 FYI – My newsletters always start with Covid and Vaccine information at the top of the page.

Current VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System) Data – Represents Between 1 – 10% of Actual Numbers Reported

Canadian Adverse Event Report System
CAERS is collecting data from individuals who perceive that they have experienced an Adverse Event (AE) related to their inoculation with a COVID ‘vaccine’.

Here Are the 9 Pages That Pfizer Was Forced to Release With Around 1300 Side Effects/Adverse Reactions From Their Covid “Vaccine”

UPDATE May 26/2023: Pfizer Data attached 393 pages of Adverse Events – there WAS only 9 pages! Order of Magnitude of Adverse Events off the Charts

Here are the Pfizer papers they wanted to hide for 75 years but a judge ordered them to release them immediately.

The First Batch of Pfizer Documents Were Released on March 1st, 2022 ~ The Adverse Reactions are FRIGHTENING!

♥️ Order Hydroxychloroqine/Ivermectin/Budesonide and Azithromycin (Z-Pack): www.BodywisePharmacy.com

Order Hand Held Nebulizers: HERE

Order Medicine Bag Organizers: HERE

Canadians May Be Able to Purchase Ivermectin/Hydroxychloroquine/Budesonide/Z-Packs From the Following Online Pharmacies:


💥 🇨🇦 Are you in Canada and need Ivermectin or HCQ? Send an email to sunshinehealth@proton.me They are legit. Tell them Odessa sent you…

“Hot Lots” ~ Some Batches of Vaccines Were “Knowingly” Made to Be Deadlier Than Others
Vaccines are manufactured in large batches called lots. What he discovered was that the vaccines are divided into over 20,000 lots and that one out of every 200 of these batches (lots) is demonstrably deadly to anyone who receives a vaccine from that lot, which includes thousands of vaccine doses.


Here is a Free 185 Page eBook Plus References That Explains “Vaccine Toxicity” – Awesome Info! https://diamondz.substack.com/p/here-is-a-free-185-page-ebook-plus

COVID-19 Vaccines: Proof of Lethality. Over One Thousand Scientific Studies

Some Pfizer Vaccines Were Contaminated — What Does That Mean for Millions Who Got the Jab? https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/pfizer-covid-vaccine-contaminated-gmo

The “How Bad is My Batch” website displays the number of deaths and disabilities associated with each batch/lot number of the Covid injection and indicates the relative toxicity of one batch/lot compared to another. The area to type in your lot number is at the top left of the page. It’s not known just yet as to the reason why some batches/lots are associated with excessive deaths, disabilities and adverse reactions (up to 50 x) however, the truth is coming out now so please do your due dilligence. [“Batch-code” = “Lot Number” = the number they write on your vaccination card.

Takes you to this page – just type in your Lot/Batch number: https://knollfrank.github.io/HowBadIsMyBatch/batchCodeTable.html

Article and more info on the “How Bad is My Batch” website:

This Would Be a Great Link to Send To Friends and Family! Fraud Warning – All Vaccine, Covid and Mask Truths in One PDF Document

Covid Vaccine Detox: www.DiamondzDetox.com

NEW as Of April 19/2023 ~ MatchYourBatch.org is a free tool intended to provide visual exploration of the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) data for individuals, clinicians, researchers, and scientists. At present, only COVID-19 related products can be searched with the hope of adding all current data available from VAERS.
Check it Out: https://matchyourbatch.org

More Info:

Canada Health Alliance recently launched a directory of medical practitioners that can be accessed easily by the public. The listings are comprehensive, in order to provide necessary info for good decision making. Recognizing the importance of ethics as the backbone of the new medical system, practitioners who list on this site must agree to a code of ethics. Please share, as the more practitioners get on the site, the better it will function to provide an alternative for the public.

Did you know that metformin can be used to treat COVID? It is truly “safe and effective.” – Carolyn Bramante did multiple studies showing metformin works to treat COVID. It was published in 2 peer-reviewed journals. Yet, no COVID treatment guidelines anywhere in the US recommend it’s use.
Article: https://kirschsubstack.com/p/did-you-know-that-metformin-can-be

Order Metformin Online Here: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

⚕️ ❤️ “The Wellness Company’s” COVID and Contagion Emergency Kits both contain proven medications such as Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, generic Z-Pak, and Budesonide with a nebulizer, along with a guidebook for safe emergency use: http://tinyurl.com/yrxuyfmy

The Wellness Company now Has 4 Emergency Kits – Check Them Out HERE

Theo Fleury on X: Trudeau sold us out to China and that’s treason at the highest levels of treason. We have an illegitimate government in Canada. 2019 and 2021 elections were no doubt stolen with the help of China. We have an illegitimate government passing illegitimate laws as well. Time for these treasonous bastard Liberals to go and also be arrested for these crimes which there are at this point too many to mention. Whatever the Liberals say about the Winnipeg lab are all lies as they are now in full defense mode and in damage control. RCMP, it’s time to do what you should have done along time ago. This is unbelievable when you think about it. Canada is no longer a safe and lawful country. They have all been exposed for the criminals they are.

Antibiotic contamination of U.S. food supply increasing as Big Pharma pushes more drugs for animals

Parents against vaccinating their children jumps from 4% in 2019 to 17% in 2024, a new Canadian survey shows

Vancouver Police Foundation returns donation from community group linked to CCP police station probes – People’s Liberation Army vet with financial ties to PM Justin Trudeau raised questions for Vancouver Police funding body

🔥😈💉 Just in time for the Turbo cancers BigHarma (and DoD) caused with the Covid jabs and the WEF promoted! KA-CHING!!! Horrific thing though, people are going to fall for this in desperation … https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/01/cancer-treatment-and-diagnosis-breakthroughs

BOMBSHELL – War Room/DailyClout Researchers Find Pfizer Delayed Recording Vaccinated Deaths at Critical Juncture of EUA Process. Improper Delays in Reporting Deaths in the Vaccinated Led FDA to Misstate Vaccine’s Effectiveness, Influenced EUA Grant Decision.

First outbreak of deadly, treatment-resistant fungal infection reported in Washington State

Camille Paglia wants to legalize pedophilia and child pornography. She is revered among liberal academics, even promoted by Jordan Peterson. She is a huge supporter of NAMBLA.

🔴 Covid Vaccine Detox – Please Share With Others: www.DiamondzDetox.com

🔴☮️ MasterPeace Nutraceutical With Zeolite Removes Graphene, Covid Vaccine Heavy Metals and Toxins: http://tinyurl.com/y67rc4bk

🔴 Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends “Spike Support” With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Jab, You Can Find it Here: https://tinyurl.com/5n99uvjv

🔴 Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline – Budesonide and Many Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com
⭐️🇨🇦 Canadian Ivermectin/HCQ Order Info at My Vaccine Detox Website: https://tinyurl.com/5t2wezwa

✝️ 🔮 This film covers some of the final prophecies Kim Clement surrounding Donald Trump, and the Great Reset that he gave before he passed away of a rare brain cancer on the 23rd of November 2016. His last prophecies seem to match identically with events of these present hours. Kim was also considered a private advisor to presidents of the United States, the FBI and often world leaders.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4la20f-the-last-prophecy.html

👉 Long version of The Last Prophecy: https://tinyurl.com/35nky63a
👉 Prophecies in this documentary are provided by: https://tinyurl.com/msuw88xp

Bad News for Fluoride: What the Fact Checkers Aren’t Telling You

Zelensky’s BLOOD Money – Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian blood is exported to Europe everyday thru Poland, Moldova & Romania, allowing Zelensky & his proxies to extract hundreds of millions of dollars in illicit profits.

Zelensky’s drug empire: How Ukraine turned into Europe’s largest drug production and distribution center

Trudeau covered up massive CCP infiltration of his government’s top virology lab…

Sudden EV Explosion, Rockets up 5 Meters, Close to 100 BYD Autos Spontaneously Combust

Hey Canadians! Guess What?? The federal government is set to give the CBC another $1.4 billion handout, despite expected mass layoffs and a decline in viewership …. and guess who is paying for this? YOU!

Abortion Pills To Be Sold At CVS And Walgreens

UK MP Andrew Bridgen Subtly Reminds Government Officials They Could Be Tried For Crimes Against Humanity

🔥💉 If I took the “kill-shot” I would be PISSED!

I Gathered All Vaccine Ingredients Onto a List and Contacted POISON CONTROL.” – “These are being INJECTED into your kids”…

🇨🇦 As if your $30,000 battery replacement wasn’t bad enough…..Alberta Budget 2024 – Province to introduce $200 annual electric vehicle tax

🇨🇦 Ottawa adds funding to CBC…WTF? So Turdeau’s lying, nazi-news broadcaster will get a $1.4B budget!

🔥 Does this sound familiar?
A deadly new virus is discovered… there’s no treatment or cure… it’s highly contagious… everyone is a potential victim… everyone must get tested and tested repeatedly, even though the tests are unreliable… every politician gets involved… media hysteria goes into high gear… news media-supported activists demand salvation from the government… billions of dollars are authorized to fast-track drug and vaccine research (as Big Pharma quietly waits off-stage for one of the biggest paydays in its history)… simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed… exaggerated death statistics… falsified death certificates… people coerced into treatments they not only don’t need but are also known to be dangerous…
CoVid-19? No. AIDS in the 1980s.
Paperback at Amazon: https://amzn.to/3IiWLzt

🚨 Woman Living Near Cell Tower Diagnosed With 51 Strokes
Nearly immediately after the cell tower was “upgraded” in 2019, Marcia became disabled from the intense levels of RF radiation. She has suffered 51 strokes, vision loss, hearing loss, headaches, sleep disruption, chronic fatigue + cognitive impairment.


🔥 Two BC libraries ban the book “Grave Error”
At least two libraries in BC have refused patron requests to purchase the bestselling book “Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (And the Truth About Residential Schools),” written by C.P. Champion and Tom Flanagan. Published by True North and Dorchester Books in early December 2023 and sold exclusively on Amazon, the book moved approximately 500 copies on its release date, and nearly 2,000 copies in the first week alone. It is currently the #1 Amazon Canada bestseller in Canadian Literature.
Article: https://tnc.news/2024/03/01/two-bc-libraries-ban-the-book-grave-error

👉 Purchase at Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3SSxFMo
👉 Also available at Amazon .com: https://amzn.to/48xiHBq

🇨🇦 🇨🇳 DEVELOPING: Secret Documents Reveal Trudeau Government Virologists Had “Clandestine Relationship” With Chinese Agents – Documents authored by Canada’s top intelligence service reveal the long awaited explanation behind the abrupt departure of two virologists from Canada’s top biolaboratory. Canada is under siege. Its government is fully controlled by the technocommunist WEF. Installed Crime Minister Justin Trudeau is a WEF “penetrator” puppet. This installed Prime Minister ditz has openly expressed his admiration for China’s tyrannical control over its populace, has unconstitutionally instituted all of the draconian PSYOP-19 lockdowns, has foisted democidal “health” policies, allowed CCP troops to conduct military drills on Canadian soil, illegally confiscated funds from protestors, invested money stolen from Canadians via taxes as well as his own kickback fortunes into the slow kill bioweapon “vaccine” program, and so on and so forth.

🍁☠️ Since medically assisted suicide was first legalized in Canada 🇨🇦 in 2016, it has become the sixth leading cause of death in Canada as of 2022. At first, it was restricted to people suffering from serious illnesses or disabilities and whose natural deaths were “reasonably foreseeable.” But in 2021, Canada lifted the requirement of a “reasonably foreseeable” death. In 2022, medical assistance in dying (MAiD) constituted 4.1 percent of all deaths in Canada. The obvious elephant in the room is the government’s conflicts of interest. For example, if people with long-term illnesses or disabilities or mental health diagnoses who are financially dependent on the government choose to receive MAiD, it could alleviate a massive financial burden on the government. Is that why we’re hearing a push for minors with terminal illnesses or disabilities to also have access to MAiD? Here in America, 10 states allow for medically assisted suicide, and 18 states are considering similar proposals. Where is all of this headed?
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4gtmj3-medically-assisted-suicide-maid.html

Euthanasia Videos: https://tinyurl.com/nv6svrj5

Ella Trudeau, the daughter of Canadian crime minister Justin Turdeau, was ALLEGEDLY captured on video telling people to vote for the Conservative Party (CPC) while intoxicated in a McDonald’s. In the early hours of February 27, 2024, a video surfaced on Twitter allegedly depicting Ella-Grace Trudeau, daughter of Canadian Crime Minister Justin Turdeau, in a state of drunkenness, passionately advocating for the Conservative Party of Canada while venting frustrations about her father’s actions.
👉 Article: https://www.toronto99.com/2024/02/27/fact-check-did-ella-trudeau-trash-her-father-while-drunk
👉 Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgKeL5KwZSA&t=21s
👉 Tweet was deleted but is archived here: https://archive.is/dYUec

🍁 Aaron Gunn Documentaries 🍁
🇨🇦 Vancouver is Dying: https://tinyurl.com/uzrdc3je
🇨🇦 Canada is Dying: https://tinyurl.com/57sthjcs

‘Just shocked’: Video of students licking feet at fundraising event causing controversy
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4gowpz-edmond-ok-deer-creek-high-students-sucking-on-adult-toes-wtf.html

The Communist Revolution is here. Now what?

WHO’s Vigiaccess database holds over 5 million reports of harms including at least 58,091 deaths of men, women and children and WHO hasn’t said a word…

This thoughtful article by Graham Bridger summarises the state of Covid affairs in the UK, explaining how people have been let down at every juncture by the those in positions of authority – and not only let down but repeatedly and deliberately deceived. It is time we ordinary men and women have this conversation in our homes, at work and in our congregations. Most importantly, it is time to tell our children the truth.

Stop Weaseling. Shut Down the Damned Government on March 8 – Whatever you ‘know’ about the Border, it’s much much worse.

The Great Replacement is Real. The Nightmare Scenario is Now – Stress Testing Western Civilization by Destroying It

💥 ⚕️ BOOK: “What Nurses Saw” – It was MURDER. These protocols were explicitly ordered by those who took dictatorial control of the medical system early in the Panic (spring of 2020). Further, when they were shown to be demonstrably failing and harming many thousands of people, experienced healthcare professionals who raised informed concerns were silenced through demotion, firing, and organized campaigns of harassment promoted by the news media and enabled by companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, in some cases in collaboration with the White House and the Department of Justice’s FBI.
Amazon: https://amzn.to/42ZqeIa
Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3P6VLC5

Hollywood Elite Panic As P Diddy Victim Vows To Name VIP Pedophiles – Recent sex abuse lawsuits against Sean “Diddy” Combs have damaged the reputation and career of one of the music industry’s most successful and wealthy men. But a new suit from music producer Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones makes new, explosive claims about Combs’ activities in disturbing detail, naming a host of celebrities and industry executives – and the implications are enormous. It appears Diddy was running a Jeffrey Epstein-style blackmail operation, with his houses set up with secret cameras in every room – in exactly the same manner as Epstein – collecting meticulously documented material on dozens of the biggest players in the music and entertainment industry. We are talking about underage girls and boys. Child sex trafficking. Forced sexual encounters. Drugs, guns, and murder.

