“The Great Reset” For Dummies

The “Great Reset” ~ Is it in the fiction or non-fiction section?
It would appear that it’s the real deal…
If you’re wondering what the heck it is, here’s a start ~ in Layman’s terms…

“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, re-imagine, and reset our world”

That’s the fluffy gist the quarterback of the Great Reset gives us. His name is Professor Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum.

First off, it’s the number one thing every religious leader, government official, teacher, business owner, parent and every person on the planet should be learning about right now… but they’re not.

It’s quite literally the greatest threat to humanity this world has ever seen and it’s on a biblical scale. Dramatic? I think not.

A life of forced medical treatments, medical passports to buy food, goods and services, enter venues, attend church, school, work. Elimination of property ownership, small business, freedom of religion, sovereign governments…Sounds pretty biblical to me.

It’s something nobody on the planet would agree to of their own free will, so they needed a global crisis to usher it in. They needed the cancel-culture, division of race, religion, friendships, governments and suppression of love and intimacy. They needed to break us down.

From what I can gather, their plan is going swimmingly so far, wouldn’t you agree?
So what is it and who’s behind it?

The Great Reset is the brainchild of the World Economic Forum (WEF)… a “not-for-profit” organization most of us never even heard of before the fabrication of this pandemic. It’s an international organization that’s been quietly hidden in plain sight for 50 years. Something thought of by the general public as nothing more than another woke, United Nations lefty-cause organization. Until now.

The WEF is not a fringe group or conspiracy organization. Far from it. They hold an annual summit in Davos, Switzerland to which thousands of world leaders (including Trudeau), business leaders, and the most powerful celebrity influencers from around the world are invited, to sit as a group and discuss how they can change our planet “for the better”.

The mission of the WEF is to bring together big business, political, cultural and media leaders from around the world to drive change on a global scale. “Change” that clearly benefits them…not you, not me, our kids, or their kids.

They play God, essentially. That’s their self-appointed earthly task as the billionaire “elite”.

One look at their website will tell you exactly who they are and what they’re about. How they are blatantly using the C19 crisis to usher in the greatest shift our world has ever seen. The Great Reset or “Fourth Industrial Revolution”, which entails a one world global governance and global socialism to succeed.

The Great Reset will literally change everything about our current way of life. The way we earn money, the way we purchase goods, the way we freely travel, the way we freely worship, the way we freely choose where we want to live, what we want to read, watch, say… EVERYTHING. And it won’t be for the better.

“It’s 2030… You will own nothing and you’ll be happy”
“You’ll eat less red meat, but you won’t mind”
“You’ll rent everything and not be bothered with owning anything”

This was quite literally a commercial the WEF launched to describe the Great Reset 2030 agenda. That’s the end game. That’s their intent. The ruling class will own everything, while the newly formed “equalized” lower class will own nothing and rely on our new global governance, built of politicians and business leaders for their merciful hand of permission to live.

Property ownership will be a thing of the past and they will seek to push civilization from rural settings into urban centers to maximize their technocratic agenda to monitor and control the masses. “Saving the environment” will be the incessant mantra to move this agenda forward.

Why are they doing this?

To me, the simple answer is power. And because they can. Look… we’re handing it to them on a silver platter right now. Everything is in place to make it happen.

Together with big tech and media, they now have ability to track, trace, censor, control and manipulate messaging en mass like never before. The rich are richer, more powerful and more influential than they’ve ever been.

Watch this video – The presenter, Anna, shows a video from a pro-vaccine researcher, who discusses peer reviewed studies that explain where the Spike Proteins from the vaccine accumulate in the human body. Anna then explains that because Spike Proteins are positively charged, and toxins, negatively charged Zeolite, which scavenges for positively charged toxins (a peer reviewed process), could help combat the spike proteins from both the vaccine and possible shedding ~ this is incredible!
Podcast: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nbLrI7FruSzQ/ 
ORDER the “Pure Body Extra” Zeolite Clinoptilolite Here:

A small handful of people control the land, water, food, lumber, oil, minerals, education, transportation, information, technology and medicine. Every essential element of life. Now they’re going to use that power to usher in their new “digital age”.

