Covid Vaccine Detox Remedies and Protocols

Please bookmark and share with those who have had the vaccine and wish to detox.

Watch this video – The presenter, Anna, shows a video from a pro-vaccine researcher, who discusses peer reviewed studies that explain where the Spike Proteins from the vaccine accumulate in the human body. Anna then explains that because Spike Proteins are positively charged, and toxins, negatively charged Zeolite, which scavenges for positively charged toxins (a peer reviewed process), could help combat the spike proteins from both the vaccine and possible shedding ~ this is incredible!
ORDER the “Pure Body Extra” Zeolite Clinoptilolite Here:
Get this T-shirt and more here:


  1. Thanx for the Intel. I’m sharing and checking it out. They say it can’t be gotten rid of once it’s inside of you. I hope this proves them wrong.


      • Please know that Dr. Judy Mikovits explicitly stated pine needles do not provide the protection that suramin does. The pine needle tea is not a recommended remedy she said so naturalnews has it incorrect unfortunately…

        NAC is one to consider as well


    • FYI ~ Prion Disease is Mad Cow Disease which is 100% fatal.
      CJD is one form of prion disease. Alzheimer’s, Parkinsons and ALS are also prion diseases. Unfortunately, this has the potential to be an absolute slaughter.


      • I did find in pfiezer research papers that nanolipids disolve in a high PH…Get the body alkallinzed ….
        beyond that….Reversatrol works great with NAC
        Hemp oil contains a molecule that repairs DNA damage, as does Cats claw herb
        vaccine associated prion and other neurological side effects…Catnip extract
        vaccine associated cancer and diabetes…Butterfly pea extract
        look at crotalus horrdus 200c (my family uses this 1x per month) it inhibits reverse transcrisptase enyme… spike protein cannot replicate….studies out of India confirmed this by successfully treating epidemics of diseases with spike proteins..and confirmed with a University in the states…
        Lachesis Mutus…MANY USES has a potent effect on the blood and central nervous system….NOTE: The FDA has it’s sites on these and many other homeopathics …As well as NAC
        Enzymes to break up the spike protein are useful also Bromelain, use with NAC…
        Nattokinase is a longer acting enzyme 8-12 hours…Superior to anti blood clotting meds…

        GLUTATHIONE AND NAC…Antidotes to graphene oxide…..
        THere you go…..have a great day…

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hey Karl,
        There’s one more prion disease….. you may find this of interest. Kudo… was common among cannibal tribes of Papua NG…. they would eat the brains of their loved ones after they died.
        They became ZOMBIE like!!!!!!!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

      • I think you’re talking about Kuru. Here’s the definition from Wikipedia: “Kuru is a rare, incurable and fatal neurodegenerative disorder that was formerly common among the Fore people of Papua New Guinea.Kuru is a form of transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) caused by the transmission of abnormally folded proteins (), which leads to symptoms such as tremors and loss of coordination from neurodegeneration”


    • I’m thankfully finding information about detoxing the spike proteins but does anyone know if we can reverse the damage the spike proteins have already done? Will detoxing them, restore the body to regular health?


  2. Thanks for getting this out . I recently cam across Anoited oil with cinnamon , calamus,cassio, myrr, olive oil, is it possible this to helps fight off the vaccine


    • Pick needles off the nearest pine tree and steep in hot water. It seems to work when I get a headache. I’m living with a vaxxed person and fear the Spike Protein shedding event is causing them. At times I just chew a few pine needles.

      Liked by 1 person

    • It is white pine needle oil. You can get pine tea on amazon but you don’t know what is in it or if it is potent. If you want quality I’ve seen this on several sites. It has shikimic acid which is the healing property.
      Also, what they say is better is Star Anise which they have on their site. It is the highest potency and white pine is second. Also, c60 is good for detoxing the body, heavy metals, etc. But you need a good one. A less expensive supplement is Zeolite. A site filled with great information is:
      This is a very surreal time we are living in and we all want to survive this deadly vaxx. God Bless you all,
      and let’s help each other!!


    • I ve been using. Red pine needle oil , caps, soap , face cream tea bags from
      Live pine man steve has been selling this product for 18 yrs pine needles good
      For lyme and many viruses bacteria autism 4000 yr old remedy.. research !