🐍 Dr. Bryan Ardis reveals BOMBSHELL findings about reptilian VENOM PEPTIDES in popular weight loss drugs, and the role of NICOTINE in healing “long COVID”. Also revealed is the popular Weight Loss Drug Ozempic Paralyzes the Stomach and Causes Thyroid Cancers, Reptile Venoms Found in Pharmaceuticals Causing Illness and Death….scary!
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4gw7cc-dr-bryan-ardis-ozempic-venoms.html

👉 Dr. Ardis’s Antidotes Video and Supplements: https://tinyurl.com/byuzey5t
👉 Nicotine Patches and Gum: https://amzn.to/3wNGK1C
👉 Rugby Nicotine Patches: https://amzn.to/43htM8V

Colorado Democrats Block Legislation Punishing Child Sex Traffickers – Suggest Criminals Are Also Victims

🇨🇦 Two BC libraries ban the book “Grave Error” – At least two libraries in BC have refused patron requests to purchase the bestselling book “Grave Error: How the Media Misled Us (And the Truth About Residential Schools),” written by C.P. Champion and Tom Flanagan. Published by True North and Dorchester Books in early December 2023 and sold exclusively on Amazon, the book moved approximately 500 copies on its release date, and nearly 2,000 copies in the first week alone. It is currently the #1 Amazon.ca bestseller in Canadian Literature.
Purchase at Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3SSxFMo
Also available at Amazon .com: https://amzn.to/48xiHBq

🗡️ A journey through Time! A timeline showing the real and animated faces all the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine the Great. A process which took almost 3 years of work of examining the busts and statues of roman emperors and show how they actually looked like. Prepare to embark on an epic journey through the annals of history as we peel back the veils of time to reveal the awe-inspiring faces of the mighty Roman emperors.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4gwuib-roman-emperors.html

💩🚽 No, I think it’s “Communist Standards” Zuckie wants us to follow on his crappy spy social media platform

Does this sound familiar?
A deadly new virus is discovered… there’s no treatment or cure… it’s highly contagious… everyone is a potential victim… everyone must get tested and tested repeatedly, even though the tests are unreliable… every politician gets involved… media hysteria goes into high gear… news media-supported activists demand salvation from the government… billions of dollars are authorized to fast-track drug and vaccine research (as Big Pharma quietly waits off-stage for one of the biggest paydays in its history)… simple, effective remedies are rejected while expensive, dangerous ones are pushed… exaggerated death statistics… falsified death certificates… people coerced into treatments they not only don’t need but are also known to be dangerous…..CoVid-19? No. AIDS in the 1980s.
Paperback at Amazon:

🌴 I’ve never been a big fan of fake house plants because I thought they always looked so fake but because our condo is so dark I decided to buy 2 X 6 foot palm plants. I got them a couple of days ago and I have to say – WOW! They look pretty nice. I think I will order a couple more for my outside garden. The company that I bought from on Amazon have some sales right now…
Amazon Canada:
Amazon. com: https://amzn.to/3Tkd1X4

A restaurant in Toronto, Ontario is charging a 2% tax to fight “climate change”

Miki Klann – Operation Restore the Republics! Common Law Explained…

💥 Did the Pentagon Orchestrate the Covid SCAMdemic? Here’s What REALLY Happened With the Covid ‘Vaccine’ – New leaked audio shows the DOD labeled Covid a national security threat weeks before we knew about it.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4h064l-dod-pentagon-pandemic.html

Propaganda Series – They complained about others not getting the COVID-19 Vaccine, then they “Died Suddenly”. 26 People who died due to COVID propaganda and disinformation

VIDEO – Husband killed by COVID Hospital Protocol (Stacy Hyatt)(Mar.1, 2024, CHD)

Damning New Research Study Finds Self Assembly Plastic Polymer Nanoparticles In Every Placenta
Dr. Ana’s Detox: https://tinyurl.com/yft847uu

HUGE Waste of Taxpayer Money

Red Cross Wants Your Help With Their Cell & Gene Therapy Solutions – Ummm….what? “We partner with you to support the development and delivery of your novel drug therapies.” Oh. Cool.

🌀 Paint Your Roofs BLUE!
Army Corp of Engineers use Green Lasers Conduct Coastal Surveys
Cape Coral Floral – Green Lasers seen Multiple Times Scanning the Ground

🤬 I’m Mad As Hell and I’m Not Going To Take It Anymore! AWESOME Scene, It’s from the 1976 movie “Network” with Fay Dunaway and William Holden.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4h2d82-movie-network-mad-as-hell.html

🌎 Dr. David Martin Talks About the History of the Global Cartels, Pandemics, BigPharma, Vaccines, Eugenics and More
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4h0zyb-dr-david-martin.html

“Treason!”: Bombshell Report Reveals Pedophile Joe Biden Has Secretly Flown 320,000 Illegals INTO The United States – Criminal regime’s legally dubious program to fly inadmissible aliens over the border directly to U.S. airports has allegedly created law enforcement vulnerabilities too grave to release publicly.

Evidence To Be Presented That Criminal Activity Has Been Committed By the Very Top of Government in the UK – British Prime Minister Sunak and and his financial links to Moderna under the spotlight…

Former Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor Warns: Democrats Will Turn Guns on US Citizens If Military Recruits Illegals – The US missed their recruitment goals by 41,000 recruits last year and started the year with its smallest military in more than eight decades.

🇨🇦 Trudeau Has Destroyed Our Country and Now He Wants Take it Away! The links in the video description are very important, especially to anyone who owns land – especially BC…
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4h3a30–hey-canada-wake-up.html

Adele cancels Vegas stint again; Jon Bon Jovi can’t sing due to “vocal injury”; Justin Timberlake’s illness takes a “turn for the worse”; Halsey “back in diapers” due to endometriosis – “Ginger Zee misses ‘Good Morning America’ after falling ill”; “Giants’ Tristan Beck diagnosed with aneurysm in upper arm”; Texas Tech’s Brady Trombello has a “medical emergency”

⚔️ A journey through Time! A timeline showing the real and animated faces all the Roman Emperors from Augustus to Constantine the Great. A process which took almost 3 years of work of examining the busts and statues of roman emperors and show how they actually looked like. Prepare to embark on an epic journey through the annals of history as we peel back the veils of time to reveal the awe-inspiring faces of the mighty Roman emperors

💥 Crime Minister Turdeau’s new Harms Bill is an Attack on Free Speech – Jailed for life because you “MIGHT” commit a crime in the FUTURE? Are you $#@! kidding me???
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4h84bh-trudeau-harms-act.html

👉 Bill C-63: https://tinyurl.com/39kyh2y5
👉 Trudeau’s Online Harms Act is Worse Than We Thought: https://tinyurl.com/yfmh6k56
👉 Trudeau’s Orwellian Bill C-63 is an Attack on Free Speech: https://tinyurl.com/3nahhfys

💩 Crime Minister Trudeau’s New Draconian ‘Online Harms Act’ (Bill C-63) is Digital Tyranny and an Attack on Free Speech – The Act Includes Life Imprisonment For ‘Hate Crime Offenses’ and Creates a Censorship Czar…
Article: https://diamondz.substack.com/p/trudeaus-new-draconian-online-harms

Imminent Threat: Three Ominous Forces Merge to Ignite Violence Across the U.S. in 2024 – Every Household in America Faces the Risk of Burglaries, Assault, Riots, and the Ultimate Destruction of CIVIL WAR

Cambridge, Ontario Mayor cuts off woman’s mic, summons security for expressing safety concerns about a universal gender-neutral change-room and bathroom in a new recreation facility

A Message From The Dingbat Captain Of The CDC Titanic, Who Apparently Doesn’t Realize Her Ship Is Sinking (you’re going to jail honey)…

🍁 Trudeau’s Attack on Free Speech: https://tinyurl.com/ycxcpr5k
🍁 Trudeau’s Draconian Harms Act Bill: https://tinyurl.com/yfznh3b8

Propaganda Series – They were dismissive about the dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccine, then they “Died Suddenly”. 20 People who mocked the risks of the COVID-19 mRNA jabs and have since died

Law of War Manual Revised July 22/2016
👉 https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/2997317-DoD-Law-of-War-Manual-June-2015-Updated-May-2016
👉 https://media.defense.gov/2023/Jul/31/2003271432/-1/-1/0/DOD-LAW-OF-WAR-MANUAL-JUNE-2015-UPDATED-JULY%202023.PDF

BREAKING: 4x Vaccinated Youth 318% More Likely to Die Than Unvaxxed Peers, Office for National Statistics Confirms

🇨🇦 WTF is Happening to Canada!? Oh yeah, Liberals/China/WEF/NGOs

🚨 Pharma Stock ‘Mattered More Than the Price of a Life,’ Physician Tells Senate Roundtable – “It is nearly impossible to publish data that go against the national public health narrative. If doctors cannot publish the data, they cannot find solutions to fix the problems.” — Dr. Sabine Hazan

What do you call an organization that mandates toxic, contaminated injections , collects evidence of deaths and harms and keeps it secret? The CDC of course! C= Not to limit, but to increase the D!

🦷👄 The graphene, nanotech and even nano-microchips are now being found in dental anesthesia, breast implants and more – it’s a horror show forced on the global population by an insane and evil ruling class that is trying to depopulate our world by any and every means under the sun. Dr. Diane Kazer joins Sean at SGT Report to expose the truth.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4hblhr-graphene-dental-products.html

🟣 MasterPeace Nutraceutical With Zeolite Removes Graphene, Covid Vaccine Heavy Metals and Toxins: http://tinyurl.com/y67rc4bk
🟣 Dr. Ana’s Complete Detox Including EDTA, Methylene Blue and More: https://tinyurl.com/mr2cuwe4

💥🇨🇦 Dr. David Martin has the goods on Turdeau – this is an awesome video: https://tinyurl.com/2s4579dr

‘Stunning Act of Scientific Censorship’: Journal Retracts Peer-Reviewed Study Critiquing COVID-19 Vaccine – The journal Cureus on Monday retracted the first peer-reviewed paper to provide an extensive analysis of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine trial data and post-injection injuries. The authors of the paper also called for a global moratorium on the vaccines.

Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’ – Public health agencies have refused to study or to publicly release data comparing the health outcomes of vaccinated and unvaccinated children, according to experts who spoke during Monday’s U.S. Senate roundtable discussion on “Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel.”

🇵🇸 🇮🇱 International Israeli Sales Event of Palestinian Land – Israel’s war crimes, funded and supported by the United States, are being witnessed all over the world. Several nations are demanding a cease fire, but Netanyahu rejects all of it. Israel unabashedly believes they are the superior race of God’s chosen people, and that genocide is their birth right.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4heo19-israel-palestine-war.html

Breaking: Canadian spy suspect Qiu led WIV’s “synthetic bat filovirus” project with Wuhan Institute’s Vice-Director: CSIS document investigation. Comparing redacted CSIS document with United States bat coronavirus paper suggests Dr. Qiu was hired in People’s Liberation Army program to work with “bat woman” Shi Zhengli in 2019

This Is How Metastatic Immigration Kills a City – This is Everyone’s Future
The Cartels are allied with Corporate Fascists, Greens, the Hard Left and the CCP.

🛑 Aaron Gunn Documentaries:
🇨🇦 Vancouver is Dying: https://tinyurl.com/uzrdc3je
🇨🇦 Canada is Dying: https://tinyurl.com/57sthjcs

❤️ Joe Tippens from Edmond, Oklahoma used a pet dewormer recommended by a Veterinarian for treatment after being diagnosed with small cell lung cancer.
Video: https://rumble.com/v3q04y6-joe-tippens-fenbendazole-cancer.html

👉 Joe Tippens Protocol is Here: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/10/17/cancer-new-treatments

🚜 Dutch political commentator, Eva Vlaardingerbroek: Unelected globalists are using the pretext of “reducing nitrogen emissions” to shut down the global farming industry, so people will have no choice but to eat insects and lab-grown “meat”, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030. “The people behind this want to establish a one world government, a ‘New World Order’, in which they decide what we eat, when we eat, where we travel, when we travel, who we meet, and what we are allowed to spend our money on. Basically, control over every single aspect of our lives.” “They don’t want us to eat foods that make us strong. They want us to eat synthetic meat created by Bill Gates. They want us to eat bugs, they want us to drink soy milk, so that we become weak and obedient, and we do as they say.”
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v3sojqx-eva-vlaardingerbroek.html

It’s Maddening to See the Day-To-Day Live Streaming of America’s Self-Sabotage & Destruction as Our Country Goes Totally Crazy with Nowhere to Hide from The Insanity

mRNA Injury Stories – Tampa, FL – 36 year old Sheriff’s Detective Robert Wright had 2 heart attacks & needs a heart transplant; his wife had pregnancy complications, their baby now in neonatal ICU

Trudeau Caught For Massive Biowarfare Lab Cover Up. Finally It’s Being Exposed By Politicians.

💥💉 🇰🇷 Shocking Toll of Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines Unveiled in South Korea’s Press Conference: Thousands Dead and Injured Due to Experimental Gene Therapy! “Due to vaccine side effects, there have been around 2,700 deaths and about 19,000 severe cases.” “These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than 10x higher!”
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4hj4rl-south-korea-covid-deaths.html

🛑 Disgusting Article Reveals Who CNN Thinks the Real Victims in Murder of Laken Riley Are
🛑 HEARTBREAKING: Mother of Laken Riley Posts Emotional Tribute to Daughter Killed By Scumbag Illegal Alien, Declares Murder an ‘Avoidable Tragedy’
🛑 DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas Refuses to Answer if Illegal Alien Who Murdered Laken Riley Should Have Been Deported (VIDEO)

☠️ 🇨🇳 The entire process – from being strapped down, to being injected four times, to the monitoring of heartbeat, to automatic bed raising into a body bag for transport to the crematorium – is described in great detail by a narrator – plus what you will be thinking during each stage. Apparently, these death vans are in many places in China. They drive up, put you inside ad kill you in a much more cost-effective way than alternative methods. The author of the video recorded material intended for Chinese people – it is not intended for people outside China.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4hnejl-china-death-van.html

👉 ‘He Was Alive’: Tormented Chinese Doctor Recounts Harvesting Organs In Back Of Van: https://tinyurl.com/4n24bxry

💥 Former 60 Minutes Foreign Affairs Correspondent & Journalist Lara Logan’s segment on Feb 26/2024 in Washington, D.C. at Senator Ron Johnson’s roundtable discussion ‘Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4hq94b-lara-logan-free-speech.html

Warning: The annual flu vaccine is being transformed into an mRNA jab…stop taking ALL vaccines!! Pet vaccines are dangerous too!

South Korea Press Conference Reveals Thousands Dead & Injured From COVID-19 Vaccines

World’s Biggest Study on COVID ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects Has Been Published. – ‘Anti-Vaxxers’ and ‘Conspiracy Theorists’ vs People Who Believe Anything. Guess Who Wins (Again)?

Victoria Nuland Resigning! Victoria Nuland is the definition of Deep State bureaucrat. She is the architect of the Ukraine color revolution, and coordinated with the CIA to overthrow the sovereign nation in 2014. Flashback to March 8th, 2022. Nuland admits in a public hearing, that the US do indeed have biolabs in Ukraine, and that they are “quite concerned Russian forces are seeking to gain control of” these biolabs, and they were “working with the Ukrainians to make sure the research material does not fall into the hands of Russian forces”. Nuland is one of the slimiest Deep State rats on Earth, complicit in crimes against humanity. She is resigning because she knows her plot to overthrow Russia ultimately failed, and the incoming administration will hold her and everyone accountable. She is running before Justice comes knocking.
Article: https://bioclandestine.substack.com/p/nuland-to-resign
Video: Victoria Nuland’s Plan To Destroy a Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine And Blame Russia: https://tinyurl.com/2v5f3tbt

FDA Chief Dr. Peter Marks acknowledges that the “avalanche of reports was tremendous,” referring to adverse event reports from the COVID-19 vaccines

BREAKING: Elites Rush to Dump $11B in Stocks as March 11 Banking Collapse Fears Loom

An iconic WWII photo showing a nonconsensual kiss was almost banned from display. It didn’t last long

⚛️ Unrestricted Warfare – “Nano Weapons of Mass Destruction” – Covid Jabs Contain Nano Tech, Graphene Oxide and Micro Plastics
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4htx2b-graphene-oxide-nano-plastics-detox.html

🟣👉 MasterPeace Nutraceutical With Zeolite Removes Graphene, Covid Vaccine Heavy Metals and Toxins: http://tinyurl.com/y67rc4bk
🟣👉 MasterPeace Article: https://tinyurl.com/28p25sk8
🟣👉 EDTA Detox Cream: https://amzn.to/3PdGQ9j also https://amzn.to/3Tq4pOz
🟣👉 Methylene Blue: https://amzn.to/3T8W00J
🟣👉 Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s Complete Detox Information Including EDTA, Methylene Blue and More: https://tinyurl.com/mr2cuwe4
🟣👉 Dr. Ana Mihalcea Videos: https://tinyurl.com/bde2pscf
🟣👉 MMS – Chlorine Dioxide: https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3
🦷👄 Dr. Diane Kazar Reveals the Graphene, Nanotech and Microchips Found in Dental Anesthesia, Botox Injections and Breast Implants: https://tinyurl.com/2aynj32y

DARPA LifeLog, Facebook the CIA and the Military Industrial Complex Weaponization of Social Media

Canadian postal workers are suing Canada Post and the federal government over the COVID-19 jab. They spoke with The Canadian Independent to share their story

Alarming News for Shingle Vaccine Recipients – The vaccine may be leading to a recurrence of ocular shingles.