-World Economic Forum Partners-
This part makes it very real… to me anyways.
Not only is the leadership of nearly every country on the planet in bed with the WEF, roughly 730 global private sector business are listed as “Partners” on the WEF website. These businesses are not obscure organizations you’ve never heard of… You work for them. You rely on them every day of your life to do business, commerce and socialize. They are the most influential and most important businesses in our communities. They are the most powerful organizations and businesses on earth and they’ve signed on with the WEF to drive this global initiative. Whether knowing or unknowingly. Some may not even realize what they’ve signed up for and support them because it’s the “thing to do” these days. Who knows.

Here are some notable partners of the WEF…

Huawei Technologies
Dell Technologies
Uber Technologies
Verizon Communications
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Gilead Sciences
Royal Bank
Bank of America
Citi (Bank)
Glencore International
Newmont Mining
Anglo American Mining
General Electric
Air Liquide
SNC Lavalin
Ontario Teachers Pension Plan
New York Times
Suncor Energy
Teck Resources
Honda Motors
Toyota Motor Corp
Hyundai Motors
Volvo Group
Volkswagen Group
Coca-Cola Company
Lego Brand Group
YMCA of the USA
And on and on and on…
You know who is notably missing from this list of 730 partners?
Sally’s Hair Salon
Joe’s Kickboxing Studio
Jane’s Kitchen
John’s Bait and Tackle
Tim’s Massage Therapy
Kate’s Bike Repair

You get the picture.
Sally, Joe, Jane, John, Tim and Kate all have something in common… None of them received an invitation to the World Economic Forum Summit in Davos, Switzerland. Why? Because they are not part of the plan.

It’s obvious to everyone by now that small business has had a target on its back throughout this pandemic. Virtually every large organization listed above has increased in value while small business has been decimated globally. Hundreds of thousands if not millions across the world wiped from existence. This is not an accident due to a pandemic and this is not a coincidence. This is strategic.

Klaus Schwab’s Book ~ “Covid-19, The Great Reset” https://therealtruthnetworkcom.wordpress.com/2020/08/22/the-great-reset/

The most dangerous individuals to the implementation of the Fourth Industrial Revolution are entrepreneurs. People who have drive to succeed. People who answer to no one but themselves. People that make their own determinations and their own decisions. That will not work in the New World Order. They must be wiped out.

Oh, they’ll be employed… just not for themselves.
The future they have planned for us is a top-down global control of undemocratic, unelected oligarchs who care nothing for our national sovereignty and only about power. Dissent will not be tolerated and we are seeing big tech and media already playing their role well to suppress the truth from every angle.

The more we keep entertaining this painfully obvious, fake scientific narrative, the closer we get to making this our new reality. Our children’s new reality. And it will be near impossible to get the old one back once implemented.

It’s 1940 Germany on a global scale folks. Brave individuals who lived through that time and are still alive today to tell their stories have said exactly that. It’s not fun to hear, but that’s the reality we’re in.

The difference between 1940 Germany and today, is there will be no sovereign nations coming to our aid. They’re all on board for the Great Reset. Personally, I’ll take a hard pass and I’d like to see a few more say the same. Maybe we’ll make dent.
I’ll leave it there. Look into it.

Agenda 2030 Translation/New World Order/The Great Reset Disguised as Sustainable Development ~ 4 minute video

Monopoly-Follow the Money ~ An overview of the Great Reset.
This informative video gives an overview of what is currently happening in the world in just 1 hour. The video shows the modern global systems, and focuses on the situation in the Netherlands. We believe though, that people from all over the world will recognize this situation. In consultation with Tim Gielen, the maker of this video, and in cooperation with others who strive for freedom, we translated it into English. We think it is a very important video to share with the world, so we can change things for the better.


The Great Reset ~ The Global Elite’s Plan to Radically Remake Our Economic and Social Lives

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  1. Great article. Thanks for sharing. Will send it on. Did you send to Adam and Cassie? Love you

    Sent from my iPhone


  2. Maybe this is why there is such fear of “The Donald”? He is a patriot and supports a sovereign USA. Buy from local conservative owned companies when ever possible?


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