  3. is there a time frame after getting the vaccine that you have to take these things in to get rid of the mrna???? please get back to me asap


    • Hi Marcos – I have no idea when to start taking the products. This whole covid vaccine thing is so new to all of us it’s like we’re just wingin’ it to stay healthy and alive. It’s up to you when you would take the products, if it were me I would start right away but that is just my own personal opinion. Book mark the page because as I find more info and products on that topic I will add them. Good luck my friend….


      • I have unfortunately been forced by my work to get the “jab” I am totally against it but have a young family (6 children) and they need to eat.
        So after hearing about the “vaccine” I did all I could to find out what was in them then found studies from way before the plandemic about what counteracts the effects on humans.
        Here is what I take daily.

        S-ACETYL L-GLUTATHIONE 2 X 100MG per day.

        10000iu VITAMIN D3 per day

        30 DROPS of PURE PINE NEEDLE EXTRACT per day


        1000mg of VITAMIN C per day

        500mg of TURMERIC ROOT POWDER per day.

        Plus intermittent and long term fasting.


    • Just trying to figure it out myself. I’m stocking up on E D T A (liquid and tabs) check it out.
      Also activated charcoal caps and powder.(removes toxins and I saw the powder cure gangrene.
      C60 is another form of carbon promoted by Cliff High. Please check his vitamin recommendations.
      Also going to try colloidal silver. I make my own.
      Stocking up on vit..C, D3, K, Nebulizer and Asthmanefrin, hydrogen peroxide, Iodine, vapor rubs.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Thank you so much, I can’t say how better I feel finding your page. My boyfriend will have to take the v. and I’m devastated to say the least by the potential long term effects this implies on his health and also mine. I could end it but some things are just worth fighting for.

    I’m hoping and praying some people and scientists are working really hard in the background to come up with a solution for this. Again thank you for putting this info out there. Universe bless you xx


    • Thank you Alexa! I’m just hoping and praying that the criminals that brought this SCAMdemic and the poison JAB to our planet are brought to justice soon. In the meantime I am going to keep searching for ways to rid our bodies of the dangerous Spike Protein or at least alleviate the destruction they cause. Just keep checking back at my website for new ideas/products because I will update often. I just added a couple of products lastnight. Share the link too as many have taken the jab and will need the information at some point:


    • I would personally try to bribe the one administering the shot to use my own vial of saline.
      And it would be a substantial $$$$$. If all else fails, see what I’m trying above. Jerry W.


  5. I forgot to say this as well but the zeolite I’m getting is from Amazon. If I take this zeolite and eat organic and excercise daily and stay in good health will it keep me from getting killed by this lethal injection


  6. So sorry to hear about your little brother. My husband also had the Moderna vaccines, against my will. We have a 2 year old daughter and I am constantly on edge when she spends time with him. It’s the worst feeling. I am allergic to Hydroxychloroquine, so I am on the lookout for alternative spike protein inhibitors. Thank you for this information.

    I have the Pure Body Extra zeolite spray and give it to my daughter and myself every day. Also utilizing baths with Bentonite clay, epsom salts, baking soda and borax. Also liposomal vitamin C. It helps but I still feel really bad sometimes, like unable to breathe very well at times, and at other times extremely tired. Maybe I will begin using the protocol listed in this website as well.


  7. THANK YOU for posting this information! The options for vaccine mitigation definitely need to be out there for people to know about. No one should be forced to take a vaccine out of discrimination or fear of losing their livelihoods, especially an experimental vaccine for a virus with such a high recovery rate! Let’s keep figuring this out folks!


  8. Thanks so much! Hard to find good info on everything relating to this intentional shitshow. Where can I find more info on Spike Proteins? As a healthy adult, how much will it affect me. Not vaccinated, not planning. But I have read on trust-worthy sources that it can be transferred from vaxed people… Is this true? And if so, will the treatments above help that? As I understood, it will.

    Thanks so much again!! It would be amazing if you had a Zoom webinar some time!
    Sunny Regards from South Africa


    • Look, I have no proof of this, but I would think that spike proteins expressed as exosomes from lung cells are so few as to not be cause for panic (for most). Even though Pfizer and cohorts wrongly promised that the mRNA would stay in injection site cells, there can not be more than a couple of percent that reach the lungs. Most end up in the spleen and liver.
      Of course, stay as well away from the vaccinated as possible. otherwise healthy immune systems are able to neutralise the prion proteins as well as the actual virus – also cancerous cells come to that.