🇺🇸 Resident Joe Biden’s Cringe-Chat With Past Movie Presidents Before His March 7/2024 State of the Union Address
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4hunbr-joe-biden-2024-sotu.html

Elon Musk Exposes the Democrats’ Secret Game Plan to Win Every Election – “No grand conspiracy is needed to explain this…”

In 2010, a young soldier named Mike Prysner became a legend for a spontaneous speech saying that the US military fights wars not out of principle, but for Wall St and defense contractors. Today, the truth he spoke is widely known…

Mel Gibson: Global Elites Will Keep Dying To Make Way For The Antichrist

World Exclusive: Everything You Wanted to Know About Secret Biolabs in Ukraine, Now Revealed! DOD Operation Warp Speed confirms – pathogens are made in the labs. It’s ok when WE do it! It’s to save grandma and for warfighter readiness…

Chlormequat crop chemical is hormonally castrating males and denaturing females, subtly depopulating the Earth. – Chlormequat exposures are increasing in the U.S. population. Study Finds 80 Percent Americans Exposed to Fertility-Lowering Chemicals in Cheerios, Quaker Oats.

Fani Willis – embezzling funds to overpay a gigolo for sexual favours, witness tampering, perjury – just what you would expect from a corrupt race-baiting incompetent moron

INTERESTING: Remote Viewing of the Rapture Ascension Event – The Future Forecasting Group Sees a Grim Future for Humanity
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4i0a8r-rapture-ascension.html

Lawsuit accuses Synagro of poisoning farms with PFAS-contaminated BIOSOLIDS “fertilizer”

Trudeau’s New Draconian ‘Online Harms Act’ (Bill C-63) is Digital Tyranny and an Attack on Free Speech – The Act Includes Life Imprisonment For ‘Hate Crime Offenses’ and Creates a Censorship Czar…

The Mystery of Julian Assange – At This Point, I’m Questioning Everything

😡 Yeah Karen…

The Un-American Campaign against Donald Trump

TURBO CANCER – 40 year old FOX NEWS Journalist Ashley Papa was diagnosed with Stage 4 Appendix Turbo Cancer (Fox news Mandated COVID-19 Vaccines) – 16 cases under age 50

The Globalist Establishment Has Failed

Where Did the Flu Go I wonder? 🤔

Supreme Court Keeps Trump On 2024 Presidential Ballots By Unanimous Decision

The Dems Opened the Door for Trump’s Retribution

A Solar Eclipse. A Sign for America

Graphene Oxide Nanoparticles are in COVID Vaccines; a new report says they are safe for humans….They are lying!

🇨🇦💩🇨🇦 Captain Turd Wants Us DEAD 🇨🇦💩🇨🇦

Israel Attacks More Aid Convoys Even After Multiple Investigations Expose Flour Massacre Was A Setup

Anti-Globalist Alliance Manifesto

World’s Top Molecular Biologist Warns of ‘Smoking Gun’ Evidence COVID Was Bioengineered by the ‘Deep State’

Dr. Daniel Nagase – Legal System Sabotage in Canada

Super Duper Tuesday – President Trump won in a landslide in every state BUT Vermont (Bernieland) and the swamp of DC where Democrats were voting for Haley in droves!

She broke her father out of Hospital before they killed him (Amalya, CHD Mar.3, 2024)

Joe Biden Welcomes Nikki Haley’s ‘Supporters’ After She Suspends Her 2024 Presidential Campaign… But There’s Just One Problem

Mitch McConnell Bends the Knee, Endorses President Trump Immediately Following Haley’s Exit From the Presidential Race

🌎 💉 SPARS 2025-2028 a Johns Hopkins 2017 detailed outline scripting a worldwide pandemic scenario, how governments can better impose control over their citizens and merge cooperative efforts into a permanent global body into technocracy. Diana Leska does a great job showing you that the COVID-19 PLANdemic is a False Flag Event, FAKE News, Psychological Operation (PsyOp), and ALL ABOUT THE NEW WORLD ORDER CONTROL, not a flu virus. It has always been about CONTROL, not a common cold or annual flu.`
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4i0uci-spars-pandemic-script.html

👉 The Spars Pandemic 2025 to 2028 PDF: https://tinyurl.com/3s9p9nnr
👉 Archived PDF: The Spars Pandemic 2025 to 2028: https://tinyurl.com/4bayfy52
👉 The History, Origins and Intentions of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset, Secret Societies and the New World Order Cult https://tinyurl.com/4k23r7aw
👉 The UN’s Agenda21 Explained in 5 Minutes by Rosa Koire: https://tinyurl.com/37duaa7a
👉 “The Fall Of the Cabal” – Original 10 Part Series and the Sequel https://tinyurl.com/bdem3kvr

Godfather Ghebreyesus and the WHO Mob – This is organized crime masquerading as an international trade agreement being negotiated by a bunch of goons who are way out of their league. Can anyone say Racketeer Influenced Corrupt Organization?

Steve Kirsch: We’re suing Springer Nature for $250M in punitive damages for the unethical retraction of our COVID harms paper – Someone has to hold the journals accountable for unethical retractions of valid scientific papers. Otherwise, they will not change their behavior.

March 6/2024 – BREAKING: Senate Committee Advances Act to Prohibit U.S. Partnerships with Chinese Biopharma Companies – The Biosecure Act prohibits US biopharma from partnering with Chinese companies for the research and manufacturing of diagnostic and biosynthetic products, i.e. PCR tests and mRNA injections.

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, February 27-March 4, 2024

9 New ‘Independent’ Advisers to CDC Publicly Promoted Vaccines or Took Money From Pharma — or Both. After struggling for months to fill seats on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s vaccine advisory committee, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announced nine new appointees. All have financial ties to vaccine makers or have publicly promoted COVID-19, RSV and HPV vaccines — or both.

New Law Would Make COVID Vaccine Makers Liable for Injuries, Deaths

Boxer superstar Ryan Garcia has come forward with harrowing allegations of elite child trafficking circles and disturbing personal experiences.

March 1/24 – The Supreme Court of Canada ruled Friday that police must obtain a warrant before requesting a Canadians’ internet protocol address in a significant victory for privacy advocates. In a 5-4 ruling, the Supreme Court asserted that Canadians have Charter-protected privacy rights when it comes to cops requesting information about their online activities.

🟥🍁🟥 Crime Minister Justin Turdeau Hates Canada and is Doing Everything He Can To Destroy Us 💩
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4i4yv3-justin-trudeau-hates-canada.html

👉 Trudeau/Freeland/Canada Corruption: https://tinyurl.com/hz39vfs8
👉 Dr. David Martin Discusses Justin Trudeau’s Illegal Covid Vaccine Monopoly/Racketeering: https://tinyurl.com/mpr6s9m3
👉 Trudeau’s New Draconian ‘Online Harms Act’ (Bill C-63) is Digital Tyranny and an Attack on Free Speech: https://tinyurl.com/ycxcpr5k
👉 Canada’s Pandemic Lies: http://tinyurl.com/2p8s9js2
👉 Bonnie Henry, Health Minister of BC, Canada ~ A Deep Dive Into Her Emails and Her Web of Lies With CDC/WEF/UN/China Connections: http://tinyurl.com/5f7bpvbj

Ta Da!! It’s Stupid Fuck Man to the Opposite of Rescue!

There is No Climate Change Emergency

University of Virginia Spends $20 Million On 235 DEI (Diversity Equity Inclusion) Employees, With Some Making $587,340 Per Year – It takes tuition payments from nearly 1,000 undergraduates just to pay their base salaries!

Miki Klann – Operation Restore the Republics!

🇨🇦 👿 Canada’s proposed bill, C-63, lays out liberty-crushing, due process annihilating terms for ill-defined thought crimes such as ‘fear of hate propaganda.’ Meanwhile, Ireland has a similar bill as the public is seeing a hidden hand crafting legislation aimed to disrupt society.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4i7nhh-canada-bill-c-63.html

UN Takeover of Peterborough County Halted

👉 ‘A War for Our Minds’: Journalists Warn of Vast Propaganda, Censorship Network Unlike Any Before in Human History: https://tinyurl.com/5xpfvba7
Lara Logan’s Speech About Free Speech: https://tinyurl.com/mwaawrfj

COVID Vaccines: The Ticking Time Bomb Set to Unleash Global Mass Extinction — Insider Sounds Alarm on 40% Population Wipeout! – “What we will see is completely unprecedented in terms of the magnitude of the wave of morbidity and unfortunately mortality…up to 30-40% in highly vaccinated countries.”

Shocking Toll of Experimental COVID-19 Vaccines Unveiled in South Korea’s Press Conference: Thousands Dead and Injured! “These are official statistics, but the actual numbers are said to be more than 10x higher!”

mRNA & Pregnancy – 28 year old Pittsburgh nurse Cheryl Strobel had a normal pregnancy. Went to hospital for delivery, had a cardiac arrest & died. Cardiac arrests, aneurysms, sudden death!

Australia Pedophile ring involving Australian Judges “Public would lose confidence in the judiciary” (Mar.3, 2024)

Globalist elites want to eliminate billions of people. Will you be one of them? Globalists have pledged to bring the world population down from nearly eight billion people to just one billion. The sight of large families and young children leaves their hearts cold.

RFK Jr. Exposes NATO as a Money Laundering Scheme for BlackRock

While President Donald Trump’s record on life, faith, family and freedom is a mixed bag, what he has achieved for the values championed by LifeSiteNews has been remarkable.

“You’re Fired!” – Donald Trump Issues Prebuttal to Joe Biden’s State of the Union Address – The former president did not hold back in his comprehensive condemnation of Joe Biden.

CDC Pushes the Next Round of Genocide by Urging People to Get the New Clot Shot, ‘Ignoring’ The Avalanche of Evidence Vaxxes Are Causing Horrific Cancers & Deaths Worldwide – Australian senator Malcolm Roberts told the Australian Parliament that the so-called “pandemic” was planned and globally coordinated, decades in advance. This is genocide.

🩸🇨🇭 The Red Cross has some explaining to do. We now know they ask your C19 vax status but it’s not for reasons most expect. We dug deeper & found Big Pharma execs are on the Board. And they want vaxxed blood pumped into the unvaxxed
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4i8k26-red-cross-blood-screening.html

HOSPITAL HOMICIDE: A new study points to evidence that some COVID-19 patients were euthanized by hospitals.

Speaker Johnson drops video with pointed message to Biden hours before March 7/2024 State of the Union

The democracy-hating fascist Left is on a collision course with Trump’s election victory… here’s why America will be turned into an active WAR ZONE in the next 12 months

Microplastics – The issue of micro-plastics has become a hot topic in the past few years. We know they are everywhere. We know they are forming deposits in our bodies. We breathe in, eat and drink them. Yet we still really don’t understand the long-term impact of microplastics on either our health, the health of other species, or the general environment.

👉 🤢 Resident Biden Gets SOTU Pep Talk from Former Hollywood ‘Presidents’ Morgan Freeman, Michael Douglas, and More: https://tinyurl.com/3neds7bj

Is a Sperm Toxin In Your Pancake Mix? Alumina in our Baking Mixes and Commercial Baked Goods, in the Air, in our Cookware, our Personal Care products — and the War on Men

Thousands of diverted “safer supply” opioid pills seized in major RCMP drug bust – “Organized crime groups are actively involved in the redistribution of safe supply and prescription drugs, some of which are then moved out of British Columbia,” RCMP states

9 New ‘Independent’ Advisers to CDC Caught Taking Huge Bribes from Big Pharma Publicly Promoted to Push mRNA Vaccines. Nine new members named to the CDC vaccine advisory committee have financial ties to Big Pharma or have worked with public health agencies to promote the COVID-19, RSV, or HPV vaccines.

Did politicians get saline injections? New Zealand MP Efeso Collins, who pushed COVID-19 Vaccines & Vaccine Pass dies suddenly at age 49 – how many politician deaths in the Five Eyes countries?

VIDEO – Croatian Parliament Presentation by Dr.William Makis on Turbo Cancer, Dec.1, 2023 (International Symposium Zagreb, Croatia – “In the eye of the storm”)

Can Ivermectin Treat Cancer? – 9 Papers Reviewed. Oncologist and cancer researcher Dr. William Makis uncovers what Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about ivermectin’s anti-cancer mechanisms.
👉 Cancer/Parasite Connection Ivermectin Treatment: http://tinyurl.com/yddkyneh
👉 Parasites and the Multiple Sclerosis Connection: http://tinyurl.com/4y7rz2cc
👉 Fenbendazole and Ivermectin For Cancer: http://tinyurl.com/4s3fse74
Purchase Ivermectin: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

Pfizer/BioNTech’s “Bait-and-Switch”

BOMBSHELL: New-Found Emails Prove Biden White House Hid COVID Vaccine Harms from the Public

FDA findings at Moderna Covid-19 vaccine facility, highlight issues like improperly cleaned equipment, the use of expired materials, and insufficient measures to minimize contamination risks

Perceived Losses can be Blessings in Disguise

CDC’s Walensky Caught LYING Jim Jordan EXPOSES Her With One Simple Question

Do You Know Your Human Rights? A timely question with the 55th Regular Session of UN Human Rights Council underway.

UK withdraws a billion bucks worth of EV buses because they can spontaneously combust, especially if “left unattended” – batteries supplied by BYD of China

RFK Jr. Says ‘Enough’ to These 21 Key Issues Plaguing America

🔥💩🤡 Biden Hot Mic Moment: “I told him and don’t repeat this, Bibi, you and I are going to have to come to Jesus moment. I’m on a hot mic here, good.”

GREAT Article! Tierney’s Real News: “I just watched two short videos from Mike Benz, who worked in President Trump’s State Department. I learned more in that 15 minutes than I have uncovered in the past 4 years. I’ve followed him for a long time but never have I heard such a succinct explanation of why we are where we are today! This is a must read! Benz has been vetted by several people I trust”.

💥💉 Covid-19 SCAMdemic and Vaccines: Glenn Beck Exposes the World’s Most Dangerous Lie – The Truth is SHOCKING
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4ig5r9-glenn-beck-covid-lie.html

👉 The NIH claims joint ownership of Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine: https://tinyurl.com/4mejxjhr
👉 153 Page Confidential Agreement between Moderna and the US Gov (NIAID): https://tinyurl.com/2ffb5dny
👉 PDF Copy: https://tinyurl.com/4za988ce
👉 DoD/Pentagon Pandemic Complicity Videos: https://tinyurl.com/yeykaexb
👉 Fauci’s Covid Hospital Protocols are Killing People: http://tinyurl.com/42aybh2a
👉 Documentary: “The Real Anthony Fauci” – Exposing The Collusion of Big Tech, Big Pharma & Big Government: http://tinyurl.com/wtncswk6
👉 Dr. David Martin Exposes Timeline of Biggest Democide in Recorded History in the EU Parliament: https://tinyurl.com/3rdn8bs7
👉 The Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier by Dr. Martin: https://tinyurl.com/2umv2u5j

Why does a Rothschild hold the 2015 patent for COVID-19 testing?

The Indomitable Human Mind – Absurdistan anticipates a surge of power, passion. and commitment to life world-wide.