      If you have been vaccinated, or else in close proximity with the vaccinated over extended time periods then it is likely a different matter. The Moderna ‘therapy’ has 40 trillion mRNAs in one dose – the average human body has around 36 trillion cells. How many spike proteins are produced by one mRNA? Over lifetime, or per second, maybe that information can be got – regardless, its gotta’ be a whole shit load.

      The very very best method the body has to expel all sorts of pathogens, from cancer cells to prion proteins is autophagy. The very best method to induce autophagy is also the very cheapest, in fact it has a negative physical cost, whilst maintaining a positive environmental effect – FASTING. The body rids itself of damaged cells, or heals damaged cells by eliminating the pathogens inside them. The spike proteins will also be removed, but a longer fasting time may be required for those harbouring sexdecillion or so of these horrors.

      Of course the manufacturers of these poisons also promised that the spike proteins would stay attached to the cells’ membranes, only again to be proved completely wrong. They cleave, and thus end up floating around in the bloodstream – so small, they are able to access the smallest capillary. When they attach to the endothelial cells, along comes the immune system and attacks them, causing microvascular clots that can only be detected via the d-Dimer test.

      Another, potentially the most devastating, problem that is specific to the mRNAs, is the similarity between them and THE most devastating prion on the planet. Madcow prions (the most vicious prions around) have a glycine zipper motif of ten GxxxG’s. The spike proteins have five of these motifs – ie half of the madcow proteins!!! There is increasing evidence that many neurological diseases are prion related, such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and ALS, so good luck if you fell for this.

      Another problem is ADE or Viral Interference, which in the case of coronaviruses will occur regardless of vaccine type, and so also happens even if an attenuated live virus (ie flu shot (also deadly)) vaccine is taken. Many of the unfortunate vaccine recipients will find their immune system go haywire, when subjected to the ‘wild’ virus, especially a slightly different variant. They knew this; even so Trump and cohorts allowed Operation Warp Speed to curtail the animal trials!! They did this because the animals typically died a few months after vaccination, in ALL previous coronavirus trials, over DECADES.


  9. Do you have any update since last year on how to neutralize the covid jab, your report from last year was most informativeand very much appreciated

    Liked by 1 person

      • I was forced to also get vaccinated (moderne)but I’ve only got 1 shot and was able to flee from the other one so I’m not fully vaccinated ,I’m 20 and have a 9 month old baby ,what should I do for spike protein shedding it scares me that this poison is in my body ,at the moment I take NAC,Quercetin,Milk Thistle,Turmeric, astaxanthin(spelling ?)VD3 and I have pine needle tea I just started ,should I add anything to this ?Thank you


      • I would also recommend Zeolite – info on that is at my website near the top of the page, check it out! Here is the info: Watch this video – The presenter, Anna, shows a video from a pro-vaccine researcher, who discusses peer reviewed studies that explain where the Spike Proteins from the vaccine accumulate in the human body. Anna then explains that because Spike Proteins are positively charged, and toxins, negatively charged Zeolite, which scavenges for positively charged toxins (a peer reviewed process), could help combat the spike proteins from both the vaccine and possible shedding ~ this is incredible!

        ORDER the “Pure Body Extra” Zeolite Clinoptilolite Here:


  10. I found something quite interesting….While looking for exemptions for the covid vax…I noticed the CDC first recomentation for immune comprimised people on immune suppressents, was to ask their doctor if they could get off them for a week before and 3 weeks after, as they BLUNT the vaccine…REALLY!!!…That started me on a WHY mission….I now believe they neutralize the vax….We can’t take those meds obviously…Well, many meds are made from herb components…..and there are herbal immune depressors as well as immune modulators…AND they are using some of them with immune depressor medications, so less med is needed and thus less nasty side effects from those meds….So…I believe these herbs are worth looking into…There are some contradications….and some side effects….but I myself will be using the first one, if forced to take the vax….and I will be taking it one week before and three weeks after….
    WHITE PEONY ROOT EXTRACT (paeonia lactiflora) CORDYCEPS EXTRACT (mushroom)..BUPLEURUM EXTRACT…..NOTE:….This is a stand alone protocol….I will also use nattokinase and Lachesis mutus….and of course clean eating…Please have a look at the reference I am attaching as well….