Human Traffickers & Drug Cartels Are in Full Control of The US Border with Criminal Invaders Killing Americans at A Quickening Pace at A Cost to Americans of Over $451 Billion – The Obama-Biden Administration’s Creative Rule-Breaking to Destroy the Border. Mexican Drug Cartels Raked in Over $15 Billion In 2023 Thanks To Pedophile Joe Biden.

HUMILIATION: Dementia Joe’s SOTU Address Receives Worst Polling in Past Quarter Century

How Doctors and Nurses Betrayed Patients – and Themselves. What sort of spineless people are working in health care these days? That’s the sort of excuse popular with lesser war criminals.

What the WEF in Canada is going on here? (Freeland)

DTaP Vaccine Shatters UFC Fighter’s Family After It Kills Their Healthy Boy

Turbo Colon Cancer – Two sisters in their 30s get Colon Cancer – no family history and no genetic predisposition – Turbo Colon Cancers under the age 40 – Yale Medicine issues warning in Jan/2024

❤️🩸 Can ‘Higher Cholesterol’ Be a Sign of Good Health? What Health Stats Across 160 Countries Show
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4im6ef-cholesterol-lies.html

“The Banker” ~ We Control You. We Control Your Children. We Keep You in Fear

UNRESTRICTED WARFARE: A Holistic Approach To the Great Reset – A Great Explanation of What is Happening in the World Today

The Bloody Origin of the Weimar Republic (Documentary)

💥 Did you know that the risks associated with the use of nanotechnology, 5G and microchips were listed among the threats in a 2006 WEF Risk Report?
PDF: http://www.weforum.org/pdf/CSI/Global_Risk_Report.pdf

Taylor Swift “appears sick during Singapore show”; Fox News’ Ashley Papa has appendix cancer; Pete Sampras’ wife has ovarian cancer; Loretta Lynn’s daughter has recurrent mouth cancer – “Julie Chrisley ‘fell apart’ after recent blood test showed ‘sign of a tumor'”; “Bachelor Joey Graziadei reveals he’s been battling ‘liver disease'”; NYTimes/NPR’s Will Shortz has a stroke; & more

COVID Vaccine Manufacturers Hit By New Bombshell – This could very well end up being Big Pharma’s worst nightmare.

The Tavistock Institute – Creating a Mind Control Culture Weapon

PILOTS DIED – Air Canada (55 yo Anand Acharya), Delta (58 yo Geoffrey Brock) and Delta (41 yo Michael O’Leary) – three young pilots have died suddenly in past 3 weeks

🔥 Updated WHO Pandemic Treaty Highlights

What is Bitcoin? A serious deep dive into what Bitcoin is and how it works to provide a secure and decentralized global transaction network.

Note to Globalist Predators – Rolling Strikes Across the World Until You Surrender – Europe finally rises and it is marvelous

Top 6 MOST PREDICTABLE ways the Democrats could STEAL the 2024 election. Ironically, after the Biden-CCP collusion for the POTUS steal of 2024, no American was allowed to so much as utter the words collusion or fixed election or face life imprisonment in a DC gulag.

Childhood Vaccines – 10 week old Railee died 24 hours after DTaP Vaccines

Parasites and the Virus Deception – with Dr. Lee Merritt
Audio: https://gregreese.substack.com/p/parasites-and-the-virus-deception
Dr. Lee Merritt Info: The Cancer/Parasite Connection: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/01/27/the-cancer-parasite-connection-and-treatments-including-detox

TYRANNY: Trudeau’s Canada Will Imprison Anyone It Thinks ‘Might’ Commit a Hate Crime, Could Punish Them With Life Sentences: https://tinyurl.com/mtu6svhy

Ultimate Methylene Blue https://amzn.to/4394qtI
Full Nutritional and Detox Support – Dr Tennant’s Restore https://amzn.to/3PffXC5
Ultimate Microbiome Support https://amzn.to/3T4zAxE

The Drastic Deterioration of America’s Crumbling Mental Health and What We Can Do About It: https://tuzarapostj.substack.com/p/the-drastic-deterioration-of-americas

🔥 Seized Assets – Executive Order 13848
PDF: https://www.treasury.gov/ofac/downloads/sdnlist.pdf

King Charles ordered Cree murders to safeguard his investments – Coverup collapses with new evidence
See the entire article describing this story at www.murderbydecree.com under ITCCS Updates for March 7-8, 2024.

Emmanuel Macron breaks silence after wife sues over claims she is transgender

‘Vampire Facials’ at Spa Linked to HIV Infections – Unsanitary conditions resulted in infections in three people; investigation still ongoing

🌎 Right now, the World Health Organization (WHO) is in the process of finalizing a new global treaty, which would give it great authority to dictate America’s policies during a pandemic. And so, while the WHO has been, up until now, an advisory body somewhere in Europe that U.S. officials in the CDC and the FDA can turn to for advice—they will instead become the ones to actually determine which policies we implement, like our vaccine policies, our lockdown policies, our school closure policies, the contact tracing of our citizens, and even the monitoring of our online speech if that speech goes against the official narrative.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4ij1mi-dr-david-martin-who-pandemic-treaty.html

👉 WHO Pandemic Treaty in a Nutshell: http://tinyurl.com/2hu4krt6
👉 The History, Origins and Intentions of Agenda 2030/The Great Reset, Secret Societies and the New World Order Cult: https://tinyurl.com/4k23r7aw
👉 World Health Organization Information: https://tinyurl.com/bds5x522
👉 The Truth About the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus: https://tinyurl.com/35rsk7u8
👉 The Crimes of Tedros Adhanom: “WHO’s Tedros Adhanom Should be put on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity”: http://tinyurl.com/bdd2j76u
👉 WHO Chief Tedros’ Marxist Political Party Accused of Mass Rape, Murder in Ethiopia: http://tinyurl.com/ysxdfxc2

🦠🧬🪳 Parasitic Science and the Unproven Virus That Was Never Isolated
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4it7cq-parasites-viruses-pathogens.html

✈️ 𝗕𝗼𝗲𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗙𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁𝘀 𝗙𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹
𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟱: Alaska Airlines Flight 1282, a 737 MAX 9 on a flight from Portland, Oregon to Ontario, California, experienced an explosive decompression shortly after take off, after the loss of incorrectly installed door plug.
𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟲: United Airlines prepares to ground dozens of its Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft for inspections, a day after a panel blew out of an Alaska Airlines flight.
𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟭𝟵: Atlas Air Boeing 747-8 from Miami International Airport catches fire while in flight.
𝗝𝗮𝗻𝘂𝗮𝗿𝘆 𝟮𝟰: Delta Air Lines flight DAL982 (Boeing 757) was moments away from taking off from Atlanta International Airport when the nose wheel came off and rolled down the hill.

𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟲: A United Airlines’ Boeing plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Texas just minutes into its flight after flames exploded from one of its jet engines.
𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟳: United Airlines Boeing 777 loses tire while taking off from San Francisco, crushing cars on the ground.
𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟳: Alaska Airlines flight is forced to return to Portland after passengers and crew fall ill from “fumes” in the cabin of the Boeing plane.
𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟴: United Airlines Boeing 737 Max 8 suffers gear failure upon landing at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, Texas.
𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟴: Alaska Airlines flight carrying pets arrives with cargo door open as carrier and Boeing face $1 billion lawsuit.
𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟭𝟭: Boeing 787 suddenly drops due to “technical problem” on Sydney-Auckland flight, injuring 50 people.
𝗠𝗮𝗿𝗰𝗵 𝟭𝟭: Boeing whistleblower found dead (murdered?) in US: https://tinyurl.com/2m82hxyy

March 14/24: Boeing Story Takes Another Shocking Turn – Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more bizarre or surreal, the Boeing story did just that.

The death of a former Boeing Engineer bears the hallmarks of a contract killing. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, persons associated with the US Department of Defense may be involved in former Boeing engineer John Barnett’s mysterious death.

Boeing Whistleblower Before His Death: “If Anything Happens to Me, It’s Not Suicide” – A chilling twist in the Boeing whistleblower story raises serious questions about his death.

The DESTRUCTIVE saga of Boeing/United Airlines continues! 🚨⚠️ Video has surfaced of a Boeing 777-330ER taking off from Sydney en route to San Francisco with HYDRAULIC FLUID LEAKING from the rear landing gear. Thankfully, the plane was able to drop fuel, and land back in Sydney before going too far from the airport. This is now the FIFTH incident involving Boeing and United in LESS THAN A WEEK. Interestingly, BOTH Boeing and United are totally on board with the FAA WOKE DEI program that prioritizes hiring skin color over skill. I am under the impression that this whole DEI program is a way to SELF-SABOTAGE the entire airline industry, which will in turn SCARE the hell out of people from flying. Notably, UN Agenda 2030 which both of these companies are in partnership with, places quite a few restrictions on flying for the general population. As if the Globalists DO NOT WANT YOU TRAVELING. It’s FAR past time to start ASKING SOME SERIOUS QUESTIONS. 🚨⚠️ Aviation Contribution Towards the United Nations 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development:

VIDEO: https://tinyurl.com/2kb8r924

PDF: https://www.icao.int/Meetings/a41/Documents/WP/wp_178_en.pdf

Florida Surgeon General Ladapo tells medics to stop using the C19 mRNA injections because there is a probability they change the human DNA – a spiritual war against evil is in progress

Towards a ‘Frankenfoods’ Future – The adulteration of food for commercial purposes has a long history. Today, processed foods have replaced natural foods in the majority of shopping carts in so-called ‘developed’ countries.

Crime Minister Justin Trudeau afflicted by Wilful Blindness on the profound impact of mortgage fraud – Former chair of the audit committee of the Federal Liberal Agency of Canada argues Justin Trudeau suffers serious ethics flaws

🚬 Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals the TRUE and SHOCKING Truth About Nicotine and How It Can Cure Many Diseases and Covid Jab Harms
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4iuobl-dr-bryan-ardis-nicotine.html

The HIDDEN HISTORY of vaccines and the horrors of toxin accumulation – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is now pinned to vaccine-induced death, and a disturbing hundred-year history of the vaccine industry maximizing profits at any risk.

VIDEO – Jordan Peterson warns of dangers posed by “superstate” – “ultimate fascist collusion between gigantic, self-interested corporations & paranoid, security-obsessed anti-human govt (Mar.7, 2024)

COVID-19 Vaccine uptake by UK Healthcare Workers

More Alarming Evidence COVID Was a Deadly Bioweapon Created by Genocidal US Government Terrorists to Murder Americans: ‘Long-haul COVID’ Looks Exactly Like Chronic Lyme Disease which was created as a bioweapon to carry out attacks upon Americans

mRNA Injury Stories – 20 year old Sofia Padoan, 3rd year student at California State Polytechnic University died Feb.23, 2024 after dinner with family – COVID-19 Vaccine Mandated BRAIN ANEURYSMS

Obesogens: How Toxins Can Make You Fat – While there can be many different causes of weight gain, evidence suggests that toxins in the environment called obesogens can have a surprising impact on your ability to lose weight

𝗦𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝘀, we’re told, can improve the health of people with high cholesterol. But what hidden details lie in statin research?

German “greens” about to destroy 120,000 trees In a forest full of bio diversity to erect a forest full of 100 story tall wind turbines

“WEF Demands Governments Make ‘Concerted Effort’ to Silence Critics” – We need another headline “7.5 billion people listed for execution scream for Governments to silence the WEF”

🚨 Well, that explains alot…..plus I think you need to be vaccinated to get the “Covid” 🤣

Can astronomy, astrophysics and space exploration chart humanity’s successful upward exit from Self-Extinction? What is the true nature of mankind? Are we merely earthlings? The implications of the answer to those questions point the way to how we can solve not only all problems before us on Earth today, but chart a path for unending progress.

‘Scientists’ Want $50 Billion for a Glacier Curtain

Corrupt Canadian Govt Website on Online Disinformation

Sending This Notice of Liability To Your Doctors May Wake Them Up And Stop Them Causing More Harm – Feel free to adapt this letter template as you see fit

Staff at the Ottawa Winchester Hospital calling OPP over a mask..

Visa & Mastercard: The Real Threat To The Digital ID Control System

Moderna is substantially expanding manufacturing capacity, despite low demand for their mRNA poison…

Popular Acne Treatments Used by Millions of Teens Contain High Levels of Chemical Linked to Leukemia. An independent lab petitioned the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to recall popular prescription and over-the-counter acne treatments after testing showed the products contained “unacceptably high” levels of benzene, a chemical linked to cancer.

VIDEO – Vax Injury after 1st Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA jab (Teacher, Amy McNeil, CHD Mar.3, 2024)

Vaxx, Bluetooth & directed energy tracking system – WEF, Bill Gates/Proteus and Co.

Turbo Cancer Treatment race is on: Johnson & Johnson just completed $2 billion cancer drug buy of Ambrx on March 7, 2024 – Merck, Novartis, Sanofi, Eli Lilly, AbbVie, Pfizer, BMS – they all want in!

Food Additive in Pizza, Pancakes Linked to Lower Sperm Counts – Dr. Naomi Wolf sounded the alarm about sodium aluminum phosphate, a food additive found in many baked goods and processed foods, citing peer-reviewed studies suggesting ingesting aluminum compounds could lead to oxidative stress, DNA damage and decreased testosterone levels and sperm counts in male mammals.

This week, as the world marks four years since the World Health Organization declared the coronavirus a global pandemic, we look back at a pattern that should have been heeded years ago.

Unbelievable Revelation for Measles Vaccine Takers – This challenges the very foundation of what was once universally accepted about vaccines.

NZ: A a living patient has come forward with indisputable evidence of these rubbery white structures being discharged through a surgical wound drain site

The Answer to Population Control – Hidden in plain sight.

Turdeau’s draconian Bill C-63 in Canada (Trudeau Government), going through 1st reading at this point, to pass to law and if you did not know it, it will upend and literally destroy your lives, privacy, freedom – you will not be able to communicate…

What does Haiti have to do with the New World Order?
Article: https://tierneyrealnewsnetwork.substack.com/p/what-does-haiti-have-to-do-with-the

The transcripts of President Biden’s interviews with Special Counsel Robert Hur have been released in anticipation of Hur’s testimony today before the House Judiciary Committee. The interviews covered two days: October 8, 2023 and the October 9, 2023.

The COVID-19 injection is not a vaccine. Here’s why – These following criteria must be met for something to be called a vaccine. The coronavirus shots don’t meet any of them.

Fulton County Judge Scott McAfee, presiding over Fani Willis’s case against Donald Trump, et al., has just quashed six charges of the indictment.

The CIA is Being Thrown Under the Bus – A Deep State Transfer of Power Is Underway

Exclusive: Whistleblower Confirms Secret Underground Base Exists Beneath Denver International Airport (DIA) – “The Denver Airport (Location) is part of a Continuity of Government Program and does indeed house an underground facility.”

When you have ZERO self-awareness…

Germany Confirms Leaked Audio Of Its Top Generals Discussing Blowing Up Crimea

Enter Cannibalism. STUDIES show show Our aversion to it is rooted in Colonialism and Christianity. It is now also racism not to want to eat others. Ok. So if you hate Colonialism and Christianity , I guess you are also supposed to want to eat your neighbours.

💥🇨🇦 Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson is joined by Dr. Regina Watteel. Dr. Watteel holds a PhD in statistics and is the author of Fisman’s Fraud: The Rise of Canadian Hate Science. Her book looks at what lengths ideologically or financially-driven researchers and politicians go to impose their will upon others.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4j8uni-dr-regina-watteel-science-fraud.html

👉 Fisman’s Fraud Books are at Amazon Canada: https://amzn.to/3x2b7S5
👉 Also at Amazon.com: https://amzn.to/3Pkm0VT

Dr. Eric Berg: The #1 Best Vitamin for Arthritis

March 2023: Lahaina Updates and Maui’s Battle to Stop an Unethical Biotech Experiment – Governments around the world are colluding to release risky genetic technologies that spread into the environment and affect us without our consent.