    • I also saw that it is recommended to eat well before and after vaccination and drink plenty of fluids….
      So the obvious answer is to dry fast. I have dry fasted for 3 days previously and then water fasted for 4 additional days.
      Fasting puts healthy cells into a protective state and the white blood cells go into the bone marrow then latter come out rejuvenated (72 hours on a water fast but a dry fast is much faster – estimated 3x’s faster).
      I have been warned the new mandates will mean my company will not get paid for Medicaid services if staff is not vaccinated.
      So I will be losing my job soon.
      I plan to get a different job but finding one that is exempt will be difficult.
      I know eventually things will be forced.
      So I’m planning on fasting prior to and after.


  11. More interesting info….Pro vax doctors and CDC are recommending that you not take alieve, motrin, tyenol, ibprophen or other pain killers, before the covid vaccine as it makes the vaccine less effective…STOPS IT FROM WORKING AS DESIGNED, but it is ok to take after, if needed for a sore arm, and they do give alternative solutions instead, such as ice packs…Seems they want you to avoid those pain killers!!!…..There is alot of info on this that can be found online….It is also recommended that you not give babies baby tyenol prior to any vaccines as it makes them extremely ineffective…See pubmed to that research….


    • I hope we can learn more about this. I would take a painkiller on purpose if I knew that it would lessen the damage from these vaxxes.


  12. They say not to take any pain killers immediately before or after the vax. It supposedly makes the vax more ineffective. Do we know why we shouldn’t take them, and if we did, would that help or hurt us?


  13. Any recommendations for length of time to take NAC post vivid vaccine at 600 mg or should it be more? How often? Thank you for any help you can provide, I have some family .embers I would like to remove graphene oxide for.


  14. Hello and thank you for this incredibly valuable resource. I’m unvaxxed and think I may be suffering from vax shedding as my roommate is vaxxed, and I’ve also slept with a few vaxxed individuals. (Will not be making that mistake any longer). My main symptom right now is headaches. I’m currently taking Vitamins C and D, Zinc, Quercetin, Magnesium, NAC and elderberry tea. I also started on Ivermectin four days ago and have a few days supply left. Should I add anything specifically for the headaches? I saw one person say that pine needles were helpful with his headaches. Any help would be greatly appreciated, and thank you again for these important websites.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Sadly, the Nazi F B has your other blog on detox from the jab banned and can’t be shared 😦 I HIGHLY recommend people visit it, it is loaded with valid info.


  16. This is such a great blog and is absolutely fantastic. I’ve spent tons of hours to find similar information and here you have all in one place – THANK YOU!.
    My f…ing employer is forcing me to get the jab…I can’t quit, have people depending on me. I am preparing my own protocol: pre-jab and after-jab. I definitely recommend cannabis oil, if you don’t have it you can buy CBD oil online in Canada (I’ve made my own full spectrum THC included) – search web for “CBD spike proteins” and you will find a lot of scientific proof. You should also consider Colloidal Silver –
    Glycine –
    Dandelion leaves
    The most potent antidote possibly for Covid if you get it and for spike proteins after the jab is Chlorine Dioxide but this may not be for everyone. Definitely don’t Google it (tons of anti CD propaganda from government and big pharma, demonizing it), use different search engine or just go here and download some info:
    I’m using CD myself for years and it’s amazing stuff but you have to know what you are doing

    Finally, if you have guts, you can decide to apply ancient method of wet cubbing or “hijama”: – I’m looking into it and getting prepared.

    I’m surrounded by a lots of pro-jab morons, complete ignorant, dangerous, mean spirited, self-enslaving, self-destroying idiots and I’m loosing faith in humanity.

    oh, besides nattokinase and bromelain you should add Serrapeptase (more potent enzyme) for issues with blood clots.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I am in tears as I write this. I am being forced by my work to take the shot. I am 60 years old and cannot start over at a new job. I am even losing my husband over this – he is so mad at me for not wanting to be vaxxed. I am very healthy, I read all food and cosmetic labels, I have been, since age 16 or 17, super conscientious of what goes in and on my body. AND NOW THIS. I am flipping out. My body had once been my own domain, my temple…. So sad.

    I think I will take the J&J shot because right now only one injection is required and it is not that mRNA technology. Do you have any thoughts, detox, ideas on this?

    Thank you so much,


    • Hi Linda – it’s terrible what employers are doing now. I lost my job 3 weeks ago because I won’t get the jab. If I was to get the jab I would start building up my immune system now. I would also start taking the supplements listed at my website on the Graphene Oxide page. I can’t advise you what to do, all I can say is what I would personally do. There’s some great info there and product ideas At the top of the page is the Graphine Oxide heading, click that. I wish you much luck Linda, hugs to you!!! 🙂


    • Linda, I feel for you. I work for a sub-contractor to the federal gov’t and was faced with losing my job or getting vaxxed. Unfortunately, I’m not in a position to lose my income because of the financial responsibilities I have for several family members. If I didn’t have these responsibilities, I wouldn’t have gotten vaxxed. I feel like a coward and haven’t slept well since getting vaxxed. For some, it’s an easy decision not to get vaxxed, but for others, it’s not. In the big picture, I know I had to do what was right for my family, but it sucks being put into this position in the first place.


    • Unfortunately here in Germany, the J&J shot is now regarded as “not reliable”, (so obviously it is the best, the one they are most afraid of), so now only the mrna’s are being used, the absolute worst. I am also being forced by my work to get the shot. This country is reverting back to the “nasty” second world war tactics, like in the h°l°cast.


  18. Thank you so much for your reply. I am investigating as much as possible. I am already on a pretty good supplement program, but I am hoping to find info – if it is out there – on how to help my cells protect themselves from the foreign invader so that I can just eliminate from my system. Fingers crossed.

    I appreciate your kind words. I was a total wreck yesterday.

    Warmest regards,


  19. Thanks for all your great advice ! I am also being coerced to take this crap… and trying to plan for when they come for our kids…
    My question: how long should we stay on all these supplements after the shots? 1 month? 1 year?

    Liked by 1 person

  20. I’m 48 & also being forced to get the vaccine by my employer. I decided on J&J, but I definitely don’t want to get it. I’m terrified of the ramifications. I’m not on any supplements yet, really can’t afford to buy a bunch, & I’m overwhelmed by all of the info out there. I hope I can come up with an affordable plan. I’m gonna try activated charcoal capsules for sure. Just stumbled upon your website. Thank you!


  21. Yeah, I’m in the same boat. Getting my second shot this weekend or I lose my job. But I had an idea I thought I’d run past you lot. What about heat? What if you got some ‘hot hands’ and had them cracked open beforehand and ready in your pocket. Then as soon as you get the shot, slap it on your arm as you get up and leave, holding it there as long as possible. I mean, the Moderna and Pfizer shots have to be kept refrigerated big time, and I’ve seen stories about thousands of doses being destroyed because someone accidentally unplugs a fridge. I’m still going to take NAC Glutathione & Charcoal of course. But it seemed like a better idea than my wife’s snake bite kit. She got a little blood out, but not nearly enough to match the volume of what went in.


  22. What about Ionic Foot Detox Baths for Graphene oxide detox?

    I recently did one and noticed a jump in energy after.

    I’m being forced to vaccinate as well. I had Moderna for my first shot (NEVER again). So I’m demanding Pfizer for the second.

    I’ve been following the detox protocol you’ve listed for quite some time now.

    What about these placebo rumours going around? I’m in Canada, and apparently there’s been some of that going around.

    One last thing, has anyone had sinus inflammation/headache from vaccine shedding? If I had the placebo, I’m wondering if that’s what’s causing it? It’s been going on for two weeks at work.


    • Hi Charles ~ I have never done the foot detox baths before, I think I will now. I heard about the placebos too, I hope that my son got one of those and will for his second but then the boosters will be a part of the inoculations too – crimes against humanity if you ask me. I hope these criminals are stopped SOON! I know Fauci is in BIG trouble. If he goes the dominoes will fall. I haven’t heard about sinus inflammation or headaches from shedding. My son and I are roommates and I have not been affected at all after his jab.


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