Dr. Phil GOES OFF on the CDC: “You Damn Well Knew What You Were Doing When You Did It” – The Department of Education was not spared either.

Alberta Health Services is attempting to murder a 27 year old autistic Calgary girl with ADHD via MAID (Medical Assistance in Dying). Father is trying to stop AHS lawyers from killing his daughter.

WTF….. what’s next, sue the neighbor because his car is bigger than mine? Because “equity” ya know….let me have your keys or I’ll turn you in to the Equity Police…

Top 10 CONSPIRACY THEORIES of the LEFT that have already cost trillions of dollars and millions of innocent American lives – Crooks in Washington are stealing elections, tax-payer money & constitutional rights, all under the umbrella of 10 conspiracy theories they’ve got their voters believing are absolutely 100% true.

Alarming News for Ibuprofen Users – Taking anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for acute pain can lead to serious problems.

Steve Kirsch: “The new rise of “shaken baby syndrome” – I’m getting reports of parents who had their child vaccinated subsequently being accused of “shaken baby syndrome” and had their child taken from them. Their crime? Following their doctors’ advice.

“Cloudy With A Chance Of Plastics: Microplastics Are Everywhere”, “New Research Proves The Plastic We Breathe In, Stays In”

Canadian, Irish, French Government-Attempted Speech Regulations Appear Like Desperate Censorship Power Plays

Tedros lies again, this time in TIME Magazine – My comments are in italics

An access to information request from the Public Health Agency of Canada reveals that they purchased hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 treatment, despite advising against its use for this purpose

New Study Vindicates Ivermectin – 60% reduction in hospitalization and death.
⭐️ Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline – Budesonide and Many Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com
🇨🇦 Canadian Ivermectin/HCQ Order Info at My Vaccine Detox Website: https://tinyurl.com/5t2wezwa

The word “woman” too confusing for for judge at the Supreme Court of Canada, decides to refer to the woman as a person with a vagina

Princess Diana’s Brother Talks About Pedophiles and Sadists

Underwater volcano off northwestern US could BLOW in weeks – as 300m-long stretch is hit with ‘great swarm’ of earthquakes

mRNA Injury Stories – Brazilian Musician MC Katia A Fiel had minor surgery in July 2023 to remove fibroids – she ended up with 2 leg amputations – COVID-19 Vaccinated & minor surgeries turned deadly

💥💉 Tucker Carlson and Dr. Pierre Kory Discuss the COVID Killshots – The COVID Vax Has Killed More Americans Than Vietnam
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4jfnbc-tucker-pierre-kory.html

Margaret Atwood compares Trudeau’s proposed Online Harms Act to Orwell’s ‘1984’ – After left-leaning author Margaret Atwood compared her country’s proposed Online Harms Act to George Orwell’s dystopian novel ’1984,’ Canadian justice minister and attorney general Arif Virani claimed she misunderstood the bill.

Canadian Supreme Court Commie Justice dehumanizes women in sexual assault ruling-Justice Sheilah Martin wrote that the use of the word ‘woman’ might ‘have been unfortunate and engendered confusion.’

Alleged new message from heaven: ‘Soon I will act,’ God reveals – A religious order that has been receiving messages from heaven for 30 years has finally decided to go public with them. Urged by Jesus to make their revelations public, they give direction and hope to the faithful in this perilous and confusing time.

🔥 Texas Wild Fires and Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) – United Nations Designated Smart Cities and Corresponding “Wildfires”
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4jfxcf-directed-energy-weapons.html

👉 More DEW Fire Videos: https://tinyurl.com/kbepwxxw
👉 Decoding the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: http://tinyurl.com/4zbh872a
👉 Secrets of the United Nations: http://tinyurl.com/yc8hvay3
👉 The United Nations: Population Control: http://www.europeanaction.com/id49.html
👉 An Explanation Of What “The Great Reset” Really Is: http://tinyurl.com/5pfwd3fw
👉 Great Reset/NWO Videos: https://tinyurl.com/weedcxtu
👉 Agenda21/2030 Videos: http://tinyurl.com/2nbmed7f
👉 The UN’s Agenda21 Explained in 5 Minutes by Rosa Koire: https://tinyurl.com/37duaa7a

How ‘Woke’ Policies Are Shattering America’s Multi-Generational Military Legacy-Woke’ Political Policies in The Armed Service Are Destroying America from Within

Scotland criminalizes free speech – Ireland fined for slowness passing free speech laws that oppose EU dogma

Dress Humiliation Ritual Compilation – Hollywood celebrity men who’ve participated in the humiliation ritual of wearing a dress to please the higher-ups
Joe Rogan/Katt Williams: https://tinyurl.com/46na79fy

💥 EVs tend to shed around 20 percent more from their tires due to their higher weight and torque – https://trib.al/Box8JXt

The One Simple Intervention That Could Have Saved the World from COVID-19…The problem: there was no money to be made from it.

Always believe the opposite…what a tool
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau says it’s “important to make sure that people have access to information and that journalists can do their job and challenge and hold governments to account.”


Heroic doctor dies days after exposing deadly COVID-Vax component – We are being controlled, steered, managed, stifled, misdirected, propagandized, lied to, frightened, restrained, repressed, and generally bamboozled at every turn

March 14/24: Boeing Story Takes Another Shocking Turn – Just when you thought it couldn’t get any more bizarre or surreal, the Boeing story did just that.

‘The Blob’: Government, Media and Big Tech Censorship Alliance Suppressing Dissent on Wide Range of Issues – In an interview with Russell Brand, ex-U.S. Department of State official Mike Benz exposed how an informal alliance of government agencies, media and tech companies he calls “the Blob” has redefined democracy as a “consensus of institutions” to justify censorship and maintain control over our government and public discourse.

The Real Reason Why Pedo Pervert Jimmy Savile Was Never Caught

Latest Jab Victim Vicky Jennings

New whistleblower video shows Pfizer’s principal scientist admitting that the company skipped 10 years of safety testing, had significant knowledge of mRNA vaccine side effects

Canadian government authorized the first plant-based COVID-19 Vaccine and spent $300 mil buying 76 mil doses. It never made it to market. Story of the world’s 1st plant-based COVID-19 Vaccine FAILURE

Bill C-63 in Canada, you can be jailed for LIFE if they search your internet, emails, twitter, chats, anything & an anonymous person says it offended them, last 25 years, then you are jailed for LIFE

Emergency Address by Putin – Election Chaos, Border Evacuation, Invasion, Nuclear Simulation!

Canadians Present A Major Threat If They Realize They Won’t Own A Home: RCMP

Dr. McCullough: US outsourced drug supply ‘almost exclusively’ to China
Stock up on Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline – Budesonide and Many Other Meds Here: www.BodywisePharmacy.com

Global cancer phenomenon: It’s not just America… the UK, Japan, South Africa and Australia are among dozens of countries suffering mystery spikes of all different kinds of tumors in young people

90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer

90% of U.S. Cheese Contains GMO Made by Pfizer

🇨🇦 Trudeau’s Canada

Trudeau’s Online Harms bill C-63 threatens Canadians’ basic rights, pro-freedom group warns – ‘If passed into law, the Act will expose you, along with every other Canadian, to being prosecuted by the Canadian Human Rights Commission over anything you say that someone else might view as ‘hateful,’’ the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms cautioned. I’d be willing to bet that they are training people right now to be the “Offended Parties” that will be online searching for people to throw into prison….
Email Your MP to Stop Bill C-63: https://theccf.ca/fix-c-63

In a shocking turn of events, British Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen has called for the death penalty for Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and what he refers to as the “Covid Cabal.” Bridgen accuses them of committing “crimes against humanity” during the Covid-19 pandemic. This controversial demand was made during a recent parliamentary session in Westminster, leaving many stunned.

Joe Tippens Cancer Protocol and Treatment Info: https://diamondzultimatehealth.wordpress.com/2023/10/17/cancer-new-treatments

Illinois Democrat Gov. J.B. Pritzker says he is ‘proud’ of those who kill preborn babies for a living in a video released over the weekend to celebrate ‘Abortion Provider Appreciation Day.’

Toronto AM radio host slams the Trudeau government, saying “they are doing such a horrible job” and calls the mainstream media “narcissistic, gaslighting government puppets.”

Dr. Richard Urso warned two years ago that if you mandate a vaccine for the COVID-recovered, “some of them are going to die.” He was right.

The death of a former Boeing Engineer bears the hallmarks of a contract killing. According to the Foundation to Battle Injustice, persons associated with the US Department of Defense may be involved in former Boeing engineer John Barnett’s mysterious death.

Behavior modification intensifies in Canada – starting April Fool’s Day the carbon tax will be 17 cents per litre on gasoline, 21 cents per litre on diesel and 15 cents per cubic metre of natural gas

Kate Middleton was forced to push the COVID-19 Vaccine rollout in the UK in Feb.2021 against her will – on the plausibility of Kate Middleton suffering a COVID-19 vaccine injury

MSM deathly silent as PCR test legally ruled useless to test for Covid

New Study Unearths Unexpected Findings About Red Meat – While the globalists wage war on eating meat, a new study finds that beef intake is associated with a LOWER risk of developing heart disease.

BREAKING: Supreme Court rules public can sue officials who block, mute them on social media

NEW: Health agency says ‘long COVID’ doesn’t exist, calling it ‘unnecessary fear’

Pro Boxer Says He Watched Bohemian Grove ‘Elites’ Rape Children in the Woods – “Bohemian Grove is real. They fking tied me down and they made me fking watch, dawg.”

Our Invisible Chains, Our Stolen Vote

Scientists Discover ‘Alien DNA’ Hidden in Blood of Vaccinated People

Stockholm Syndrome

October Surprise: ‘Bioterrorism’? Should we fear the WHO – or the USA?
The Biological Threat Expanse: Current and Future Challenges to National Biodefense

🌎 Dr. Meryl Nass launched the Door to Freedom nonprofit and website to educate the public and encourage them to take action about what she called a “global coup” by the World Health Organization.

INTERVIEW: Yuri Rosca – UNRESTRICTED WARFARE: A Holistic Approach to the Great Reset – one of the most comprehensive views on what is happening on the world stage you will ever hear.

“Leaked” Footage of Pfizer Scientists

Dr. Rima Laibow Exposes the Next Phase Of the Global Depopulation Plan

👉 Decoding the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: http://tinyurl.com/4zbh872a
👉 Secrets of the United Nations: http://tinyurl.com/yc8hvay3
👉 March 2023 UN Paper on Child Sexuality – “A Compendium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education” PDF: https://tinyurl.com/23swrkp4
👉 The United Nations: Population Control: http://www.europeanaction.com/id49.html

🟥🍁🟥 NEW!
Canada’s Critical Issues Survey launched through the Freedom of Information Canadian Library…

👉 https://freedomofinformationlibrary.com/foi-survey-canadas-issues

How Do Vaccines Cause Autism? Past discoveries that can help us understand the current wave of neurological spike protein injuries.

🏋🏽💪🏼 Planet Fitness – you know what to do if you have a membership there….Woman Trying to Protect Girl from Male in Planet Fitness’ Women’s Room Gets Last Laugh

RFK Jr. explains how Bill Gates uses “philanthropy” as a smokescreen for reaping personal profits: “He gets tax deductions for giving money to the WHO, he gains control of the WHO. The WHO finances the health ministries in virtually every country in Africa, so he can say, as a condition of getting that money—this is what the WHO does—you have to show that you vaccinated a certain percentage of your population. And the vaccines that they’re buying are owned by companies that Gates owns. At the end, the punchline on almost all of his philanthropic projects is that he ends up making money.”
Full interview: https://tinyurl.com/yc4v9efw

It Started- 200 + Cities JUST SIGNED Universal Basic Income!

Blockchain explained in under 100 words – Blockchain is a topic that is hot at the moment. It’s a topic that is disruptive. It’s a topic that is accelerating. The original Blockchain is open-source technology which offers an alternative to the traditional intermediary for transfers of the crypto-currency Bitcoin. But do you know how Blockchain really works?

ABC website tells kids when they should die – they have been accused of portraying farmers as evil and telling children how much carbon they can produce before they die.

Vaccine Schedule Warning Posted at an Alberta School – As of March 13, 2024, Danielle Smith and the UCP (United Conservative Party) have added the deadly covid mRNA vaccines to children’s school vaccine schedule in Alberta. Nothing evil or sinister about this. lol. This is sterilization, murder and genocide.

Report 48: VAERS – 76% of Vaccine-Related Miscarriages from the Past 30 Years Occurred Once Pregnant Women Started Receiving COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. David Martin: If the WHO Pandemic Agreement passes in May, the WHO will gain the ability to “suspend all civil liberties”, should it arbitrarily decide there’s a “public health emergency”. “[Covid was used to] terrorize the world, convince them that we need some giant protector state that actually has some sort of supranational ability, and then suspend civil liberties as long as they need to be suspended… at the whim of funding agencies who have no criminal accountability.” “These things are set up to be terror campaigns, to modify the public’s willingness to give up their liberties.” VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4ij1mi-dr-david-martin-who-pandemic-treaty.html

In the past three years, British hospitals “accidentally” chopped off 105 patient limbs

Pandemic Memoir of Paramedic Harry Fisher – True Grit Veteran Tells America What he Witnessed after COVID-19 Vaccines Rolled Out

👀😳 So, French President Emmanuel Macron’s “Wife” Brigitte is in Her 70’s and is a …… MAN? “The Greatest Political Scandal of All Time” by Candace Owens delves into the shocking claims surrounding French President Emmanuel Macron and his wife, Brigitte. The theory, backed by a three-year investigation by journalists and genealogists, suggests that Brigitte Macron was born as a man named Jean Michel, who lived for 30 years before transitioning to become Brigitte.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4jqaxe-france-macron-wife-a-man.html

👉 From Jean-Michel to Brigitte Trogneux, lies at the Elysée: https://tinyurl.com/246rw93u
👉 French First Lady Brigitte Macron Loses Lawsuit After Being Accused Of Secretly Undergoing Gender Reassignment Surgery: https://tinyurl.com/3ska43df

Tyson Foods just announced they want to hire 42,000 illegal aliens. Why does this matter to you? Let me try to connect a few dots…
Look What Else Tyson is Doing! – Major Meat Producer Tyson Invests in Insect Proteins and Lipids 🪳 Klaus Schwab Says We Will Eat Ze Bugs….

Meet the new United Nations chair of global disarmament.

Doctors’ Offices to be Replaced with Smart Home Digital Medical Prisons
This will go well with the technology that has already been placed in our bodies

🐾 The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) Guidelines For the Depopulation of Animals: 2019 Edition
PDF: https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/resources/AVMA-Guidelines-for-the-Depopulation-of-Animals.pdf

Lebanese Migrant Detained At Border With Bomb Supplies Admits Ties To Hezbollah

The Wrap-up Smear & More Nazi Talk. Yet more propaganda and censorship, domestic and foreign

CBDCs – PLEASE PAY ATTENTION: Expiration on your currency? if your currency expires it prevents wealth. It is the ultimate theft. I write now but soon they will have us trading in onions and bibles, or classic literature we were able to save in our attics.

CBDC Informational Videos: https://tinyurl.com/588d2m7p

Censorship laws that have been passed in almost all democracies in the world, claim another victim – his crime? Being part of a private group chat seven years ago where “racist memes” were exchanged

Case Report: BRAF-Positive Malignant Melanoma, age 63, Male – Chemotherapy + surgery + Immunotherapy then Fenbendazole
Purchase Fenbendazole Here: https://tinyurl.com/4r368rnv

“He Should Be In Jail!” Fauci Lied, People Died. The Pandemic Scandal Continues To Deepen

🥒🥬🍀 “If you control the food, you control the people. That’s ultimately the end goal.” All around the world, unelected globalist bodies like the WEF and UN are waging war against farmers, in an attempt to seize control of the global food supply, under the banner of UN Agenda 2030 – as detailed in this must-watch documentary titled ‘No Farmers, No Food: Will You Eat The Bugs?’ 🦗🦟
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4k3smu-no-farmers-no-food.html

👉 The Psychopaths at the WEF Orders the US Govt to Forcibly Seize Farms by 2025 and Burn Millions of Cattle: https://tinyurl.com/2tsva6nc
👉 UN’s Agenda2030: The Globalists Criminal Plans To Shut Down the WORLDWIDE Farming Industry: http://tinyurl.com/msa6asys
👉 Decoding the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: http://tinyurl.com/4zbh872a
👉 Climate Change Hoax Debunked: https://tinyurl.com/3etawxaw
👉 CO2 is LIFE! http://iloveco2.com/co2-is-life
👉 It’s official: No global warming for 8 years and 5 months, per NASA satellite data. That’s no warming despite 475 billion tons of CO2 emissions. CO2 warming is the biggest scientific hoax of all time: https://tinyurl.com/weuekn3k
👉 Kerry Says US Farm Confiscations Not Off the Table: https://tinyurl.com/ycx72tyn

New America: Guilty Until Further Notice – The Illegitimate US Government (U.S. Inc.) Is Using Secretive & Deadly Technologies to Target and Carry Out Surveillance Upon Innocent Americans.

The Nebraska Attorney General’s Opinion on Off-Label Prescribing for COVID – This is by far the best and most complete legal discussion of the topic of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin (IVM) prescribing I’ve ever seen
🟣 Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline – Budesonide and Many Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com
⭐️🇨🇦 Canadian Ivermectin/HCQ Order Info at My Vaccine Detox Website: https://tinyurl.com/5t2wezwa

CDC Hit By New Bombshell Warning from Robert Kennedy Jr. – This message is going viral…

Geological records show correlation between falling CO2 levels and mass extinction events

If the Left Hates the Term “Bloodbath” So Much, Why Do They Use it So Often? (Compilation Video)

🎬 TRAILER! Documentary: “Epidemic Of Fraud” ~ Many People With Covid Could Have Been Saved With HCQ (Hydroxychloroquine)
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4kes0x-trailer-for-evidence-of-fraud.html (full video link is in the video description)

Michigan Lawyer Stefanie Lambert Arrested by US Marshals in DC Following Court Appearance — After Submitting “Evidence of Numerous Crimes” Including Internal Emails from Dominion Voting Systems to Law Enforcement

🇨🇦💥 Our mission is to empower Canadian men, women, and the communities across the nation. We are dedicated to fostering a culture of accountability within the law enforcement and judicial systems. Our primary focus is on advocating for justice and holding public figures accountable for any criminal actions committed against humanity during the challenging period of COVID-19. Through education, mobilization, and advocacy, we strive to empower individuals to demand transparency, fairness, and responsibility from those entrusted with public safety and justice.
👉 Website: https://www.millioncharges.ca
👉 Dana Metcalf on Facebook: https://tinyurl.com/y3xu3m9w

The Hepatitis B Vaccine Is Largely Responsible for the Autism Epidemic

In a leaked video of a private WEF Young Global Leader (Dimwits) indoctrination session, Klaus Schwab assures recruits that their “avatar” will continue to live after they die and that their brains “will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms”. “You have the chance to look forward to a career of 50 years, maybe more… Your avatar will continue to live, and your brain will be replicated through artificial intelligence and algorithms… But at least 50 years.”

List of the World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders Over the Years:
The WEF Young Global Leaders:
WEF: Young Global Political Leaders

Dr. Peter McCullough, testifying at the Arizona State Legislature about COVID-19 treatment, says “hospital administrators, chief health officers, and attending physicians must be held accountable.”

Chlorine Dioxide, Iodine, Sodium Bicarbonate – the Super ANTIBIOTICS to Replace Big Pharma’s Expensive Poisons – BY 2050, Superbugs Could Kill 10 Million People a Year

🇨🇦 Canadian Liberal Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada, Steven Guilbeault, continues to mislead Canadians about the carbon tax rebates, claiming they put more money in Canadian’s pockets.

🇨🇦 MORE LIES: Liberal Minister of Environment and Climate Change of Canada, Steven Guilbeault, says it may take 29 years or longer to tackle climate change

😳 Looks like this has been going on for a LONG time…now we have BigMike and for chuckles google Chuck Schumer’s wife. Info is just coming to light that France President Macron’s wife is a dude too: https://tinyurl.com/ubzpyutn

🇺🇸 The Trump “Bloodbath Hoax”

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: New England Journal Of Medicine Microplastics Article Shows Higher Risk Of Heart Attacks, Stroke And Death
Dr. Ana’s Detox Info and Products: https://tinyurl.com/mub2ku9z

Trudeau gov’t paid WEF nearly $500k for report justifying its climate agenda, documents show – The report, which cost taxpayers $493,937, was meant to make an economic case in favor of Trudeau’s environmental agenda, including his ever-increasing carbon tax.

BREAKING: Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre plans to move non-confidence motion on Trudeau March 21 – call for ‘carbon tax election’
UPDATE: Nope, he’s still the Crime Minister…..SH!T

💩💥 Looks like the Biden/Harris clowns 🤡 are shittin’ their pants….LOL!

🤣 More like it! 🤣

👽 NEW Alien Movie Coming Out in August!
Alien – Romulus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GTNMt84KT0k

It isn’t a little nudging. It is bugs all the time – salt and vinegar or bacon and cheese flavored crickets

🇨🇦💩🔥 Turd’s ex Sophie ain’t no angel, I hear she’s been involved in some nefarious shenanigans just like her inept peedo ex-hubby. Oh, by the way, here’s a fun video of her from a few years ago….enjoy:

Brazil indicts former President Bolsonaro for suspected vaccine record fraud – The attorney who served as Bolsonaro’s communications secretary called the charges part of a “political persecution.”

Canadian doctors tell BC Govt “safer supply” programs tainted by fraud, after RCMP finds organized crime links – Canadian programs now “drowning in evidence” that pharmaceutical opioids supplied by government for fentanyl addicts are being trafficked illegally and harming youth, letter from doctors charges

Why Smart People Believe Stupid Things

🔥 Joe Biden (and all commie world leaders like Trudeau) is implementing the Cloward-Piven Strategy first developed in 1966 that seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by:
Overloading the government bureaucracy
Crushing national debt
Swarming the country with mass migration
This is their blueprint.


🇨🇦 Canada’s Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre is a Fraud (EXPOSED)

Stephane Bancel: Cancer is listed in the PATENT as an outcome of contamination with DNA Fragments

Liberals introduce sneaky one-week delay to 2025 election so that MPs qualify for pensions before getting booted from power.

Phil Donahue Pedophile Ring

🚨 ABC website tells kids when they should die – they have been accused of portraying farmers as evil and telling children how much carbon they can produce before they die.

In memory of those who “died suddenly” in the United States and worldwide, March 12-March 18, 2024

Winter of DIED SUDDENLY – DRIVING UNDER THE INFLUENCE of mRNA – Collapsing and crashing your car while COVID-19 Vaccinated – 25 tragic cases

Underground Tunnels and Hybrid Breeding Programs – CRAZY Connections!

You’re Welcome

FDA settles in court and agrees to remove all social media posts and directives that claim you should not use Ivermectin to treat or prevent COVID-19. This is good but the damage has been done…
⭐️ Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline – Budesonide and Many Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com
⭐️🇨🇦 Canadian Ivermectin/HCQ Order Info at My Vaccine Detox Website: https://tinyurl.com/5t2wezwa

Clarifying The Confusion With the World Health Organization Treaties vs. Amendments vs. Agenda 2030

Family doctor alerts its student athlete patients that they may not be able to clear them due to the risk of heart damage if they received a COVID-19 vaccine.


Putin Accuses Western Leaders of Pedophilia and Cannibalism

Red Alert!! As corrupt and unpopular western leaders insist it’s time to “Prepare for war!”, Russian President Putin warns we are “one step away” from World War III.
Diabolical Western Leaders Dance Their Warpath to World War 3

Epic! Pastor Delivers Fiery Rant While Exposing Incestual Pedophilic Book Found In High School Library

🔊 Sabrina Wallace is Crazy Smart – You Won’t Believe What She Says “They” are Doing To Our Bodies and It’s a Big Secret. All of this information makes what Klaus Schwab at the WEF makes total sense now and what they are doing to control us all. Transhumanism.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4k05mc-sabrina-wallace.html

👉 Dr. Ana Mihalcea’s detox seems to be the best one since she does blood analysis and can see this technology in our bodies. Here’s her info: https://tinyurl.com/yzzjr372
👉 Our Bodies are Biohacked Electronic Warfare: https://tinyurl.com/2t9b37zy
👉 More Digital Info: https://tinyurl.com/yc6yhh53
👉 Public Health Worldwide Has Been Militarized Creating “Kill Zones”: https://tinyurl.com/av88hkrp

⚛️ 🪬 A little known United Nations education agency is using neuroscience and advanced psychological manipulations dubbed “Social and Emotional Learning” (SEL) to indoctrinate children into global citizenship and one-world new-age spirituality. The UN outfit, known as the Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP) openly boasts about what it is doing: changing minds, changing values, and transforming society. The individuals who founded and lead the organization – new age gurus, neuroscientists, communists, and population-control zealots – also reveal the true agenda. This organization’s tentacles extend into classrooms worldwide and into the minds of children around the globe.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4k0u90-un-one-world-schools.html

👉 March 2023 UN Paper on Child Sexuality – “A Compendium on Comprehensive Sexuality Education” PDF: https://tinyurl.com/23swrkp4
👉 New UN “SOGI” School Curriculum: https://tinyurl.com/ycyu9w88
👉 Decoding the UN Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals: http://tinyurl.com/4zbh872a
👉 Secrets of the United Nations: http://tinyurl.com/yc8hvay3
👉 The United Nations: Population Control: http://www.europeanaction.com/id49.html

🥗 Ozempic: Ex-Pharma Insider Warns of Looming Government-Funded ‘Medical Disaster’. Enter Ozempic, a diabetes and weight loss drug that is “going to be the highest-funded drug by the US taxpayer in history.” Ozempic is a medication based on toxic snake venom, which paralyzes and destroys the stomach plus the intestinal tract. Anyone taking this drug will live a very shortened lifespan, as they lose digestive function overtime: https://rumble.com/v4b57ii–big-pharma-ozempic.html
🍴 OZEMPIC: The NEW and Trendy Hollywood Weight-Loss Drug Has Dangerous Side-Effects: https://rumble.com/v33nc97–ozempic-side-effects.html
🧘‍♀️ Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals Ozempic Paralyzes the Stomach and Causes Cancers: https://rumble.com/v4gw7cc-dr-bryan-ardis-ozempic-venoms.html

Canadian Justice: Online Harms Act (Censorship) In a recent episode of Canadian Justice, CCF Litigation Director Christine Van Geyn interviews Prof. Michael Geist and CCF Counsel Josh Dehaas on Bill C-63. Josh has been our point-man lately on a lot free expression issues due to his legal expertise and his experiences as a journalist in a former life. Prof. Michael Geist is perhaps more sympathetic to the government’s perspective than we are, but he remains very critical of this attempt by the government in regulating online behavior: https://vimeo.com/924791591

COVER-UP: Federal agency CANCELS cell phone radiation research after safety risks uncovered – In a shocking announcement, the National Toxicology Program (NTP) has announced that it will no longer investigate any evidence linking cellphone radiation to harm caused in animals or people. Even though this very type of research is why the NTP exists, the agency has decided that, from here on out, it will never again even attempt to study whether or not cellphone radiation harms people and their pets.

Liberal MP ADMITS Trudeau Is CORRUPT

This is How They Did It (stole the election) – Part 1 … The More We Know, the More People Know, the Less They Will Dare (please susbscribe to get all parts when they come out)

The Voter Registration Scam, Hacked – A Greater Confluence of Thieves Has Never Been Gathered

This is the Playbook, Primitive and Vicious, Chapter, Verse and SCOTUS filing – This is How They Disenfranchise All of Us

🚨 Doctors’ Offices to be Replaced with Smart Home Digital Medical Prisons
🚨 This will go well with the technology that has already been placed in our bodies

Russia arrests shooters as death toll from Moscow attack rises to 143 – Attack on concertgoers is said to be deadliest in Moscow for at least a decade

Approx 130 Dead at Moscow Rock Concert Shooting – An attack on a Moscow rock concert hall took place as crowds gathered for a performance by the famous Russian rock band Piknik. The crowd was attacked by camouflaged militants at Crocus City Hall music venue in Krasnogorsk, a Russian city on the western edge of Moscow.
Article: https://www.freepolitik.com/p/60-dead-at-moscow-rock-concert-shooting

Scientists Working to Create Human Embryos with DNA from Two Men

2020 Article: Trudeau, BLM, the Muslim Brotherhood & the Illuminati: Downfall Of America

Dr. Meryl Nass: Someone asked me to remove the US Amendments from my slide of egregious actions by the WHO. Here is the International Version

Be Very Afraid? CDC, Big Media Drum Up Fear of ‘Deadly’ Measles Outbreaks

Medical Mystery: A Case Of Recurrent Myo-Pericarditis In A 20-Year-Old Unvaccinated University Athlete (shedding?)

This Was EPIC – Tony Bobulinski SHREDS Raskin, Goldman and Hunter in Hearing on Biden Family Business

Dead as a Dietary Supplement? Dead are Liquefied and Fed to the Living

March 22/24: Russia: Fatal Attack Claims At Least 40 Lives, Gunmen And Bombers Strike – Emergency services vehicles are seen outside the burning Crocus City Hall concert hall following the shooting incident in Krasnogorsk, outside Moscow, on March 22, 2024. Gunmen opened fire at a concert hall in a Moscow suburb on March 22, 2024 leaving dead and wounded before a major fire spread through the building, Moscow’s mayor and Russian news agencies reported.

NWO International Mafia?

Japanese Researchers Sound Alarm on Deadly Risks of Vaccinated Blood Transfusions – The blood supply, once deemed a lifeline, has now become a conduit for harm

🐾 The AVMA (American Veterinary Medical Association) Guidelines For the Depopulation of Animals: 2019 Edition
PDF: https://www.avma.org/sites/default/files/resources/AVMA-Guidelines-for-the-Depopulation-of-Animals.pdf

😳😜 That ain’t Kate but nice try though….

🟥🍁🟥 Leaked Letter From Ex-Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau to the WEF Reveals DISTURBING Intel About Trudeau!
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4k4lrx-leaked-morneau-letter.html

👉 Article: Bill Morneau’s Thank-You Letter to WEF: https://diamondz.substack.com/p/former-finance-minister-bill-morneaus
👉 Trudeau Videos: https://tinyurl.com/2s4b3tdj
👉 Canadian Parliament Penetrated by Young Global Leaders According to Klaus Schwab: https://tinyurl.com/2kamp8v8
👉 Trudeau and Freeland Corruption – A Collection of Info: https://tinyurl.com/2jk7f6jv
👉 Dr. David Martin Discusses Justin Trudeau’s Illegal Covid Vaccine Monopoly/Racketeering: https://tinyurl.com/mpr6s9m3

VIDEO – Funeral Director (Lauren) speaks out on what she’s seeing

Dr. Peter McCullough: Virtually All COVID-19 Deaths Occurred In Hospitals! Why?!

Get Educated & You Will Discover Childhood Vaccines Are Crimes Against Humanity

🚂 Choo Choo MuthaF@kr 💩

✝️ 🇨🇦 Bishop Mar Mari Emmanuel Spiritually Roasts Canadian Crime Minister Justin Trudeau 💩
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4mncq6-bishop-mar-mari-emmanuel.html

RCMP Admit They Are Preparing For REVOLT!

Who Was the Real Mastermind Behind the Shooting in Moscow?

The Definitive Guide To The British Royal Line Of Succession – The complete list of who’s in line for the British throne.

💥 Run Turd Run!💥

17-year-old Aubrynn Grundy contracted COVID a few weeks after her second dose of Pfizer, went into cardiac arrest, was hospitalized, given a cocktail of drugs, went into multi-organ failure, and died

The Vaccine Genocide – Waking The Public to the Deadly Childhood Vaccine Schedule

Usual Suspects United States, Inc and Ukraine Behind Moscow Terrorist Attack – Brain-dead Biden authorized this CIA-Ukraine attack against Russia with additional backing from key Congressional CIA oversight members:

Deadly Moscow terror attack was clearly carried out with the help of Ukraine and the CIA

🦠🧬 The Fallacies of Virology and the Inversion of Natural Health ~ More Lies They’ve Told To Keep Us Sick
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4k7nef-virology-germ-theory.html

Michael Shellenberger on how governments around the world are using the moniker “Hate Speech” as an excuse to jail and destroy their opponents (and usher in a world takeover)

Trump Campaign Releases Absolutely BRILLIANT Campaign Video on Biden’s Border Lies

🇨🇦 Who Controls Canada? 🧵 Please read and share this important thread.🙏🏼
Justin Trudeau is transforming our country. The policies he has enacted are largely attributable to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, which have been cemented into law through Canada’s Federal Sustainable Development Act.

Read More: https://twitter.com/greg_scott84/status/1681136855155380224

💥 Elon Musk on X: “This is Actually Happening!” ~ The Democrat Open Borders Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4k963u-illegal-immigrants.html

The NIGHTMARE of the UN’s Agenda 2030 Goals

Documentary: They Want us to accept raping Kids as Normal and Healthy

Don’t Want a Vaccine? New AI Tool Will Find You – This is actually happening.

Ivermectin Could Be a ‘Powerful Drug’ for Fighting Cancer, Here’s Why – Stunning discovery changes everything we thought we knew about fighting cancer.

🇬🔎 Our society is heading towards an impending apocalypse – one that will wreak havoc on your human rights and destroy the concept of freedom and privacy. At the forefront of this is the biggest global monopoly today: GOOGLE.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4kgcrw-goopocalypse-now.html
👉 More Info: www.Goopocalypse.com

The Delusions of Crime Minister Turdeau

✡️ Vile, Low IQ actor Michael Rapaport caught on camera speaking to his Mossad handlers

Allopathic Activism is Even More Dangerous than Allopathic Medicine – And That’s What Almost Everyone is Doing.

🇨🇦💩🔥 Turd’s ex Sophie ain’t no angel, I heard a rumor that she’s been involved in some nefarious shenanigans just like her Crime Minister ex-hubby. Oh, by the way, here’s a fun video of her from a few years ago….enjoy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-vcXyGKplqE

Congress Out Of Session Two Weeks Until After Eclipse & More Evidence They Know Something We Don’t As Govts Urge Everyone To Prepare As They Race Full Speed Towards Nuclear Annihilation

How Environmental Toxins Impact the Body

Childhood Vaccines – HPV Vaccine (Gardasil) injuries & deaths of young girls – injury of 12 year old soccer player Holly, High school lacrosse player Amanda Ratner, death of a 14 year old Mexican girl

VIDEO – HPV Vaccine Death of young woman – 21 year old Chris Tarsell died suddenly in her sleep with cardiac arrest two weeks after 3rd HPV Vaccine jab (Gardasil) June 2008

✝️ Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano Speaks Out About the SCAMdemic, World News, Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Pizzagate, Trudeau Crimes, Gaza, Israel and More
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4kjftu-archbishop-carlo-maria-vigano.html

👉 Vigano Article: https://tinyurl.com/5y92medr
👉 More Info On Archbishop Vigano: https://tinyurl.com/4kh479sy

✝️ Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Speaks at the Second Congress of the Intl Russophile Movement & the Multipolarity Forum in Moscow on February 26, 2024:
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4kjqxu-archbishop-carlo-maria-vigan.html

🇨🇦 EXPOSED: The Liberal LIARS Carbon Tax Narrative…

Why Is the National Guard Being Deployed During the Great American Eclipse On April 8, 2024? What in the world do they expect to happen during this eclipse?

Top Doctor Details ‘Huge Financial Incentives’ For Hospitals To Murder Covid Patients
Fauci’s Covid Hospital Protocols are Killing THOUSANDS: https://tinyurl.com/2wmcajjj

Dr. Ana Mihalcea on Transhumanism and Self-Assembling Nanotechnology
Dr. Ana’s Detox: https://tinyurl.com/mr2cuwe4

All Eyes on South African Kangaroo Court – A Doctor who treated over 14,000 symptomatic Covid-19 patients without losing one has caught the attention of the South African Medical Regulators

New Field Hospital Launches in Calgary, Alberta Airport (1st in Canada) Something WEIRD is Going On! Mandatory Nasal Swab Testing Starts at Miami Intl Airport, National Guard Mobilized for April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse

We Are the Goyim

The Fact Checkers Say the COVID Jabs Aren’t Gene Therapy – Why Does the FDA Say Otherwise?

Trump Gets A Reprieve On $454M Civil Fraud Judgment From Appeals Court

A Three Year Investigation In France Produces What The Reporters Call Incontrovertible Evidence That Brigitte Macron Is Really A Man By The Name Of Jean-Michel Trogneux – Journalists Worked With Geneologists, One Was Raided By Police, No Photos of Brigitte In First 30 Years Of Life
Video by Candice Owens: https://rumble.com/v4jqaxe-france-macron-wife-a-man.html

🌈 Russia Adds LGBT Movement to Terrorist List – Banks are now obliged to freeze funds and suspend services to persons and groups associated with the group

Whoops! FOIA response from Santa Clara County reveals that the COVID shots INCREASED your risk of getting COVID! The COVID vaccines worked in reverse making people more susceptible. Attempts to contact Santa Clara County Public Health Department for comment were totally ignored.

Interesting views from Jonathan Turley – Trump may use the 8th Amendment and AG James cannot just seize Trump assets:

Diddy’s L.A., Miami Homes Raided By Homeland Security As Part Of Sex Trafficking Probe

Why the Department of Justice Wants to Take Down Apple

💩 This is the largest fossilized human turd ever found. It belonged to a sick Viking in the 9th Century AD, and has been valued at $39,000″. The large, “precious” Poop, officially known as the Lloyds Bank Coprolite, the word “Coprolite” simply meaning fossilized dung. This 1200 year old log that is thought to be the largest recorded in human history. At 8 inches long and 2 inches wide, specimen was discovered, in York northwest England in 1972 by construction workers during the building of a Lloyds TSB branch, in an area once ruled by Norse warriors. It takes its name from institution Lloyds Bank.

🎬 Documentary ☀️ “Climate: The Movie” Exposing the Climate Alarm Scam as an Invented Scare Tactic Without Any Basis in Science
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4kn3n6-climate-the-movie.html

👉 Climate Change Videos: http://tinyurl.com/v2u8jh9v
👉 Global Warming Videos: http://tinyurl.com/ye3e4n23
👉 Frankenskies: The Truth About Weather Manipulation: http://tinyurl.com/3jfb3cp6
👉 What in the World Are They Spraying? http://tinyurl.com/ww9wx9fh
👉 “The Dimming” Documentary ~ Exposing The Global Climate Engineering Cover-Up: http://tinyurl.com/yvhzuv76
👉 “UNconventional Grey” – A Documentary About Damage Caused by Govt Funded Geoengineering/Weather Warfare Programs: http://tinyurl.com/ms8mcfbk
👉 Dane Wigington: Weather Manipulation/Geoengineering is Real: www.geoengineeringwatch.org
👉 Effects Chemtrails and Geoengineering are Having On the Planet: http://tinyurl.com/ycy35k3w
👉 “Overcast” – An Investigative Film About Geoengineering, Chemtrails and Weather Manipulation http://tinyurl.com/ycxz5f5h
👉 Bill Gates Wants to Cut Down and Bury Trees to Save the Planet http://tinyurl.com/nruevzdh

FDA is trying to legalize its illegal approvals of COVID vaccines without human trials. Now one animal trial will do the trick to “prove” efficacy?

US health authorities quietly removed Americans’ right to informed consent that was codified in the Nuremberg Code – On 22 January 2024, a ruling by the US HHS and FDA came into effect. It allows for an exception from obtaining informed consent in clinical investigations deemed “minimal risk.”

MUST WATCH: Nova Scotia is preparing to pass a law under the Financial Measures Act that will grant the government access to all of your personal health information

Dr. William Makis: I will be filing criminal charges against Alberta Health Services Officials, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta leaders & will make formal request to Elon Musk for legal assistance!

🎶🎤 Donald Trump & Tucker Carlson – “Bloodbath” by Hi-Rez
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4kqwdo-trump-tucker-bloodbath.html

🎼 More Rap Tunes From Hi-Rez:
👉 Donald Trump, Tucker Carlson, & Joe Biden – Putin: https://tinyurl.com/3s97zep2
👉 Music Video: “Big Brother” – Calling Out The New World Order and WEF Created To Dominate Humanity: https://tinyurl.com/3xem72s7
👉 Donald Trump, Jordan Peterson & Joe Biden – “Clean Your Room” https://tinyurl.com/4kkvp9nh

🔥💥 HOLY SHlT! Google just quietly changed its search results for “bloodbath definition”

Mass vaccination and DOCTOR deaths

Democrats Went So Far in Their Insanity They Reached a Point of Terminal Desperation: Re-Writing The 1st Amendment Is Insane, Open Borders Are Insane, Trying to Get America Nuked Is Insane – We are ruled by governments of fiends. That the insane call themselves “progressive,” is a signature of their insanity. The insane do not care about the rule of law. The open border is insane.

Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Data Shows Links Between Vaccines and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – 749 deaths liked to Hib (Haemophilus influenzae Type b) and 51% were SIDS

☠️ Are YOU still a Sceptic of the DEPOPULATION Agenda? 𓆩🖤𓆪

Dr. Ana Mihalcea: What Is Happening To Our Water? Plastic Teabags Release Billions of Microparticles and Nanoparticles into Tea – Polymer Microplastics Are In Tap and Bottled Water And In Rain Via Geoengineering
👉 Dr. Ana’s Detox: https://tinyurl.com/mr2cuwe4

👑🐲 The British Royal family, who own over sixteen percent of the entire planet, seems to be falling apart. Which is nothing to mourn, for they are one of the most monstrous families on Earth.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4ku93x-royal-family-lizards.html

👉 The Dark Ugly Past of Britain’s New King Charles the 3rd: https://tinyurl.com/57r32m3d
👉 The Strange Story of the Queen and the Children Who “disappeared” From Native Residential Schools: https://tinyurl.com/mr3xtyr9
👉 Aboriginal Residential School Survivor Says The Queen of England Abducted Children In Canada: https://tinyurl.com/bdhb6a59
👉 The Murdered Kamloops Children: https://tinyurl.com/3b83umnk
👉 King Charles III Linked to Deaths of Kamloops: https://tinyurl.com/2p9zumtf
👉 Kevin Annett Talks About the Uncovering of Mass Graves of Indigenous Women and Children in British Columbia, Canada: https://tinyurl.com/mwtj3zfb
👉 Documentary: Prolific Pedophile Jimmy Savile Was a Close Friend Of the The Royal Family and Pals With Prince Charles: https://tinyurl.com/ye2axp2r
👉 David Icke has his say about the Royal Family: https://tinyurl.com/bdwpz7up

🥗 Ozempic: Ex-Pharma Insider Warns of Looming Government-Funded ‘Medical Disaster’. Enter Ozempic, a diabetes and weight loss drug that is “going to be the highest-funded drug by the US taxpayer in history.” Ozempic is a medication based on toxic snake venom, which paralyzes and destroys the stomach plus the intestinal tract. Anyone taking this drug will live a very shortened lifespan, as they lose digestive function overtime: https://rumble.com/v4b57ii–big-pharma-ozempic.html

🍴 OZEMPIC: The NEW and Trendy Hollywood Weight-Loss Drug Has Dangerous Side-Effects: https://rumble.com/v33nc97–ozempic-side-effects.html

🧘‍♀️ Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals Ozempic Paralyzes the Stomach and Causes Cancers: https://rumble.com/v4gw7cc-dr-bryan-ardis-ozempic-venoms.html

💥☠️ James O’Keefe at Project Veritas Buried Pfizer Crimes Allowing CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY * Whistleblower Links in the Description
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4kvzfq-james-okeefe-cover-up.html

More Genocide!

Arnold Schwarzenegger now has a Pacemaker and had Three Open Heart Surgeries

Louisiana’s Senate just UNANIMOUSLY passed a bill that denies that any communication from the WHO, UN AND WEF may be used as a basis for action within the state!

MV Dali Hitting Key Bridge in Baltimore – Track and Video Analysis

With the active support of the Chinese Communist Party, the World Economic Forum, the European Union, Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Biden administration, two accords are being finalized that would give the World Health Organization (WHO) wholly unprecedented and actually unconstitutional powers over the United States and her people.


6 Workers Presumed Dead After Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Tierney Real News – March 28: What happened in Baltimore? Here’s what I know so far…

WAS IT AN “ACCIDENT?” Lara Logan Intel Sources Claim Baltimore Bridge Collapse On “Second busiest strategic roadway for hazardous materials” Was “absolutely brilliant strategic attack”

FBI Insider: Baltimore Bridge Collapse Was ‘Inside Job’ To Attack US Critical Infrastructure – President Trump’s former national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn called the container ship ramming the 1.6-mile-long bridge mile bridge at the Port of Baltimore a “Black Swan” event.

🇺🇸 🦅 New Trump MAGA Campaign Ad: https://tinyurl.com/ycx2nwcp

The Truth About the Baltimore Bridge Collapse

Maryland Police Were Pre-Alerted to Divert Traffic One Minute Before Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse (DISPATCH AUDIO)

Baltimore Bridge Collapse – BLACK BOX Reveals 2 Minutes of VDR Sensor Data “Ceased” Recording

Baltimore Bridge Disaster: Hazardous Chemicals Leaking Into River – Hazardous chemicals are leaking into the Baltimore harbor following a cargo shipwreck which destroyed the Francis Scott Key bridge.

Maritime mourns loss of Angela Chao in a car accident (Mitch McConnell’s sister-in-law)

Putin Says Barack Obama Is a ‘Legitimate Military Target’ Following Moscow Attack. Obama is a terrorist and his history of arming terrorists — jihadis, cartels, illegal aliens— while disarming law-abiding citizens will go down as the greatest betrayal in history.

🔥💉 Jordan Peterson VS Super Naive and Rude “Destiny” On the COVID Debacle and Compulsory mRNA Injections

Miraculous Micro-Preemie Birth Story and Why Every Baby Should Get To Keep Their Own Cord Attached – Immediate cord clamping and AUTISM link

President Trump gave an interview to an Israeli media outlet called Israel Hayom over the weekend and the fake news is spinning it every which way. Israel Hayom is an Israeli national Hebrew-language free daily newspaper. Distributed for free around Israel, it is the country’s most widely distributed newspaper.

Mike Adams From Natural News Asked His New AI Language Model “Neo” a Very Important Question – Which Phytonutrients or Phytochemicals Can Block the Spike Protein Related to SARS-CoV-2?

Trudeau tells premiers to back down in letter, some to testify tomorrow in committee. Crime Minister Justin Trudeau wrote a letter to the four premiers who asked to make a case for axing the carbon tax before a federal committee. In his letter, Trudeau said he aimed to dispel the misconception that Canada’s carbon pricing system drives inflation, claiming it was “demonstrably false.”

🛑 Observed by a friend on FB:
Kate 2016 and Kate 2024. Same exact curls in the same exact places. Length has been added. But it’s literally impossible to curl your hair exactly the same way, let alone 8 years apart. 🤔
Those who know, know this is not the real Kate. They are buying time.

The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton has been diagnosed with Cancer – there is a high probability she has Turbo Cancer, caused by COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines she took in 2021.

EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW – Deanna Lorraine on Stew Peters Network – Dr.William Makis on Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton’s absence and possible COVID-19 Vaccine Injury (Mar.19, 2024)

JustinTrudeau “Pay Me Carbon Tax”

Toronto Proposes New Rain Tax…🤦‍♂️

Why did the “Great Reset” info disappear on the WEF website? That’s OK, we have wayback machines
WEF Website: https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset

Bill Gates – Psycho Killer

ALERT: Solar eclipse could cause mass chaos at hundreds of airports due to disruption — Air travel could be disrupted from April 7 through April 10, the FAA warned.

OPINION: Thoughts On Coming Events, Including the Solar & Lunar Eclipses, The United States as Babylon, The War of Gog & Magog, The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse & The End of The Age – Watch God’s Urgent Warning To America: Prophetic Meaning of Eclipse Revealed!

Why Is the National Guard Being Deployed During the Great American Eclipse On April 8, 2024? What in the world do they expect to happen during this eclipse?

What’s Up With This??? Why??? 🤔

Oregon is Now Shutting Down Small Farms – Welcome to The Great reset/UN’s Agenda2030

Suzanne Somers Speaks on the Deaths of Holistic Doctoes and 12 Hours Later she is Reported Dead

mRNA Injury Stories – 24 year old Jayden Zientara, healthcare worker in Nashville at Vanderbilt, developed a baseball size brain tumor – new migraines are a dangerous sign – 15 cases

Threats to America’s Critical Infrastructure Are Now a Terrifying Reality – Critical digital infrastructure: Why societies are becoming so vulnerable to cyberattacks

Kicking the U.N. out of Local Governments, A Step-by-Step Guide with a Canadian Visionary & Warrior

🇷🇺 Russia said on Saturday it had arrested all four gunmen suspected of carrying out a shooting massacre in a concert hall near Moscow, and President Vladimir Putin pledged to track down and punish those behind the attack. Moscow regional Governor Andrei Vorobyov said 133 bodies had been recovered from the rubble in 24 hours and doctors were “fighting for the lives of 107 people”. State TV editor Margarita Simonyan, without citing a source, had earlier given a toll of 143. In a televised address, Putin said 11 people had been detained, including the four gunmen. “They tried to hide and moved towards Ukraine, where, according to preliminary data, a window was prepared for them on the Ukrainian side to cross the state border,” he said.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4l58w9-putin-address-moscow.html

March 28: The Proxy War the US Is Losing to Russia Is About to Take New and Ominous Turns Because Desperate People Act in Desperate Ways – Beware More Attacks on Our Energy Industry – Another Reason Why Stakes are Sky-high this Autumn. An engineered “black swan” event might be the greater danger. Desperate people act in desperate ways.

WHO urges countries to sign globalist pandemic treaty by May: ‘A new threat will emerge’

WHO getting desperate over the Treaty. Maybe because it could lose tens of billions for its annual budget if it fails to gain approval? – Today they call it a pandemic accord. They refuse to use a single name to confuse the unwary.

Sam Bankman-Fried Sentenced to 25 Years in Prison – Second Biggest Democrat Donor Was Convicted for ‘One of the Biggest Financial Frauds in American History’

🏝️ So How Do You Get Rid of the Mainland Homeless People? Dump Them Off in Hawaii and Just Leave Them There! Problem Solved! 🏄

😈 CERN Will Be Fired Up On April 8th – What Does This Mean? Who Knows…

💥 🇷🇺 Over a hundred people were murdered in Russia on Friday, March 22/24. Including women and children. Eleven terrorists were captured by Russian authorities as they attempted to cross the border into Ukraine. They are being interrogated and all roads lead to the US State department, who have been directing Ukrainian forces since their 2014 coup. Al-Qaeda was created by Western intelligence to fight the Russians, and has been used as a catalyst for illegal wars and tyrannical laws ever since.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4lfo6q-russia-moscow-massacre.html

GOVERNMENT CHEAPSKATES: America Has Paid A Total of $38,893 to the Avalanche of COVID Vaccine Injured Citizens

US Intel Agency Bans Use of Terms “Radical Islamists” and “Jihadists” Because It May Be Hurtful to All Muslims

The Crocus Bombing and the Francis Scott Key bridge attack

Symbolism Will Be Their (Deep State’s) Downfall

Soulless Bitch Gov. Kathy Hochul Confronted At Wake For Killed NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller Causing Her To Leave

Dude made MILLIONS by betting on transgender athletes…

George Soros Funding Group Associated with Hamas

Palace Insider: Kate Middleton’s Cancer Is Psy-Op To Normalize Turbo Cancer Depopulation Event

Here’s the Full List of Names Listed in Diddy’s Sex Trafficking Lawsuit

‘Resident’ Joe Biden Sparks Outrage After Declaring Easter Sunday ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’ – Pedo-Imposter-in-Thief Joe Biden has sparked outrage after he declared that Easter Sunday would also be the “Transgender Day of Visibility”
ARTICLE: https://tuzarapostj.substack.com/p/pedophile-joe-biden-sparks-outrage

GAVI, the WHO and related organizations are funding local vaccine development. To fool people in developing nations that the vaccines to be forced on them are really their own

Vaccine contamination is nothing new – “Dirty Vaccines” have been on the market long before Pfizer and Moderna DNA Contamination of mRNA jabs

VIDEO – Vaccine Injury Compilation (by Henry Benedict April 2023)

Childhood Vaccines – SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) – 2 month olds who died after childhood vaccines – three tragic stories

The New Eugenics Movement – Part 1

The New Eugenics Movement – Part 2

Siskiyou Co. Board Declares State of Emergency over Klamath River, California Dam Removal Project

🌎🪴 “The C02 Famine” ~ What the Planet Really Needs Right Now is MORE C02 Because it’s the “Gas of Life”! 🌿
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4l92zc-c02-famine.html

Government-directed mass murder: legal issues for further research.

How John D. Rockefeller Founded Big Pharma & Waged War On Natural Cures

Dr.Sucharit Bhakdi – German Parliament Speech

Biden just proclaimed this Easter Sunday as a “Transgender Day of Visibility.” NOT KIDDING. We are living George Orwell’s 1984

🌈🤪 Everyone, Yes Everyone, is Far Right! 😂
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4l98ro-far-right.html

Luvox (fluvoxamine): Too dangerous to treat COVID – Years ago, it became apparent to me that fluvoxamine was the most dangerous SSRI antidepressant…

With growing international rejection of the fraudulent Rules-Based Order, will the U.S. and NATO drop its pretensions, and abide instead by international law?

University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) Bids Goodbye to Five of its Faculty Members – Three of Whom Passed Away on the Same Day…

🌘 🌙 The April 8, 2024, total solar eclipse will begin over the South Pacific Ocean and will cross North America, passing over Mexico, United States, and Canada. Weather permitting, the first location in continental North America that will experience totality is Mexico’s Pacific coast at around 11:07 a.m. PDT. The path of the eclipse continues from Mexico, entering the United States in Texas, and traveling through Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine. The eclipse will enter Canada in Southern Ontario, and continue through Quebec, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. The eclipse will exit continental North America on the Atlantic coast of Newfoundland, Canada, at 5:16 p.m. NDT “

🟥🍁🟥 At “TheyLied.ca”, we are dedicated to uncovering the truth behind the narratives shaping our world today. Our website serves as a hub for critical analysis and honest inquiry on a wide range of topics.
Website: https://theylied.ca

Great Replacement Is Not a Theory, It Is 100% Real – The War Against Native Born Americans Is Already in Its Final Phases as Google AI Images Erases White People from History

The “Virus” Concept: https://viroliegy.com/2024/03/29/the-virus-concept

Globalists unleashing AI-powered control grid to END independent journalism and eradicate online free speech. Globalists are taking their war against the truth to a new level. They are going for the kill shots by having journalists and citizen truthtellers actually arrested and removed from society altogether

Childhood Vaccines – HPV Vaccine (Gardasil) Injuries & deaths of young boys – 14 yo Christopher Eugene Bunch received Gardasil HPV Vaccine at routine doctor’s visit & died 6 weeks later

@WallStreetSilv on X
🇨🇦💩 The corrupt Liberals in Canada want to introduce a RAIN TAX on Canadians … It will be based on the amount of hard surfaces on a property …… Yup … as if Canada didn’t suck enough already, now they want to make it even more expensive.

YouTube To Start Reporting Users to FBI Who Watch Non-Mainstream Videos – The FBI has a secret relationship with Google that compels the Big Tech company to release private information about users who watched certain “unapproved videos” on YouTube.

UK’s leaders in bed with Gates and the WHO, gave GAVI billions of taxpayer dollars

The Top Nutrient Deficiency in Lyme Disease

LIES!!!! Fake News Reporting That Intermittent Fasting Doubles Your Risk of Dying from a Heart Attack … What a Joke!!! Watch Dr. Berg Set the Record Straight.

🧧🍁🧧 Liberal Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health Yasir Naqvi makes shocking admission about COVID-19 vaccine in House of Commons transcript

👑🎬 Documentary: Royal Babylon ‘The Criminal Record of the British Monarchy’
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4lbdk9-royal-babylon.html

💥 ☠️ This is How The Global Elites Plan To Kill Us – Elite Insider George Green
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4luzbz-genocide-by-elites.html

Justin Trudeau – The Jesuit Pedo Bastard

Is Easter being replaced with the ‘Transgender Day of Visibility’?

🍼👶🏻 The Untold Dangers of Baby Monitors ☢️ They are Some of the Most Toxic Wireless Devices on the Market
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4lgekb-baby-monitors.html

Nickelodeon was ‘infiltrated’ by PREDATORS, records reveal. Channel employed FIVE convicted child molesters and two other accused pedophiles to work on set of kids shows

The power of poetry, to rip off the masks of evil doers, was demonstrated by Percy Shelley in his “Masque of Anarchy”. It would be highly appropriate for those hyping the “Rules-Based Order” to pay heed to what Shelley wrote: their deeds will be exposed, along with their evil intent, which is a necessary precondition for the emergence of a new security and development paradigm. The truth is coming out, and the Global Majority is moving against the corrupt Establishment and its neocolonial order. Link to report on genocide delivered to U.N. Human Rights Commission: https://www.ohchr.org/sites/default/files/documents/hrbodies/hrcouncil/sessions-regular/session55/advance-versions/a-hrc-55-73-auv.pdf
BOOK: ‘Masque of Anarchy: A Poem’ https://amzn.to/3PEN1Ub

⚕️ 🩺 Pharmaceutical Industry Is Organized Crime 💊
Peter C. Gøtzsche, MD is a Danish medical researcher, and leader of the Nordic Cochrane Center at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen, Denmark.
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4lnfmr-pharmaceuticals-kill.html

🔥🚨 HUGE! Louisiana’s Senate just UNANIMOUSLY passed a bill that denies that any communication from the WHO, UN AND WEF may be used as a basis for action within the state!
Article: https://merylnass.substack.com/p/louisianas-senate-just-unanimously

mRNA Injury Series – SEPSIS epidemic in COVID-19 mRNA Vaccinated young healthy adults – Sepsis deaths are up 30% in the UK – 12 recent cases

Arguments for Halting Covid-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 vaccines’ effectiveness and safety exaggerated in clinical trials & observational studies, academics find

🦠 How the Deep State Really Played Trump – Who Was the Chief Engineer of the Covid Pandemic Lockdowns?
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4lobox-trump-pandemic.html

🤔 Maritime mourns loss of Angela Chao in a car accident: https://tinyurl.com/23ss5uta

💑 Hollywood Film Producer John Paul Rice Exposes Hollywood Pedophilia in This 2020 Video
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4lynfl-john-paul-rice.html

🤣😈 ‘Alleged’ Pedo and supreme ahole Robert ‘DeZero’ only talks smack about President Trump when he’s wearing his brave-man shoes…

👹👁️ P. DIDDY: The Jeffrey Epstein of the Rap and Music Industry 🎵
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4mcdp5-p-diddy.html

🟥🍁🟥 MAiD in Canada (Medical Assistance in Dying) – An Overton Short Documentary ☠️
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4meqyh-maid-suicide.html

🤥They lied about the origins of Covid
🤥They lied about Covid death statistics
🤥They lied that there was no treatment (go home and if you turn blue then go to hospital)
🤥They lied about the ventilators & Remdesivir
🤥They lied that the hospitals were overflowing (while  they choreographed Tik Tok dance routines)
🤥They lied about the masks
🤥They lied about the lockdowns
🤥They lied to prevent family visiting dying relatives 
🤥They lied about outdoor transmission
🤥They lied about Ivermectin, HCQ, Zinc & Vit D
🤥They lied about the efficacy of the vaccines
🤥They lied about the safety of the vaccines
🤥They  lied to try and hide their data for 75 years
🤥They lied to hide the extent of the vaccine injuries
🤥They lied by even calling the shots ‘vaccines’
🤥They  lied about the need for “vaccine passports”
🤥They lied to try and justify human rights abusive vaccine  mandates 
🤥They lied about the rates of myocarditis

University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD) Bids Goodbye to Five of its Faculty Members – Three of Whom Passed Away on the Same Day…
Article: https://diamondz.substack.com/p/university-of-the-philippines-diliman

💥🧬 HUGE! Kurt Billings 1999 Seminar – Prisoners of Psychological Operations – Micro Chips, Mind Control, Chemtrails and More – I Wonder How far advanced This Technology is Now in 2024?
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4mkgg6-kurt-billings.html

🚨 3/31/2024 – BREAKING: Benjamin Netanyahu has been diagnosed with a severe hernia, and he will undergo emergency surgery tonight under full anesthesia; his deputy will take his duties.
Comments on X are wild: https://twitter.com/GeneralMCNews/status/1774442813813313861

✡️ Rapper and Journalist Lowkey EXPOSES Ben Shapiro as Israeli Military Asset After Daily Wire Cancels Candace Owens
VIDEO: https://rumble.com/v4momr9-ben-shapiro-israel.html

TONS of World News Info and Monthly Newsletters Posted Here: www.RealTruthRealNews.com

Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies: www.DiamondzDetox.com

Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends “Spike Support” With Nattokinase to Dissolve the Spike Protein From the Covid Jab, You Can Find it Here

Fenbendazole and Ivermectin: New Treatments for Cancer. More Info: CLICK HERE

Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Tetracycline – Budesonide and Other Meds Online : www.BodywisePharmacy.com

Organic Laetrile B17 Apricot Seeds For Cancer Can Be Found Here

MasterPeace Nano Zeolite Plus Marine Plasma – Graphene, Heavy Metal and Toxin Detox: http://tinyurl.com/y67rc4bk

RealTruthRealNews on Rumble www.rumble.com/Diamondz

Check out my High Quality Immune Boosting and Wellness Products HERE

♦️ Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies and Protocols Website: www.DiamondzDetox.com
Dr. Peter McCullough Recommends “Spike Support” With Nattokinase to Dissolve Spike Protein From the Covid Jab: https://tinyurl.com/5n99uvjv
♦️ Order Ivermectin – Hydroxychloroqine – Azithromycin (Z-Pack), Budesonide and Other Meds Online: www.BodywisePharmacy.com
♦️ Covid and Contagion Emergency Kits – Includes Medications: http://tinyurl.com/4ext772u
♦️ Fenbendazole For Cancer – Info and Purchase: http://tinyurl.com/pez387se
♦️ Organic B-17/Apricot Seeds/Laetrile – Info and Purchase: http://tinyurl.com/3wmbydaj
♦️ Dr. Zev Zelenko’s Products Include “Z-Detox” For Covid Vaccine Protection – “Z-Flu” Protection Against Colds and Flu and “Z-Shield” which helps defend against dormant viruses. Check it Out: https://tinyurl.com/yc8zhusw
♦️Zeolite for Detox/Metabolism/Energy/Antioxidants: https://tinyurl.com/53uxv89j
♦️ Chlorine Dioxide (MMS): https://tinyurl.com/43kdtmr3
♦️ Alternative Health Blog: www.DiamondzUltimateHealth.com

The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. We expressly disclaim responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site. We do not endorse specifically any test, treatment, or procedure mentioned on the site.


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